The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: GrindCandy on December 17, 2014, 03:53:09 PM
funniest comment on youtube:
"You people just don't get it. The whole tight pants sagging thing is a covert operation implemented by Environmental Protection Agency to get more funding. By sagging in tight pants our flatulence is readily available for all to smell. As more and more people get a whiff of black gases they too become saggers. By the year 2019 you'll all be infected. Your 50 year old mom will sag. Your grandfather will sag. Even college professors will be farting in the faces of their students. The reason for this you ask? The unhealthy food we eat causes unhealthy farts. These soul food farts and trailer park toots are the number one cause of global warming thus funding the Environmental Protection Agency and their evil lord Al Gore to implement phase 2 of their wicked plan. You've been warned niggas."
Lol yeah I noticed that comment.
I'd love to see that kid running for his life while wearing those pants
:rollingonasslaughing: :asslap: :spankherself: :asslap: