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Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: walterwhite on April 06, 2013, 02:28:00 PM

Title: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: walterwhite on April 06, 2013, 02:28:00 PM

This movie looks sick.  Loved the original.  Pumped to check this out.  Trailer not for the weak hearted btw.  Sure a lot of you have seen the tv ads.
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: bradnowell on April 06, 2013, 03:19:07 PM
Holy fuck.  That part where she slices her tongue and spits the blood into the girls mouth, can't unsee that shit.  This looks crazy
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: niemandgeist on April 06, 2013, 03:45:14 PM
I've been a fan of the Evil Dead series (Including Army of Darkness) for ages. My friend saw the remake and said that, as a movie it's OK, but as a remake, when compared to the original, it's "meh". I'm just going to wait for it to come out on DVD or on Netflix to see it. I can wait. I'm patient. Besides, I have a really bad track record with seeing movies I really want to see in the theater: People texting, checking their cell phones, fucking talking, any and all things that distract from the overall experience. I'd much rather just wait and watch it on my own time where I can get drunk and/or high in the privacy of my own home and not have to deal with any of that BS.
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: Silver_Fox on April 07, 2013, 02:28:34 AM
Hollywood needs to leave the classics alone.
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: dub on April 08, 2013, 09:46:24 PM
No fucking shit man lol! That was one of the most brutal thing I've seen in my life!! This movie looks intense for sure.

You all missed the quick flash of the woman getting raped by tree limbs scene right before the blood puking scene. Like in the original


EVIL DEAD :banana:
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: dub on May 01, 2013, 12:50:53 AM
Saw this last night.

I actually came really close to throwing up. I started getting really sweaty and nauseous at one point, had to leave the theater and come back.

Goriest movie I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: bradnowell on May 01, 2013, 05:43:18 AM
Saw this last night.

I actually came really close to throwing up. I started getting really sweaty and nauseous at one point, had to leave the theater and come back.

Goriest movie I have ever seen.

Fucking awesome.  I need to see this ASAP
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: Silver_Fox on May 01, 2013, 09:47:08 AM
Saw this last night.

I actually came really close to throwing up. I started getting really sweaty and nauseous at one point, had to leave the theater and come back.

Goriest movie I have ever seen.
You should watch August Underground.  ;)
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: creep26 on May 01, 2013, 11:23:42 AM
If you really want to lose your stomach, watch Human Centipede 2.  Words can't even describe it.
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: dub on May 01, 2013, 12:03:44 PM
I saw Human Centipede 1 & 2.

Those were not even close to Evil Dead in gore, not even kinda close.

I have actually seen just about every horror movie ever

This new Evil Dead is so over the top - I can't even describe it. So much slicing, cutting, ripping and grinding it was PUKE inducing.

Really guys, this is like NOTHING you have ever seen.

The gory scenes are just too real.
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: creep26 on May 01, 2013, 07:46:09 PM
Cmon... Worse then human centipede 2?  I can't even imagine!  I didn't think it could get any worse.  Man I gotta check this movie out.  In a huge fan of the original 2 evil dead movies.  Does Bruce Campbell make an appearance in this one?
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: dub on May 01, 2013, 08:56:03 PM
No Bruce Campbell - I was kinda waiting for a cameo but it didn't happen LOL

If your a fan of the originals, your gonna flip over this one.

The book (Necronomicon) is kinda stupid in this version, but oh man the GORE is hundreds of buckets deep !

And no "black humor" to alleviate any of the intensity (like the originals had)

You'll see what I mean, it's just way too realistic in parts.... muahahahaha
Title: Re: Evil DEAD Red Band Trailer - WoW
Post by: deckard cain on May 14, 2013, 02:15:18 PM
family night out with the kids. movie covered. now to find a place to eat.


I did catch this at the Theater. It was badass, and I will probably watch it many more times. That said, I still love the original because it was indeed, the original. Also, in my greatly sheltered teen years growing up someone had some intensely strong one hitter quitter caliber bud and we smoked many bong hits of it then went upstairs and this was on. I had my first ever "ohshitIforgot to breath" moments and a period where legs from foot to calves felt like they were sinking down into the carpet- all accompanied by the demon dissolving/rapid decomposition scene. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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