The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: bradnowell on March 18, 2013, 05:27:04 PM
Lmfao. This is hilarious. Scare tactics at their finest.
First few mins are mad funny.
Bath salts are fucked...
Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Bath salts: bad news. Avoid them like the plague.
I tried several different bath salts with little to no problem, except the impulsive redosing. I would advise agathem tho because I saw my buddy deteriorate from them to the point where he hanged himself. .. Just goes to show that your milage may and will vary...
Whoever made that video was obviously "inspired" by Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up".
I think all things should be experienced; but responsibly. I enjoy them from time to time in small measures. I get it, though, that stuff is not for everyone, and if you don't like them do not do them, or you will not like them even more, for sure :Smokey :cokesniff Oh yeah, that video is something to watch; teaching peopl how not to think for thmslvs. :fatty