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Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: toy on October 12, 2013, 02:13:29 PM

Title: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 12, 2013, 02:13:29 PM
Ok my wife was  a CNA at a cathlick nursing home for 6 years till she got caned Monday  :-[ .She did  every thing she could possibly do to  please her employer . My wife was allways covering for people when they called in sick .she would go into work eirly to cover when they were short staffed im talking about getting a phone call at like 2 in the morning getting up at 3 am and going in when her shift didn't  actually start till 530 am .Shed work her weekends off when they were short staffed .My wife was allways doing all kinds off  nice shit like that to please her employer plus she loved her job she  loved working with the elderly .shed allways be comeing home crying though when one of them would pass away . she has a really big heart .OK lets get down to buisnes here . Not last weak but the weak before  she  gets into a little dispute at work with a fellow co worker another CNA  who has hardly even been working there  a half of a year to be exsact .BUT HER SISTER IS THE LEAD CNA AND THE LEAD C.NA. IS BEST FRIENDS WITH THE D.O.N. DIRECTER OF NURSING .Well basicly this chick( we will call her bitch ) trys telling my wife what assignment my wife  was going to be on for the day it was the shitty assignment and my wife just did it the day before . so my wife thought it was only fair that the  bitch did it that day and told her that .Well anyways wife tells me the bitch  goes running in to the break room and said  she saw her pull her cell phone out and call some one my wife  assumes she is calling her sister the lead CNA to complain about her having to do the shitty assinment.Well after her phone call she come back onto the floor and keeps giving my wife dirty ass looks kept doing this through out the day  and the rest of the week .to make a long story short she goes into work Monday and one of her bosses a Nun was at the front door waiting for her wouldn't even let her punch in she  pulled my wife  into an office and handed her a letter wich was sealed in an envolpe then fired her on the spot and said that the DON said that she tried calling her over the week end  wich is bull cause my wife never got a phone call we even checked her cell phone for missed calls and  there was nothing .so the DON lied basicly  about the phone call .was hopeing you all would be able to turn me and my wife into the rite direction about getting legal help cant afford a layer .she all ready cotacted equill employees rites or some shit like that figured you all could help steer us in the rite direction never had nothing like this happen to us before was thinking about getting one of those free lawyers the ones you don't pay unless they win to sue there asses .please guys we realy need all your guyses help and info any thing would be greatfull swisha recommended me stating this thread some good advice thanks brother swisha
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: AMeanOne on October 12, 2013, 02:24:15 PM
Maybe try talking to a few different lawyers, if theyre cool, they may take this case pro bono
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 12, 2013, 02:42:02 PM
oh ya almost forgot to ad that the letter was written by of course the DON and it said she was  letting my wife  go for unsatisfactory work no woning no write ups never no nothing just a bunch of favortism kinda odd though shes best friend with the lead CNA and the chick that started this bull with my wife is the lead c.n.a. sister huh .
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jbmac on October 12, 2013, 02:45:26 PM
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 12, 2013, 03:22:14 PM
just called a few lawyers but it looks like they are all closed for the week end should have known that but left some messages just gota sit back and wate I gues .any sugestions would be greatful ill check back in from time to time
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jones on October 12, 2013, 03:33:34 PM
Here ia Arizona you would hafta go through a state agency first & it is called the EEOC. Some places call them
the Wage & Labor board idk about the law where you live but out my way they woulda had to verbally warned
her twice & written her up once to make a firing stick. I hope you get some justice done Toy
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: tibeirious on October 12, 2013, 04:52:04 PM
damn..i hate legal shit..sorry you and your women are going through this Brother. I pray it turns out in your favor.
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jbmac on October 12, 2013, 05:18:30 PM
The State Bar list link I listed above lets you talk to a lawyer for half an hour for about $60 or so,  you tell them what you are looking for and
they match a local lawyer for you. A good start!
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: Ruh_Roh on October 12, 2013, 09:57:07 PM
You can actually go in and get a free consultation and they can let you know If you have a case or not...Then you pay the...shit...forgot the damn name they call it...not deposit...fuck   it's literally at the tip of my tongue...Anyways, you can usually work out payment options. Few hundred usually.

Also you can get online and go to forums and get legal advice from lawyers as well on what options you have available.

Ahhh yes, fucking retainer!   Most give sit down and talk for free for about 30 mins or so and if they think they have a case, they will let you know.
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jbmac on October 12, 2013, 11:03:19 PM
That few hundred is only the beginning. I am an expert on contingency experts. With most judgments, most of the expense is trying to recover them.
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jones on October 13, 2013, 02:01:59 AM
The State Bar list link I listed above lets you talk to a lawyer for half an hour for about $60 or so,  you tell them what you are looking for and
they match a local lawyer for you. A good start!

I have done this before a few times & it isn't the best way to find a competent lawyer as the
state just picks at random from whoever is on their list. Much better to go with someone
that was suggested, if you know anyone...
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 17, 2013, 01:59:35 AM
thanks for all the advice guys we really need it
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 18, 2013, 12:37:41 AM
isn't there like some 1800 number you can call to repot your employer for doing shit like this I forget the name  :-\ but I know theres a number I cant find it thuogh
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: Driver on October 18, 2013, 12:41:43 AM
Hope things get better for you and the wife, toy.
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 18, 2013, 12:57:11 AM
thanks driver that means a lot bro .my wife got a brosure in the mail today from the state of Wisconsin department of work force development .on nthe cover it says( fair employment law and complaint process )gonna read over it just noticed it sitting here in front of the computer ,at least its a start .we went and sighnd up for food stamps and energy assistance to help us out a bit till my wife can get some unemployment coming in her job is trying to delay things mother fuckers I tel ya  .way to many bills and not enough money .we will survive though allways have before . the wife want s to move to Columbus ohio she has family there and has been wanting to move for a wile . I told her this is a bad time to move we need more money to do that .she so lonely here in Wisconsin no family here except my brother and Dad .once we get back on our feet think we might be headen to ohio to be by her fam
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jones on October 18, 2013, 01:14:09 AM
thanks driver that means a lot bro .my wife got a brosure in the mail today from the state of Wisconsin department of work force development .on nthe cover it says( fair employment law and complaint process )gonna read over it just noticed it sitting here in front of the computer ,at least its a start .we went and sighnd up for food stamps and energy assistance to help us out a bit till my wife can get some unemployment coming in her job is trying to delay things mother fuckers I tel ya  .way to many bills and not enough money .we will survive though allways have before . the wife want s to move to Columbus ohio she has family there and has been wanting to move for a wile . I told her this is a bad time to move we need more money to do that .she so lonely here in Wisconsin no family here except my brother and Dad .once we get back on our feet think we might be headen to ohio to be by her fam

I usually just save time & put the word Un in front of gov't law bs nowadays. I'm sure that the brochure for the un-fair employment law will
tell you that your options have been limited by the state. Still I'm sure your wife needs at least One Written warning before a firing can occur
the place she worked sounds big enough that they could hire her back and just put her on a dif shift where she won't see the other bitchez who
hassled her. They are delaying paying benefits but it will come out soon hat there is no write-up on her-Then the money will roll
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: toy on October 18, 2013, 02:51:21 AM
thanks driver that means a lot bro .my wife got a brosure in the mail today from the state of Wisconsin department of work force development .on nthe cover it says( fair employment law and complaint process )gonna read over it just noticed it sitting here in front of the computer ,at least its a start .we went and sighnd up for food stamps and energy assistance to help us out a bit till my wife can get some unemployment coming in her job is trying to delay things mother fuckers I tel ya  .way to many bills and not enough money .we will survive though allways have before . the wife want s to move to Columbus ohio she has family there and has been wanting to move for a wile . I told her this is a bad time to move we need more money to do that .she so lonely here in Wisconsin no family here except my brother and Dad .once we get back on our feet think we might be headen to ohio to be by her fam

I usually just save time & put the word Un in front of gov't law bs nowadays. I'm sure that the brochure for the un-fair employment law will
tell you that your options have been limited by the state. Still I'm sure your wife needs at least One Written warning before a firing can occur
the place she worked sounds big enough that they could hire her back and just put her on a dif shift where she won't see the other bitchez who
hassled her. They are delaying paying benefits but it will come out soon hat there is no write-up on her-Then the money will roll
nope none at all not even a verbal. I took a form  from energy assistance to her job to be filled out the lady in the office said that I just wanted to let you know that your wife was a really good aid rediculess the way she was let go .I feel so bad for her .she s a realy nice woman wouldn't hurt a fly .
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: jones on October 18, 2013, 05:37:49 PM
Toy you better write down that lady's name,
   Sounds like a great witness if this does go to court
Title: Re: neeed yuo help guys
Post by: Driver on October 18, 2013, 05:57:54 PM
Cool.  Hope things get headed in the right direction, bet they will.  We will be thinking of ya.

Take care.

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