The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on December 01, 2013, 07:11:02 PM
Ok I am no longer eating KFC! Sad thing is I think they put worse sht in their recipe than what was on this video!
Wanna die young? Eat KFC every day for 1 month, and you will die!
no thanks, i'll stick with mcnuggets
thats 3 minutes I cant get back... WTH
Ok I am no longer eating KFC! Sad thing is I think they put worse sht in their recipe than what was on this video!
Wanna die young? Eat KFC every day for 1 month, and you will die!
The movie Supersize Me proved you wrong, just makes ya fat not dead
lol..i went a got a bucket of flame broiled. Awesomeness... :horns up
Leeeeroyyyy Jenkins
lmao @ the kfc getting tossed in the toilet, what a fucked up video haha
no thanks, i'll stick with mcnuggets
You sure ya wanna stick with McNuggets?
fuck..;lol. gross
lmao @ the kfc getting tossed in the toilet, what a fucked up video haha
no thanks, i'll stick with mcnuggets
You sure ya wanna stick with McNuggets?
Fibers Shmibers, they taste delicious, & you can't be chewing if you are complaining
I bet his house smells like shit after he makes a video....all that food he is using is expired from the grocery store the guy works at lol
Go ted Go!
Make that mother call you movie ever..
No wait ..holy shit I saw Gravity in the theater and it made me nervous , sick to my stomache and claustrophobic..good stuff..
So it goes
KICK ASS2 is number one
gravity is number 2
and ted is number three..
followed by every porno ever made..Go ron Jeremy ..go..
ad while I LOVED the books as a child.....I HATE THE LORD OF TEH RINGS MOVIES>>>STOP STREAZTCHING THE SHORTEST BOOK (hobbit),,there was a reason he mad eit shorter....there was not enough original material to warrant another 12 books.....
Hunger games and harry potterhead..I am looking at you..of course all this shit started when a certain director named steve decided to split up Back to the future two an was the beginning of a dark time...
THE HOBBIT WAS ONE SHORT BOOK!! damn you Jackson...
as a 8 year old it was the reason I choose the hobbit first. What is the third book set? The Silmarillion?
at this pace it would take 20 movies. And they would all be too long..why does he make shit too does not enrich over explains and slowly drags..
to be a true artist. You have to know when less is more. He does