The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: djpinito on April 24, 2013, 03:17:59 PM
Hey guys and gals as some of you know we made a prank video and posted it on youtube about 2 years ago. Well yesterday I got a message on Facebook from a producer here in Cali that had worked with us before. He wants to release the video again for another show. So far it has been on TruTv's Top 20 Most Shocking Pranksters, MTV's Pranked, and When Vacations Attack. Now it will be on another show, hell yea. Received a phone call from the producer today, just gotta get the release forms signed, scanned, and emailed then we are good to go. Havent seen the When Vacations Attack video yet but we already been paid for it so we know it aired. He dropped off a DVD copy in the mail today so I'll have it soon. We made almost $1000 so far for it. :biggrin :banana:
I think the link is posted here already in the video/youtube section of the forum, not sure what the actual name is lol but its there.
Congratulations on the success. Will you guys be receiving money for this or is it just something that's going to be shown on TV? Could I please ask you for a link to the video so I can see it?
Hey guys and gals as some of you know we made a prank video and posted it on youtube about 2 years ago. Well yesterday I got a message on Facebook from a producer here in Cali that had worked with us before. He wants to release the video again for another show. So far it has been on TruTv's Top 20 Most Shocking Pranksters, MTV's Pranked, and When Vacations Attack. Now it will be on another show, hell yea. Received a phone call from the producer today, just gotta get the release forms signed, scanned, and emailed then we are good to go. Havent seen the When Vacations Attack video yet but we already been paid for it so we know it aired. He dropped off a DVD copy in the mail today so I'll have it soon. We made almost $1000 so far for it. :biggrin :banana:
I think the link is posted here already in the video/youtube section of the forum, not sure what the actual name is lol but its there.
That's sweet man. Keep it up. People can blow up off small videos on YouTube. Just look at Justin Bieber and the guys from Workaholics, all started with clips on YT.
Good work!
Thanks guys
Here's the link for you to check it out, it also has the tru tv and mtv links In the description
Not a bad little prank man. Is that you holding the Ruffles?
Not a bad little prank man. Is that you holding the Ruffles?
haha yea that's me bro. My wife is recording I had a few tall cans in me at the time :biggrin plus we been like this at the beach also :passone haha
Thanks guys
Here's the link for you to check it out, it also has the tru tv and mtv links In the description
Hahaa! I have seen this before. I think I found it on a good while ago when someone submitted it there. Very funny stuff. Creative method of pranking! :)
Thanks guys
Here's the link for you to check it out, it also has the tru tv and mtv links In the description
Hahaa! I have seen this before. I think I found it on a good while ago when someone submitted it there. Very funny stuff. Creative method of pranking! :)
lol that's freaking awesome it made it on Reddit lol. I got a DVD copy of the When Vacations Attack video it appeared in also today in the mail. I asked the producer for a copy the other day so he sent it to me.
When Vacations Attack
Season 3 Episode 203
This is the one it is on, I need to upload just the clip somewhere then share the link for that one though
LMAO, looks like some Texas beach...