The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: Subgenius on May 16, 2013, 10:39:57 PM
We really miss you on the forum sista!!!! :stoned
Where you at IQ ??? ??? ???
Come backkkkk :stoned
Ya she did really liven this place up quite a bit I miss reading her posts
lol I find this amusing...Not that she is MIA or anything but you guys making a post bout we miss you when you know she won't read it cause she hasn't been on. :wacked: :flippy: :smiley-rolling-joint:
She disappears more than me! but I got this conspiracy addition thing; I fight it, but just can't stop. I needs help :dance :cokesniff help me..... :beers: please :fatty I'm all fkkd up :rock: but I kinda like it :wacked: :stoned Come back Queenie, we aint got no female Queen! Is the title up for grabs?! :bowdown
Yes it is uncharacteristically quiet around here of late. Bring the noise! Bring the ruckus! :hammertime: :rock: :Smokey:
Good luck with medical problems IQ i had a ex that would get cyst alot on her ovaries i really dont know what her problem was though. Stay safe later
She had a shitty immune system where she had minor colds alot but i dont remember her having anything like you. I just know the time i was with her she had cyst removed twice. I dont even really think she knew at the time why they devolped at the time doctors just wanted them removed befre they can cause possible cancer she was 19/20yrs old. She got a kid and stuff now so im sure she fine now its been about 5 years.
......have yall ever had sum stuff called DILAUDID thru IV.....HOLY FUCK,,, dat shit would turn a nun into a crackhead FOR REAL!! i liked that shit TO MUCH!! IT WAS GOOOOD :stoned
Hydromorphone is made from morphine either by direct re-arrangement (made by reflux heating of alcoholic or acidic aqueous solution of morphine in the presence of platinum or palladium catalyst) or reduction to dihydromorphine (usually via catalytic hydrogenation), followed by oxidation with benzophenone in presence of potassium tert butoxide or aluminium tert butoxide (Oppenauer oxidation). The 6 ketone group can be replaced with a methylene group via the Wittig reaction to produce 6-Methylenedihydrodesoxymorphine, which is 80× stronger than morphine.[12]
Changing morphine into hydromorphone increases its activity and, therefore, makes hydromorphone about eight times stronger than morphine on a weight basis, all other things being equal.[citation needed] Changed also is lipid solubility, contributing to hydromorphone's having a more rapid onset of action and alterations to the overall absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination profile as well as the side effect profile (in general, less nausea and itching) versus that of morphine. The semi-synthetic opiates, of which hydromorphone and its codeine analogue hydrocodone are among the best-known and oldest, include a huge number of drugs of varying strengths and with differences among themselves both subtle and stark, allowing for many different options for treatment.
Intewesting :getstones
Opana 10's
Yeah I know what you talkin bout, when I was in hospital and on morphine drip many times throughout the day for 6 days, they tried to slowly get me on that shit and the pain was horrendous and went ape shit and got them to put that morphine back in me lol No doubt, easy to get addicted then they want to throw some cheezy lortabs at you like it's gonna help!
But on topic, sucks you gotta go thru that, my mother had the same thing happen one point in time...I remember she didn't move that much during that time n had it kinda rough but you'll get thru it and she is completely fine now. Guess when it rains it fucking pours eh? But at least you know the fucking storm will pass by anytime now ;)
Hey Queen,
Good to hear from you!
I know you posted about your house fire and the psychiatric issues you are going through with your brother and now you are dealing with this "strange" illness.
You certainly have had more than your share of bad luck lately!!
On Monday I will burn some BLACK LABEL BLEND and some Mesquite incense from INCIENSO DE SANTA FE in hopes that this smoke will convey some "GOOD VIBES" to you !!!: :smokin:
I will be getting some 9 Indian Fruit oil Indian Spirit Money House Blessing spray and when it arrives I will spray some to send "GOOD LUCK" to you our Sacred Spice Sister from the Southland!!
Get Well soon Queen!! :joint :joint
For a quick and speedy recovery/solution. Stay Strong Queen!
Much love and vibes for strength to get thru this, Queen. Hope you beat this; hell, I KNOW you'll beat this. I can relate to the dilaudid, they give me pain pills for my busted-up back. (so 130 mg. oxycontin too much?) :banana: :cokesniff :smokebanana