The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on April 23, 2013, 09:11:05 PM
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god that was uncomfortable thing to watch.
Are people actually pumped to see that show? It's an interesting idea but I'd rather just listen to some old CD's from those bands/artists on some good speakers in the comfort of my living room.
The Tupac hologram was cool and innovative, but I'm not sure if I'd want to see this all the time. Had a feeling people would be all over this stuff.
Good lineup ~digi
Haha... "Are you guys excited about the obesity epidemic?" Man, I can't believe they fell for that one. Silly hipsters always trying to be so super obscure and showing off how they know all the underground bands that nobody else knows. These people are just funny.
The other kind of people I will never understand are the ones who absolutely love a band or a musical artist when they aren't well known or don't have any mainstream success, and then get all pissed off when the same band/artist ends up getting wildly popular and successful. They are the type of people to bitch and go "All these people saying they love SillyBandName can't possibly really like them. I mean, I've been listening to them for years and all these people only like them because they're popular now and on MTV and the radio. They're not real fans!"
Wouldn't you think that someone who loves an underground band would be really, really happy for the band becoming super successful? Also, if people like the music they like the music. They ARE real fans. Why hate on them for loving the same band that you do? I will never get that.
Wouldn't you think that someone who loves an underground band would be really, really happy for the band becoming super successful? Also, if people like the music they like the music. They ARE real fans. Why hate on them for loving the same band that you do? I will never get that.
totally agree with you on this. For instance, I freakin love Bassnectar.
But now that he's huge, I hear tons of people say they don't like him anymore and hate the "scene" built around him.
I just don't get it, I am stoked my homie made it BIG !!!
And yes, he'll prob be at Coachella this year.
I think the cats in this video were like from Nowheresville man!! :stoned :stoned
Wouldn't you think that someone who loves an underground band would be really, really happy for the band becoming super successful? Also, if people like the music they like the music. They ARE real fans. Why hate on them for loving the same band that you do? I will never get that.
totally agree with you on this. For instance, I freakin love Bassnectar.
But now that he's huge, I hear tons of people say they don't like him anymore and hate the "scene" built around him.
I just don't get it, I am stoked my homie made it BIG !!!
And yes, he'll prob be at Coachella this year.
I feel you man, Bassnectar is a really good example of that kind of hipster attitude. I think it's because music is really emotional and people put a lot of their emotions in to music they identify with. It kind of sucks if there is some band or musician that isn't well known who you've really connected with and become attached to the music and then all of a sudden a bunch of people who aren't interested in having that kind of experience are listening to this music that you love. It's annoying when people are obviously listening to something just because it's new or hip. I think that's what upsets people at least about dubstep thing as an example. Many people liked that kind of music and had been in to it for quite a while and then all of a sudden literally EVERYONE was listening to it and telling YOU about it. Exasperating.
I've only met a few people in my life who listened to a certain band because it was really popular to do so, and that was in middle school and high school. That's the sort of thing I might expect from those age ranges. Maybe it's just me, but I still think that people have to like the music at least a little bit in order to listen to it.
I've always been really big on finding meaning in the music. Any time I buy a new CD it's an experience for me. I read the lyrics and try to interpret them, and usually end up finding some way to relate that song and the lyrics to something that's happened or is happening in my life. Yeah, the music is pleasurable to listen to, but I think it's even better if you can find a strong connection to it.
The other thing about people liking something once it becomes popular, well, they might not have known about that sort of music and only just heard it for the first time once it was popular enough for them to learn about it. They still enjoy the music, but at the same time since you're like me and you like to find meaning in the music I can see that getting old really quick when they're just like "Sick beats brah shit's awesome YOLO LOLL" :)
I can see that getting old really quick when they're just like "Sick beats brah shit's awesome YOLO LOLL" :)
This. There's a big difference between actually listening to music with thought and dissecting it, and just listening to music to bob your head to it.
both of the posters i posted are fake. lol