The Galaxy Lounge

Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on February 10, 2013, 04:58:20 PM

Title: Banned at TGL
Post by: Galaxy Admin on February 10, 2013, 04:58:20 PM
Have you been banned at TGL?

An open letter sent to TGL Mgt.

"You have gone completely over the top. What a self righteous jerk you have become. The forum that was made was because you banned all blend talk and It was made so people could continue talking about what you censor and not break your rules! JFC wth is wrong with you?? Not one of those folks was interested in leaving TGL and would have continued to contribute about non blend related topics. The new forum is not to take people away but you decided that on your own.

One guy couldn't handle his drugs and ended up in rehab. His wife clearly states he is alive, just in rehab.

Candy will kill you too if you stuff your face all day with it.

So who betrayed you by honoring your wishes and not talking about blends on your forum??

Whatever dude. Its your loss.


:Edited for personal remarks.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: iBaked on February 10, 2013, 06:50:27 PM
TGL Banned List:


*the list will update as notified


Definitely taken to the extreme on his part.
Guess I won't be contributing anything there anymore. Funny, cause if you check way more than 50% of my posts, nothing blend related... His loss.

Welcome Home.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Dashneo on February 10, 2013, 09:06:34 PM
I opened my browser to go kill some time reading reviews in the blend review section at TGL. When I got there the section was gone. I checked the news section and the update section and there was NOTHING explaining what the hell was going on. Not even a post saying why it was gone. I didn't get banned even though ALL my posts were in the blend review section.

FUCK TGL. They deleted all my posts and my post count was zero when I left lol
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: orthene on February 10, 2013, 10:50:55 PM
I'm watching the turmoil over there; this thing has shaken the hornets nest up a bit. But I don't want to talk out of turn because I want the option to choose regular or decaf left open for me.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: ShroomVroom on February 11, 2013, 12:15:23 AM
Glad we have a banned club going...It's amazing to see how quickly things can erode.

I wish us all the best, connections that we have were awesome, and they should continue that way into the future.

Here's to a new start after a new year!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: ShroomVroom on February 11, 2013, 12:53:33 AM
I'm starting over Queen, so I'm trying to remain somewhat private on that. I never contributed anything good anyways, so I don't feel bad. I just shot the shit and tried to network. I got to know some great vendors and such.

My goal over there was mostly research anyways, I was in college at the time and I thought that the RC's would go from Cannabinoids to shrooms and such, like it had for PCP analogues...I was just trying to avoid popping positive for THC tests, and I discovered this massive underground movement, so I joined in and had a blast.

Did everyone just drag their old usernames back here? Is yours the same Queen?

BTW, great to meet you!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: ShroomVroom on February 11, 2013, 01:21:25 AM
How were people banned? I didn't really speak out much, so maybe I didn't piss anyone off. Once I found out he left for "rehab" I just stopped going there, I figured it was an LEO trap waiting to happen...

if you ever find out how I can try that from MHH, you should PM me the details! I've been searching everywhere for something similar. I wanted my finals to have that topic, but I couldn't get any to play with....
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: ShroomVroom on February 11, 2013, 01:37:04 AM
Not telling :P

I'm hoping Admin will vouch for me, I just don't want to carry over my past name from TGL.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sparrow on February 11, 2013, 02:30:16 AM
Hey everybody, I'm glad to be here! TGL was becoming suffocating with the "click"  of no-blenders. They were makin' me feel "less-than" because I like blends. The "Secret thread" thing is just plain rude and, well, who cares?. HOORAY FOR "SPICED!" 
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: orthene on February 11, 2013, 02:43:08 AM
Hey everybody, I'm glad to be here! TGL was becoming suffocating with the "click"  of no-blenders. They were makin' me feel "less-than" because I like blends. The "Secret thread" thing is just plain rude and, well, who cares?. HOORAY FOR "SPICED!"
I am happy you are not one of those "I look down my nose at you for blending" folks. Man, I posted on the Secret thread and felt like I hacked into the Cray Supercomputer or something. Then come to find out the thread was unlocked or something --really burst my bubble haha.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Winning on February 11, 2013, 06:47:30 AM
If anyone banned wishes to see the forum while being IP banned, then download an IP hiding software, they normally slow down your computer while being used though. I use Hotspot Shield. There are also others like 'Hide my Ip'.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: orthene on February 11, 2013, 09:22:02 AM
If anyone banned wishes to see the forum while being IP banned, then download an IP hiding software, they normally slow down your computer while being used though. I use Hotspot Shield. There are also others like 'Hide my Ip'.
There is also
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: BurnMan on February 11, 2013, 08:30:47 PM
Any proxy browser will work. Just google proxy browsing. There are hundreds.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 11, 2013, 10:12:54 PM
TGL seems to be where people go when they're done making money off of the blending community and then smoke weed.

Spiceworld420 for awhile was the blend forum to be at.  Hopefully now it will be this place.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Eyefire on February 11, 2013, 10:44:26 PM
Thank censor is as asinine as banning MJ
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: FSU on February 11, 2013, 10:50:14 PM
Whaaaat?!  Sun, you got the hammer?!  How in the world am I not banned from TGL yet?!?!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: niemandgeist on February 12, 2013, 12:30:27 AM
If anyone banned wishes to see the forum while being IP banned, then download an IP hiding software, they normally slow down your computer while being used though. I use Hotspot Shield. There are also others like 'Hide my Ip'.

If you aren't using a private VPN or a TOR node you really aren't hiding anything. If you aren't paying for it (VPN) or it wasn't spearheaded and developed by the government to hide their own tracks (TOR) I would not personally recommend that you trust it.

Also, very amusing solution to an interesting problem, this forum. Surprised no one else has caught on. Don't worry --- I'll keep mum apart from this. ::tips his hat to the admin and creator:: I'm impressed :)
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: FSU on February 12, 2013, 12:56:15 AM
Yes, need some killer emoticons! Just don't make sense to ban someone for joining another forum? Wonder what the reasoning was..
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Gio on February 12, 2013, 01:40:39 AM
That's why you were banned. PM's aren't private there.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Subgenius on February 12, 2013, 03:27:21 AM
I am one of the LOST Souls that were banished from TGL by the all powerful, all knowing , BUZZ KILLAH MMD. He says TGL is not a BLEND FORUM. Gee he had me fooled for about the last year and a half.


Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Subgenius on February 12, 2013, 03:47:04 AM
I wasn't really banned ,but when MMD dropped the BLENDERS I knew it was time for me to exit stage right and say bye bye,so long,farewell.

It's good to be back with all of the folk in the blend community in our new home at!!!

I e-mailed Hatter about  TGL banning all blend discussions and reviews and he said in his opinion TGL has been going downhill steadily !!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 14, 2013, 09:51:20 PM
Argyle told me he hasn't banned anyone since all this has gone down.

I've known for a long time PM's on TGL are read by admins, so if you were inviting people to spiced then that's probably why.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 15, 2013, 12:51:36 AM
While animosity can sometimes unify, it is more often than not a divisive force.

I feel like we should let this thread die, so it's not the focal point of new member's perception when they're arriving.  Let us forge ahead in the name of brotherhood and friendship.

We'll be masters of karate!  and Friendship!  For everyone!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sledgehammer on February 15, 2013, 01:09:00 AM
I was banned as well.

for replying to a PM from a customer, (would it not be bad customer service to NOT answer?)

besides is pm not PRIVATE message???????

not to mention he clipped my banner / Vendor thread AFTER I paid with no refund, so I felt I was owed anyway.

RIGHT before he banned everyone and took off blends he tried to sell ME (the person he banned first and hated) the fourm I say no then THIS.

funny shit IMO
Oh no!  I think I may have been that customer!  No wonder when I PMd you back, it just sat in my outbox.  Looks like he banned you on the same day.  My bad!  Great to see you here though, Hatter!  Maybe now I can try that sample I've been waiting on, lol.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: harkonnen on February 15, 2013, 03:31:32 AM
I have NOT banned yet but iveAsked to be FUCK mmd and His 'revaped site'    I have ALWAYS HATED the way he ran taht place always deleting posts Espelly IF IT WAS a so called sponserd vebdor LHS  I basiclly got an earful one day for stating that he was acting like a nazi in charge of a concentration camp !!!!!!

so to end this I hope real misfourte for him and his ever changing fourm
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: FSU on February 15, 2013, 11:41:58 AM
I stirred up a lot of shit but it wasn't me! lol     See, hatter, I stook up for all of you vendors when that went down because I knew they were paid advertisments and he gave no warning what so ever, not even an hour warning, just oh I'm a god, delete delete delete.

He has deleted several of my posts because it "rubs" him the wrong way..? I don't take shit from anyone, in person or on a damn forum, period. They can go fuck themselves if they want to keep acting like little bitches over stupidity.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 15, 2013, 12:51:50 PM
I tried putting the URL to this place in my signature over there and he removed it.

Read from the bottom up..  That's what ensued after I said I was disappointed it was removed.  What a trip he's on.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: harkonnen on February 15, 2013, 01:30:03 PM
same here i also got a warning issued to because of it   just been ip banned

thats fine
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: bradnowell on February 15, 2013, 03:04:58 PM
There are plenty of other places for you guys to advertise other than TGL.  We all know MMD wants nothing to do with blends what so ever, just let him have his way, as silly as it may seem to us.  This bickering is getting you folks nowhere.  Just my two cents.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: FSU on February 15, 2013, 03:18:05 PM
I don't really think that's it. Mostly was just letting some of the other "regs" know about this place. Just another home away from home for blend talk but MMD took it lil too far and acted childish over it instead of just being like, fine you want to talk about blends, visit here and then just be done with ALL the posts and nonsense but it didn't go that route.  If he couldn't have it, NO ONE can and it was about the TGL members really, this is what this is for now the TGL members who couldn't talk about that stuff and still wished to do so.

Don't think it was oh we're gonna create a new blend site and be the biggest and baddest, more of it was for us regs at TGL  =/
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 15, 2013, 04:15:53 PM
I don't really think that's it. Mostly was just letting some of the other "regs" know about this place. Just another home away from home for blend talk but MMD took it lil too far and acted childish over it instead of just being like, fine you want to talk about blends, visit here and then just be done with ALL the posts and nonsense but it didn't go that route.  If he couldn't have it, NO ONE can and it was about the TGL members really, this is what this is for now the TGL members who couldn't talk about that stuff and still wished to do so.

Don't think it was oh we're gonna create a new blend site and be the biggest and baddest, more of it was for us regs at TGL  =/

Exactly.  He told me that if we want to advertise do it on Google.  That's just incredibly dickish considering we've made friends over the years on that forum and the forum was always first and foremost a blend forum.

You hit the nail on the head, if he can't have it, no one can, that's the attitude being thrown around.  We should at least be able to PRIVATE message people to tell them about the new site.  We should be able to PRIVATELY message period.  He won't even allow that, so I figure what harm will a link in my signature do?  Now I can't have a signature or avatar on TGL, he like took that ability from my profile or something.

What a bunch of malarky.  I call shenanigans.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 15, 2013, 04:17:02 PM
Look at what I said earlier in this topic, and how my attitude has changed today.

He's the one making this an "us vs them" situation.  Not us.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 15, 2013, 04:45:05 PM
Since everyone is seeing this topic, I want to post this here for the unobservant (like ME!)


Those links are more akin to the portal on TGL, with new topics to look at and new replies.  Let's fill this forum up with some content peoples!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Swishahouse6 on February 15, 2013, 06:49:22 PM
Seems funny that almost every Admin has sold blends at one time or another, but now that they don't blend anymore or have had a change of heart that everybody get the ban hammer.  Do you have any idea how much money was made by the Lead Admin, hundreds of thousands of dollars shit just don't add up.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: morallycorrupt on February 15, 2013, 07:37:33 PM
I'm hoping I'm banned from TGL. Glad to see so many familier names and faces here!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: iBaked on February 15, 2013, 07:42:58 PM
Word, Swisha...

This place is the new jumpoff, yo, welcome 8)
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: KratomToke on February 15, 2013, 11:21:16 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know, My name on TGL is AcoholFreeat41 here it is Herbs2013!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Swishahouse6 on February 16, 2013, 08:24:01 AM
hey AF41 glad to see ya bro!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 16, 2013, 10:40:03 AM
Alright..  I'm finally high again.. I think it's time we move on guys...

doo doo doo dooooo DOOO DOO doo doo dood, dooo...

funeral for what was...

now onward into the future!  lol I'm baked as shit damn

Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 17, 2013, 02:02:21 PM
purpsmurfin it..  lol x2
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sledgehammer on February 19, 2013, 12:47:22 PM
I have not found PS to be a stim or energy blend, although it is not a couch-locker either.  Just gives a kind of "up" happy feeling, but I can smoke it right before bed with no issues.  If you are looking for a baking blend with actual stim effects included, Wake & Bake from EO is my number 1 pick.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: BurnMan on February 19, 2013, 09:46:22 PM
let em go. we are at peace and no one is attacking us anymore.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sledgehammer on February 20, 2013, 01:34:43 AM
let em go. we are at peace and no one is attacking us anymore.
I second that emotion.  The divorce is final, they got to keep their website and we got custody of the blends, lol.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: harkonnen on February 20, 2013, 06:27:25 AM
you are oh so true sldgehammer i feel they can fuck off with the 'new' site we have a home here now

enough said.....
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: jyjy on February 22, 2013, 02:08:57 PM
I have not found PS to be a stim or energy blend, although it is not a couch-locker either.  Just gives a kind of "up" happy feeling, but I can smoke it right before bed with no issues.  If you are looking for a baking blend with actual stim effects included, Wake & Bake from EO is my number 1 pick.
The snailed may be stronger but I think the smurf is my fav of the dude's offerings.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: MandalaSmoker on February 22, 2013, 08:24:27 PM
It wont even let me try and request for another password.Said my answer to the question was incorrect.I tried everything.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: R on February 23, 2013, 07:41:21 AM
I spoke with the admins at the other site and anyone who wants to go back can go back.  However, why do you want to?  Blend talk is here and only here.  You can talk about anything here, not just MJ   Lfe is really too short for hate--let's just move on to the next part of the adventure.

I also can fill you in on a couple of TML members who were having some issues.  They are OK and getting cleaned up, hopefully getting their shit together and starting a new phase of their lives with no drugs.   

Drugs are not for everyone.  Some people are way better off without any.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: jyjy on February 23, 2013, 10:41:16 AM
Can't imagine wanting to go back there after the admins have proved so spectacularly untrustworthy, unstable and selfish.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sparrow on February 23, 2013, 03:01:28 PM
Ngls, it amazes me that you keep coming here and posting negatively about the lifestyle many of us choose to have. Most of us HAVE moved on to the next adventure. For me it's HERE, where I can talk about things freely when I wasn't able to on TGL; and now you come to MY new home and spew more of your weirdness on lifestyle choices and what people should and shouldn't do! "Drugs are not for everyone. Some sheeple are way better off w/out them" NO SHIT., Mr. Obvious!
What's that got to do with getting SPICED?! That's what we DO here, and that's what we LIKE and that's what we talk about! If you don't, and you don't like it, go somewhere else! Damn, dude, either light-up or leave us alone, imhfuao.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: iBaked on February 23, 2013, 03:12:51 PM
He was being nice Azazel. Ngls is just honest and up front about things. Where he said,

"I spoke with the admins at the other site and anyone who wants to go back can go back.  However, why do you want to?  Blend talk is here and only here.  You can talk about anything here, not just MJ   Lfe is really too short for hate--let's just move on to the next part of the adventure."

That was meant for us blenders that are here now and realize that (we are the next adventure). We can talk about anything here, including blends, which is why we will continue to stay here and more than likely not sign back up over at that one place. Oh and him saying that drugs aren't for everyone - that was meant to say that all of the ones down talking it and/or having all of the "issues", then they are included in this "not for everyone" list.

For the rest of us here and happy, he was saying that we're are ones that drugs (dope? crack? smack? lulz)  are for, and can actually do something productive/progressive while blending or whatever your drug of choice is.

Sorry. I usually don't try to get in the middle of things, but I think he meant well with his post even though it can very well be interpreted as not. You just have to know this guy I guess, ha! He definitely don't look down on us blenders :) Trust me. He means well

I need a bong rip. A blended bong rip :D
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Swishahouse6 on February 23, 2013, 05:45:20 PM
Word SSF. Now quit Bogarting  that bong and pass it already.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sparrow on February 23, 2013, 08:06:26 PM
If I'm out of line I apologize, guys, maybe I DID misread that a bit, you guys know better than me about this matter, so, ok. Just a little defensive I guess
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Swishahouse6 on February 23, 2013, 08:14:30 PM
It's all good Azazel no worries, your just protecting your nest.  I had a few contact me about another "member" at the "other place", maybe I just took it wrong also. Shit will all work out. Now let's fuck it all and get blitzed. Here Azazel I pass this Swisher blunt to you( cough cough)(
Title: Re: Never Banned at TGL
Post by: D3Dman on February 24, 2013, 01:41:42 PM
I don't trust that ngls he's a sneaky one with his whole logic things and such. I never got kicked from either site yet, but the first pm I sent at TGL was to MMD as hate mail. So he already knew how I felt. Lol. I choose both places and wherever else will have me if I choose.

Now I know who you are. Took some figuring out.
You sent me some hate mail too I think. hahahaha. :D
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: future perfekt on February 24, 2013, 05:11:17 PM
I don't know if I'm banned there or not. I would hope not. I didn't sign up here for the longest time. The first time the site came about, I was too not lazy, but not motivated to do much. Then it was down, and came back. I then went to TGL and it was down but then came back as the new site. I didn't like the new forum design. I didn't want to have to get used to it. So I didn't try to log in and a few days later and came here and signed up. 

Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sparrow on February 24, 2013, 09:32:02 PM
geez, future, I just ain't feelin' the group LOVE for ur new home? c'mon, it's gonna be fun here; don't look back!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: future perfekt on February 25, 2013, 01:43:49 PM
I had always planned to come here no matter what happened over at TGL. I was first invited here and planned on it, by the time I got around to signing up the site was being attacked here. So I finally got around to signing up when it came back after a few days.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: House on February 25, 2013, 09:10:36 PM

The war is over..  let's move on dudes...   smoke one for the TGL that was, and the that IS.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: dub on February 26, 2013, 01:20:14 AM
Great Video... and a very nice way to express your sentiments.

Don't know much about the politics of the old TGL, but I learned a lot from it when it was up, made some friends and found some great vendors... so "Big Ups" to what was. Loved that place, but...

Onwards and Upwards!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: iBaked on March 02, 2013, 04:25:06 PM
Don't know much about the politics of the old TGL, but I learned a lot from it when it was up, made some friends and found some great vendors... so "Big Ups" to what was. Loved that place, but...

Onwards and Upwards!

Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: the hellion on March 04, 2013, 03:41:09 PM
My login info don't work for the lmf. Guess they changed everyone' s login info..
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: D3Dman on March 04, 2013, 06:08:06 PM
Hellion, the new site encrypts password differently than TGL did, so your old password will not work.

You need to reset your password.
You can reset it to the same password you had.

If you are unsure what email you used to register on TGL I can help you figure it out, just lemme know.

I'll PM you this, too.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: jones on March 05, 2013, 04:07:26 PM
I think they did,
My login info don't work for the lmf. Guess they changed everyone' s login info..

   I am sure you are right, I was never actually banned from TGL, just disgruntled &
my log-in doesn't work on the new site either. Anyway smoking pot is a waste of time
& money for me as it doesn't do anything. I had no choice but to get spiced up!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: D3Dman on March 05, 2013, 11:14:35 PM
I think they did,
My login info don't work for the lmf. Guess they changed everyone' s login info..

   I am sure you are right, I was never actually banned from TGL, just disgruntled &
my log-in doesn't work on the new site either. Anyway smoking pot is a waste of time
& money for me as it doesn't do anything. I had no choice but to get spiced up!

You're not getting the right pot.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: jones on March 06, 2013, 11:37:19 AM
Have you been banned at TGL?

An open letter sent to TGL Mgt.

"You have gone completely over the top. What a self righteous jerk you have become. The forum that was made was because you banned all blend talk and It was made so people could continue talking about what you censor and not break your rules! JFC wth is wrong with you?? Not one of those folks was interested in leaving TGL and would have continued to contribute about non blend related topics. The new forum is not to take people away but you decided that on your own.

One guy couldn't handle his drugs and ended up in rehab. His wife clearly states he is alive, just in rehab.

Candy will kill you too if you stuff your face all day with it.

So who betrayed you by honoring your wishes and not talking about blends on your forum??

Whatever dude. Its your loss.


:Edited for personal remarks.
Title: Re: Never Banned at TGL
Post by: R on March 06, 2013, 02:40:11 PM
I don't trust that ngls he's a sneaky one with his whole logic things and such. I never got kicked from either site yet, but the first pm I sent at TGL was to MMD as hate mail. So he already knew how I felt. Lol. I choose both places and wherever else will have me if I choose.

I don't know why you wouldn't trust me.  I was never a vendor, I was always a good customer, I am verified several times over--lots of peeps know me personally. I think my actions speak for themselves.   

I am honestly looking out for people.  Does experience and education bother you?  I worked hard to get to where I am, I'm not ashamed of it.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: FSU on March 06, 2013, 02:43:09 PM
ngls, he was messin w ya  ;P   
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Galaxy Admin on March 06, 2013, 02:47:35 PM
Ngls is an asset to Spiced, not a liability. I think some are suspicious because of your huge amount of daily posts at LMF.

1 quality post a day kills 50 fluffy ones.

What we have here is  tight group of Blenders that are proud of their little corner of the net here at Spiced. They know what we went through to get here and want to do everything they can to make sure we stay.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: R on March 06, 2013, 02:53:57 PM
Ngls, it amazes me that you keep coming here and posting negatively about the lifestyle many of us choose to have. Most of us HAVE moved on to the next adventure. For me it's HERE, where I can talk about things freely when I wasn't able to on TGL; and now you come to MY new home and spew more of your weirdness on lifestyle choices and what people should and shouldn't do! "Drugs are not for everyone. Some sheeple are way better off w/out them" NO SHIT., Mr. Obvious!
What's that got to do with getting SPICED?! That's what we DO here, and that's what we LIKE and that's what we talk about! If you don't, and you don't like it, go somewhere else! Damn, dude, either light-up or leave us alone, imhfuao.

Im not trying to tell anyone to use drugs or not use drugs.  My views are inconsequential to you--why do you care?  For the record I have a shitload of experience with more blends, especially blend varieties than you will probably ever have.  I also have professional experience in the field and am in the middle of many different groups of people conducting CB research and with big pharma--I think I have things to share.  And, I never once, never did anything on any forum that wasn't in the spirit of safety and knowledge,  with maybe some entertainment thrown in.  I have nothing to gain personally or financially here or on TGL.  Does it piss you off I know everyone on the old TGL? 

To exclude me because of my legal situation is shanigans dude--f it was possible for me to have my stash I would in a heartbeat and I am still in the R&D stage of natties that actually affect the CB sites.  I was told these forums were about access to opinions and knowledge.  Im here because I have friends here.  Or I thought so.

WTF?  So it is YOUR new home?  Why does it have to be yours and yours alone? 
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: R on March 06, 2013, 03:07:23 PM
For the record, when all of my posts at the other site were deleted I was discouraged because I was in a race to post for a long time and then, suddenly, poof, all gone.

I was in close contact with MMD at the end/transition there and I begged him to reconsider, if for nothing else all of the data that was lost from removing the historical accounts of blends all the way back to 2008.  It was a loss. 

I try to keep the peace, I try to do what I can to help.  Yes, I feel like an outsider on the old forum because i can't use MJ--I get tested a lot and can't trisk a bad drop.  I hope the laws will change, but I'm realistically not counting on it changing in my lifetime.  I feel like less of an outsider here because I ditched my gigantic blends library to head off a legal situation, but at least I'm still in the middle of R&D in the field and an looking for alternatives that will evade the laws in the way blends used to.  There are a lot of people on the Spiced site that have openly declared on TWL that they would never do blends again, and yet, here they are on Spiced.  So, what, honestly, do you have against me personally?   

Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: R on March 06, 2013, 03:30:40 PM
Maybe I am too sensitive.  Sorry.

I've said it before, I get abuse all the time from supposed collegues.  So, well, if you can't take a joke
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: creep26 on March 06, 2013, 03:31:19 PM
I am happy Ngls made it over here and I would love to see him stay.  I appreciate his perspective and knowledge that he contributes the forum.  He catches a lot of bs and I can't understand why.  I personally think he is good people.  Awesome personality and very straight up.  Here's to you Ngls... This puffs for you!
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: LHS on March 07, 2013, 03:34:47 PM
Man,  it's good to see all of you over here!!  I missed every one  ;D  Just signed up.  You can add me to the TGL banned list ;) lol

I hope we can quickly bring attention to this site and raise it up as high as we can!  This is a HUGE win for FREEDOM OF SPEECH!  8)

Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: iBaked on March 07, 2013, 03:43:33 PM
Man,  it's good to see all of you over here!!  I missed every one  ;D  Just signed up.  You can add me to the TGL banned list ;) lol

I hope we can quickly bring attention to this site and raise it up as high as we can!  This is a HUGE win for FREEDOM OF SPEECH!  8)

Fucking right on! *happy dance*
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: jones on March 07, 2013, 05:47:01 PM
For the record, when all of my posts at the other site were deleted I was discouraged because I was in a race to post for a long time and then, suddenly, poof, all gone.

I was in close contact with MMD at the end/transition there and I begged him to reconsider, if for nothing else all of the data that was lost from removing the historical accounts of blends all the way back to 2008.  It was a loss. 

I try to keep the peace, I try to do what I can to help.  Yes, I feel like an outsider on the old forum because i can't use MJ--I get tested a lot and can't trisk a bad drop.  I hope the laws will change, but I'm realistically not counting on it changing in my lifetime.  I feel like less of an outsider here because I ditched my gigantic blends library to head off a legal situation, but at least I'm still in the middle of R&D in the field and an looking for alternatives that will evade the laws in the way blends used to.  There are a lot of people on the Spiced site that have openly declared on TWL that they would never do blends again, and yet, here they are on Spiced.  So, what, honestly, do you have against me personally?   

   I can't imagine what anyone could have against you Ngls,
I have always enjoyed your posts, even when I was busy refuting them ;D
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: LightEchoes on March 07, 2013, 07:05:53 PM
Man,  it's good to see all of you over here!!  I missed every one  ;D  Just signed up.  You can add me to the TGL banned list ;) lol

I hope we can quickly bring attention to this site and raise it up as high as we can!  This is a HUGE win for FREEDOM OF SPEECH!  8)

Glad to see you around.  The e-mail I got from LHS today has me intrigued.  I replied with my contact info for a sample of your new wares.  I loved Mango Madness 2.0 and the Wormwood buds before they were sprinkle-free. 

Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: lakaiordiex on March 10, 2013, 02:44:27 PM
I jus took a look at the new TGL and it looks gay as helllllllll. fuck that this forum is way betta!!! I wonder if i sign up and make a bunch of posts about chems they will ban me....I see it says anything but BLENDS can be talked about....well pentradone isnt a blend..neither is 4fma, 4mec, etc.. etc..

FAGS haha
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: orthene on March 10, 2013, 05:16:45 PM
Maybe I am too sensitive.  Sorry.

I've said it before, I get abuse all the time from supposed collegues.  So, well, if you can't take a joke
When I first saw your posts on here, I thought I logged on in the wrong place and was confused. I for one am grateful for the knowledge you bring; also glad I am logging to the correct forum lol.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: Sparrow on March 10, 2013, 08:25:16 PM
Exactly; freedom of speech. That's why I joined and that's why I post. I post what I feel and what I believe. Ngls, sometimes I make mistakes. I thought you were attacking choices we were making here, and as I thought I already said, if I was wrong, well, my bad. If I could see you, I'd burn one with you, but I can't, so this is it.  hope were good. NOW STAY OFF MY LAWN, DAMMIT! >:( ;D :o
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: morallycorrupt on March 13, 2013, 03:01:20 AM
I'm just glad to be on a site with the cooler TGL members. Like Ngls, I can't smoke MJ because of my job either. Blends do a good enough job though, I gotta say.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: niemandgeist on April 04, 2013, 02:07:21 PM
After the TGL change I stuck around hoping that there would still be stuff to, well, discuss and have fun with there, of course under another username. The place is dead now and I really don't think that it is going to recover at all. No one really responds to most of the things that people are trying to post there in an attempt to keep the forum going so I believe that I will be spending more time in here.

I am only able to rarely access marijuana anyway so every time I get high on pot it is a special occasion. Blends are more accessible and, considering that I have never smoked crazy amounts of them on a regular basis and likely never will, I don't see too much wrong with using them here and there, especially since I can place an order online and get it sent to me discretely. I'm not surrounded by pot all the time so I don't really care to read tons of news articles about it or to discuss nothing but pot-related things online. There are also many, many more users here who actively post so this community is more interesting because of that alone by default.

I think it worked out well in the end: Everyone still has a place to go to. It is a bit of a bummer that all of the reviews were lost forever, but considering that reformulations are part of the daily routine with blends lately it isn't such a big loss.
Title: Re: Banned at TGL
Post by: future perfekt on April 09, 2013, 10:04:12 PM
I do miss TGL when I first joined, oh well it changed to horrible.

But we have our home here now, much better I think :)
thanks for having us!!!!! (I gotta start coming around more often, been busy)
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