Author Topic: CODE MEDUSA....A Book  (Read 4609 times)


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« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2013, 08:25:26 PM »

    “Warning, Total Lockdown in 10 minutes, please evacuate. Self-Destruction Initiated” Comes in very loud over, every intercom in the facility. It is Time to leave. I take my USB port out of the monitor.

“Self-Destruction Paused” Comes over the loud speakers. Are you serious, I have to keep the USB port plugged in in order for it to stay activated?

  I put back in the USB port on the monitor; Meanwhile everybody is panicked and left the Central Control Center. As soon as the USB port is put back in the slot I hear the intercom “Self-Destruction continued. 29 minutes till lockdown.

  I have a dilemma now, I have to make sure the USB port stays plugged into the monitor, but I have to escape. I open the door to look outside, and see people running around like a chicken with their head cut off trying to get to an exit point. I look around, and all the security guards for the Central Control Center are gone, Tibs is also nowhere to be found, I hope he stayed with the security guards and blended in, or found a way to escape.

  I go back all the way in the room, as soon as I do someone enters from the other entry point. He has a gun in his hand, but is in a suit. Definitely not an agent, but probably a big wig for this project.

“Did you initiate the self-destruction” he says

“No.” I say, but I can tell he knows that I am lying, He starts walking over to me gun pointed at my head. I get on one knee and act like I am tying my shoe.

“Get up NOW!!!” He says

   I slowly lift my pants leg up, and then I jump as far back as possible pull, the hand gun out of the holster and shoot him in the head. I land on my back and slide about 3 feet. I didn’t have time to hook up a silencer. I can only hope that gunshot doesn’t bring attention.

  It is clear that I must hold here as long as possible before leaving. I turn back on my language hack, and start looking for software that controls the elevators for the entry and exit points. One of the entry points for the central control center is only about 200 yards away.
   I keep searching and I find it in security software. I see that all platform elevators are timed and automatically lifted up and sent down, but I also notice that you can make all entry points exit points, and vice versa. I quickly click on the button that makes this entry point an exit point, and also click on the manual operations allowed so It may work with me when I get there.

   I still have about 15 minutes to go. I open one the doors and see about 20 security guards coming this way. I shut the door and pull out my automatic handgun. I load the clip and take my clip belt, which was wrapped around my thigh off, and wrap it around my waist. There is no point in trying to stay undercover now; they know I’m not supposed to be in here.

  I quickly throw a few desks over the other 3 entry points for the C.C.C. Just in case they have me surrounded, It will buy me a second or 2, or at least give me enough sound to know from what door they are coming from. I leave the one open; they can only come in one at a time, and if I am ready I can pick everyone off one by one. I take about 4 desks and make a little square and get in the middle so that way I can have a little cover on every side.

  I have my gun pointed at the door that is not poorly barricaded and wait. The door is kicked open and I notice a special grenade is thrown.
   I turn around and duck my head behind the desk cover my ears and eyes, as well as close my eyes. BANG a somewhat huge light goes and comes with my eyes closed, it was a flash. I give myself another second, and then open my eyes. My vision is not perfect but I can see well enough to see these guys. I turn and face the way there are facing, still completely covered from the desk and pull the trigger. As I pull the trigger below the desk, I start to rise to a standing position. I have about 6 taken out when my clip runs out.

   I press a button that drops the clip and at the same time using my left hand to grab a clip from my belt and load it. I pull the trigger A little more controlled this clip, as of now I have the advantage. I hear a door to the left of start to open. I pick up my hand gun and have it aimed at the door and pull the trigger once. The desk held them off for a second, and that bullet is making them think, but next time they come in that door is going to fly open.

      My other hand is still plugging away at the other door; there is probably another 10 dead. I shoot the last of the clip. Press the  button and the clip falls out. One person comes to rush me from the complete open door and fires, I quick take my hand gun and aim it at the other door and fire, shot in the head.

    I set my hand gun down and while I am putting in the clip for the automatic handgun, the other door flies open and they start to rush the center, I finishing loading the clip and come up with the trigger being pulled. I take out the first two who rushed and release the Trigger.

   â€œ3 Minutes till lockdown” comes over the intercom

    I pick up my hand gun and hit the monitor of my computer with it so it will break; I then break off the part of the USB that is sticking out, so they just can’t pull it out. Another 3 guys Come in and I shoot one that started flanking left with my left hand, which had my Handgun, and took the other 2 out with the right hand, which had my automatic pistol.

“2 minutes till lockdown” comes over the intercom”

    I reload both weapons and start running to the closest entry point, 200 yards away. This place basically looks abandoned, besides the dead bodies. I make it to the elevator.

“30 seconds till lockdown” Comes over the intercom.

  The elevator start to rise, but it is going slow. The opening gets about to half my body when it starts going down again for lockdown. I slide out of the elevator and onto the snow. I’m outside now and get up on my feet and start running for my life.

   I briefly turn back to see Employees running the opposite way in the distance. They look like ants now; they must have gone out at the exit points. I stop in my tracks after I have ran about 200 yards, no explosion, I look back and there isn’t a sound, no vibration on the ground, nothing.  I start walking back toward the facility, and now I am starting to wonder about Tibs.

   By now all the employees have vanished from my site, and even worse I could be walking back to an explosion that is waiting to happen.
I look in every direction for any sight of life and there is none. I start looking for tracks on this side in the snow. I walk around in a small circle and make my circle bigger with each pass. I finally find some tracks after my 8th pass. They are headed south of the facility. I have no clue who these tracks are from, but there is only one way to find out.

      I take one last look around, the fact that it hasn’t self-destructed yet is really bothering me. I am about 150 yards away, so I start walking back and figure I will follow the tracks after I make sure nobody found a way to stop the self-destruction sequence. I get to about 100 yards away when I start to feel a vibration on the ground. It starts to self-destruct. I turn around and start to run. I vaguely open my eyes; I am on the ground covered in snow. My eyes shut again, for what I believe will be the last time. I can’t feel the cold, and I am doing everything I can to hold my eyes open to survive, but all they want to do is shut like I haven’t been to sleep in a week.

    I go in and out of consciousness for… I don’t know how long, at one point I open my eyes, and realize I am in the back seat of a vehicle, my eyes shut again. I open my eyes again, this time I am a little more coherent and noticed the vehicle has stopped. I try to look around, but whatever happened to me in that blast has me in tranquilized and I go unconscious again.


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« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2013, 08:28:09 PM »

 I open my eyes, restrained and still pitch black, don’t know how big the room is, I struggle to get my hands free, but the rope just slips a bit and stay strong. I keep trying to think of where I am but my mind is blank. I have no memory of my past and no memory of how I arrived here. I am stuck in a room that I don’t know the dimensions of.
  About 10 minutes go by and I start to here steps, at least two people walking, the steps are getting louder and louder.  A door opens, still pitch black with no light what so ever, they walk in and shut the door. There Is silence, the walking has stopped, I’m assuming there standing right in front of me. Whatever is about to happen, I am completely out of the loop.

WE WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING” a strong low voice says on my left side
Everything about what?” I say very softly but confident showing no fear in my voice
EVERYTHING” he screams “You know what is going on and we need answers”
“Where am I?”  I say softly and confident
“The place where you will stay until we have all the information we need from you” this voice is a little more friendly and coming from my right side, but now something is starting to happen to me, my brain is moving a million miles a minute, and all of a sudden……………

The voice from my left side speaks “Great, after looking through his entire memory, we still have no clue where Tiberius is. He was a complete waste of time.

Voice from the right “Not entirely, we have no clue where he is, but we do know what he was last wearing when he escaped.”

I speak up “what did you do to me?” I say softly, I am a little weak at the moment “Who am I, Where have you brought me?”

Voice from the right “We gave you a pill while you were unconscious to activate your memories over your past mission, by doing that we connected you with a device that projected everything from you point of view, We were looking for a missing agent, Tiberius.”

“Who is Tiberius, and what mission, I have never been on a mission, I don’t even know who I am.”

Voice from the left “Your regular memory will come back in a few hours, and the mission is not important.”

“I want to know who I am.”

Voice from the left “he is useless to us now, let’s just kill him.”

“Kill me?” Speaking with a little more strength now “I haven’t done anything”

Voice from the left, raising his voice with every couple of words “You and Tiberius completely destroyed a nuclear plant that would leave the world hostage. You two SINGLE HANDEDLY DESTROYED WHAT MY BOSS HAS BEEN DEVELOPING FOR YEARS!!!”

“What are you talking about?” I say

Voice from the right “He doesn’t remember anything, we have been trying to figure out how they have complete wipe memories after the mission, but he honestly does not remember a thing from the mission.”

    The two people walk out of the completely pitch black room, opens a door that lead to a pitch black hallway, and then the door shuts and I am all alone again. I am restrained and have no way escaping at the present time.

   Rather than crying over spilt milk, I decide to rest and close my eyes, I do not know how long I am asleep for when I hear a big bang coming from behind me. A rush of light enters the room and hurts my eyes. I keep the closed and start squinting little by little until my pupils can get full adjusted. I feel a knife cut the rope that was tying my hands, and then cut the rope that was tied to my body to keep me in the chair.

“We got to go buddy” Says a voice behind me

  I am still squinting but my pupils are starting to adjust, I stand up and turn around and realized I do not recognize the man at all. “Who are you?” I say

“It’s your boy, Tibs coming to save the day since you decided to lie around in the snow like a dumbass and get caught.

“Tibs, I have no clue who you are” He grabs my hand and starts running me out, “Stop man, where are you taking me” I hear sounds from about and notice a helicopter,  I see a rope dangling as the helicopter is about 40 feet in the air.

“Take this” Tibs says and hands me a pill, I look at him awfully funny then he says “Who would you rather trust, 2 guys that have you locked up in a pitch black room, or the person bailing your ass out.”

    True enough I think to myself, I grab the pill and put in my mouth and swallow, I grab the rope with Tibs and the rope mechanism starts to real us in. Once we get close enough Tibs pulls himself up and then helps me up and sits me down on a seat. Tibs sits down right across from me and just seems like he is waiting as the helicopter goes to elevate.

   Something whizzes by the helicopter and I look down, It seems to be the two guys holding me captive, and one of them had a RPG launcher. Luckily it just missed the helicopter and we start to fly off.

Tibs “Man, I’m Tired of all this cold shit, I’ freezing”

Ryden “Thank you, but who are you, and who am I? Why would you risk your life to save me? You call us buddies but I have never met you before in my life.”

Tibs “Look  I will explain everything in 5 minutes, just give the pill about 5 more minutes to kick in, then you will understand everything.”

Ryden “Where are we headed?”

Tibs looks at me “stand up real quick.” I stand up, and he starts patting me down and then starts feeling every little piece of my clothing and doesn’t find what he is looking for apparently. “Take off your shoes” I take off my shoes and he looks at them real hard, apparently he found what was looking for. “There you are, you little shit.” He takes this small square thing and throws it out of the helicopter.”

Ryden “What was that?”

Tibs “A GPS that was placed on you and also there was a microphone so they could pick up whatever we were saying”

We continue to fly, but I have no clue where we are going.

Ryden “So we are we going.”

Tibs “Just wait my man, once the pill kicks in I’ll explain everything, I do not want to explain twice, because it is a long ass story.”

Ryden “What is this pill going to do.”

Tibs “man just chill, give it about another minute.”

   It doesn’t even take that long, all of a sudden my head has a loud ring that seems to be just getting louder and louder, I put my hands around my ears but it doesn’t help, it is getting unbearable, the pressure is about to explode in my head and then……….Complete silence.

Ryden “What in the hell just happened to me? Who were the two people that shot at us.”

Tibs “It was Ken and Chris

Ryden “Are you serious, we have been dealing with double agents.”

 Tibs “They were never Agents to begin with; we are dealing with a Code Medusa.”

Ryden “Someone infiltrated our system, How is that possible, Wait real quick how long is the pill you gave me good for and what did it activate?”

Tibs “You have got 7 days, it should have activated every little piece of training, oh here is a few more of them as well.”

Ryden “How did you get all these and how did you get them to activate all training, that never happens.”

Tibs “Well I have been requesting extra time on missions I didn’t need extra time with, and said I required extra training to be activated, so they had no clue what skill I needed activated as I didn’t know either because anything that isn’t activated I have no clue that I know about. So I tell them on 3 or 4 week missions I need an extra 7 days and extra training to be activated, Get the pill put up in a hiding spot at my house where I will know to look once my memory is activated. I never needed the extra time, Just wanted extra pills just in case something like this ever happened.”

Ryden “Maaannnn, why didn’t I think of that??!!  I was too worried about doing a perfect mission every single time, and being perfect at everything I do.”

Tibs “I know mister awards for everything, didn’t they activate your memory one time just to accept an award?”

Ryden “They did hahaha!! Those were the days, so how in the hell did KEN and CHRIS infiltrate us, and how did they know where the base was.”

Tibs “That is the part I


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« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2013, 08:29:53 PM »

Tibs “That is the part I don’t know, they were already there when I got there, and they acted just like one of us, Chris was being a dick like he was to you, but Ken was chill as hell, volunteering information to me. They somehow infiltrated our system, and even worst I believe they know where headquarters are at. When I was on my way out with the other guards, I seen them two and overheard them saying it is on some master mobile computer, and the main person is never in the same place for long, but the last thing I heard them say before they were out of my hearing zone is they think they found a pattern and believe they are going to be able to figure out the person’s next location.”

Ryden “What about the person he was supposedly training to take over, what is the deal with him?”

Tibs “He is legit,  I did 1 mission with him that required help, He was great and I could tell he really loved  doing this secret agent shit, He was one of the few that stayed on when they implemented the pill protocol program.”

Ryden “Well that makes sense, if he stayed then he would definitely be trust worthy, I wonder if we can find anything on Ken and Chris, where they one of the many that left once the pill protocol was implemented?”

Tibs “There you go, being an investigative genius again. I am not sure but there is only one way to find out.”

We then say in unison “Talk to the guy running the agency”

Ryden “Is that where we are headed?”

Tibs “Well first we are going to meet with the guy who is being trained to take over, then after him as long as he sees no problem with us, he will take us to him.”


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« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2013, 11:55:22 AM »


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« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2013, 06:29:01 PM »
"I’m half way to the airport when my back window gets blown out by gun shots."

Had me hooked right there. A little polishing you've got quite a gem.
Life is The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed


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« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2013, 07:44:46 PM »
seem to be


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« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2013, 10:44:06 AM »
masn dont rush me these next couplke chapters are going to be ridicoulus


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« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2013, 10:46:31 AM »
"I’m half way to the airport when my back window gets blown out by gun shots."

Had me hooked right there. A little polishing you've got quite a gem.

THanks man, don't worry that is what a publisher is for. im about to try to find publishers for this


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« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2013, 05:39:03 PM »

    I open my eyes and noticed that Tibs is sleeping, I must of have fell asleep for a while myself, I talk to the pilots “How long have we been in the air for?”

Captain “About 4 Hours We are somewhere over Alaska right now.”

First Officer “We have to stop for fuel pretty soon, so we are headed to a base in a remote location to fuel up, and then we will be on our way.”

Ryden “Well that sounds like a plan. Where is this guy at that we are meeting?”

Captain “We honestly do not know, once we get to Greenland, we are supposed to make contact with him, and then he will give us exact coordinates.”
Ryden “How long as my friend been knocked out for?”

First Officer “Just a couple of hours, you crashed way before he did.”

Ryden “So how much longer do we have before we get there?”

Captain “Probably about 30 minutes.”

Ryden “Cool well I am going to go relax for a little longer.”

    I put my seatbelt back on and shut my eyes.


   I open my eyes, we are in a tail spin and going down fast, I make sure I am strapped up as much as possible. I look at Tibs, he is actually smiling, doesn’t surprise me, nothing has gone right so far, why start now. I smirk a little myself and we make eye contact with each other as if to say this is never going to end.

   The Helicopter hits the ground hard, with the front right side taking most of the impact; the top propellers hit the ground cutting through it but also lifting up the helicopter a little bit causing the already rough landing to be just a little, a lot rougher. The helicopter finally lands on its side, and leaves me and Tibs hanging. I look at the pilots and they are dead.

Tibs “Lets unstrap ourselves and get moving.”

   We unstrap ourselves and fall about 3 feet to the ground, we then climb out of the helicopter and look around. We see a vehicle starting to come our way.

   Tibs and I have minor bleeding, nothing real serious, but enough to act like it.

Ryden “Tibs Lets take a few steps then collapse on the ground like we are dead.”

Tibs “They are going to kill us.”

Ryden “Trust me.”

   Despite Tibs rebuttal, we have no time to argue show he takes a few steps and collapses and I take another 10 steps then I collapse myself. It takes about 2 minutes for the vehicle to arrive at our location but it stops right next to us, and 1 man gets out of the car. I fell on my back so I can see what is going on, Tibs on the other hand, fell face first in the snow like a dumbass.

   I hear a gun cock, Right at that second I spring into action and throw my leg up and kick the gun, It fires into the air. I spring up and punch the guy in the face.

Ryden “TIBS, MOVE!!! GET THE GUN!!!!!!”
   Tibs swiftly gets to his feet and sees the gun he runs after it. I go for another punch but he dodges it, as he dodge my punch he turns his back to me and grabs the arm I threw my punch with, and pulls my shoulder out of its socket as he throws me over his back shoulder and I summersault onto the ground hitting it hard.

The person Quick goes to grab the gun. Tibs dives for it but the guys is right there as well, I look back at the truck to notice 2 people getting out on the side that would have cover for them if we shot at them.

   Tibs Is battling with the person on with the gun, although he cannot point it at him, he does manage to point in the general direction of the truck and starts blasting away, 5 bullets go buy and nothing, I hear another 3 go off and then an explosion occurs. We all were close enough to the blast that it threw us back on the ground.

   I quickly get back on my feet, to see Tibs on the bottom and this guy on the top, and somehow this guy has gotten a hold of a 12 inch knife and is on the verge of putting threw Tibs throat. I look around and see the gun; I run to and grab it. The guy is so focused on killing Tibs, He doesn’t even notice me,  I pick up the gun pull the trigger and the bullet goes through his skull.

Ryden “Tibs, you ok?”


   Without hesitation I throw him the gun, “DUCK!!!” He says and I fall to the ground while he pulls the trigger. I look back to see a dead guy falling to the ground.

Tibs “Are you alright” he says with a little chuckle

Ryden “Yeah, how about you?”

Tibs “yeah, another second or so and he would have had me, the point nicked the surface of my throat, so a little blood dripping, but nothing serious. What do we do now?”

Ryden “Well since somebody blue up the truck, let’s start walking”


   I pull my phone out of my pocket, but there is no signal. “Let’s go back to the helicopter” I say and with that we start walking back to the helicopter.

   Now the helicopter never exploded and whatever projectile hit the helicopter, hit only the tail of it. We look around to see if we can find anything and to our surprise the First Officer was alive, barley alive, but alive none the less.

   I hear the First Officer Moan

Ryden “Hey buddy, you’re going to be alright.”

First Office “Yeah (coughs up blood) I have a propeller through my stomach and I’m going to be alright.”

Ryden “Ok, so you going to die, are you coherent enough to tell me approximately where the base is”

First Officer “(coughs up more blood) About another 20 miles (Coughs up blood) southeast of here.”

Ryden “Do you want me to try to get you out in one piece? What do you want me to do?”

First Officer “Just leave me be, hand me my pistol if you can find it.”

    I look for the for his pistol and find it, and put it in his hand, he doesn’t even have the strength to hold it, I notice a picture kind of hanging out of his pocket, I pull it out, and it is a picture of his family. I place it where he can clearly see it for his final moments.

First Officer “Thank you (coughs) you need to go, after so long when they don’t return they, will come looking for you.”

Ryden “Do you want me to to…….”

First Officer “No….I just want to spend (coughs up blood) the last few minutes I have in peace.”

Ryden “Ok, you’re a brave man; watch over me from the heavens.”

First Officer “I will”

   I walk over to Tibs “This is bullshit, that is the last person that dies on my watch, let’s start walking.”

Tibs “Are you alright?”

Ryden “NO!!! I am not alright, that person had a wife a kids, and still did this secret agent shit!! If I die, I have no wife and no kids, just a couple of girls I fool around with, so no one will remember me. This person left behind an entire family, one of the kids looked like he will never know his father because of how young he was. I am going to kill them all. Let’s get moving.”

Tibs looks a little shocked, as he has never seen me like this “Which way?” he says

Ryden “Whichever way is fucking southeast.” I look up at the sun which seems to be setting, so I start the opposite way of the sun, and position myself so the sun is at my 7 in a 12 number clock, and I start walking.

   I briefly look back to notice Tibs catching up, not running, but walking just a little faster than me, so he will gradually be at my side. For once this is not the time to cut up and joke about the freezing cold, and when I looked back I seen an entirely different look on Tibs face. He doesn’t care about the cold anymore; he just cares about righting the wrong.

    In Alaska, when the sun goes down, it doesn’t just go down for 8-12 hours, it could go down for days at a time, and then again the sun can be up for days at a time as well. It is going to be a really cold night, and a really long night.

Tibs “How far do we have to walk?”

Ryden “20 miles; give or take.”

Tibs “Cool, I hate to say this, but I really hope it snows soon.”

Ryden “Why is that?”

Tibs “To cover our tracks, just in case anyone comes looking.”


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« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2013, 05:41:45 PM »

Ryden “You are a smart man, let’s hustle up and get to this base, walking like this, In this weather, with the snow we are walking in, probably take about 30 minutes a mile. 20 miles is 600 minutes which is about 10 hours. We need to stay moving to keep our blood flowing, so whatever you do, do not stop.”

Tibs “Let’s get to it.”


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« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2013, 10:31:56 PM »

    It’s been about 3 hours, it has started to snow, and it is well below 0. I believe we have been making good time, as most of the snow has been hard, allowing us to actually walk on it, instead of our legs sinking 3 feet into the ground every time we take a step. My teeth should be shattering but there not. I am so pissed off about the first officer that my adrenaline is still pumping and keeping me warm. The fact that he didn’t want me just to end his suffering, I don’t understand, But when I seen him look at his picture of his family,  I never seen a dying man smile as bright and wide as he did. Thinking of this has just infuriated me even more with a passion to get whoever did this.

   I look over a Tibs, I actually smirk a little to see him chattering away, for as I know he will not complain to me, I know In his mind he is thinking “This is Bullshit, I don’t care if I’m stranded, I will be stranded anywhere, it doesn’t bother me, but in all places, I am stranded in one of the closest places in the world, This is Bullshit, bullshit.”

   I look over at Tibs just to see how he is doing, and I notice he is slacking and slowing down.

Ryden “TIBS!!!”

Tibs “(teeth chattering) Ryyyyy.”

Ryden “Talk to me Tibs, are you ok?”

Tibs “Just Peachy.”

   For Once, since the helicopter incident, I crack up. I laugh loud and hard. Just that one comment brought so much joy to my heart and warmed my body just a little bit. Tibs who I could tell tried to laugh just went back to teeth chattering, he is way too cold to laugh at the moment.

Tibs “How are you not freezing your ass off?”

Ryden “Well, to be honest, I have been so pissed off about the helicopter pilot that I haven’t been able to think about the weather. Your last comment though, made all my anger go away, just the sarcasm in your voice and the way you said it Tibs. That is one thing about you, no matter how pissed I am, you can always make me laugh.”

Tibs “I just thought of something.”

Ryden “What is that?”

Tibs “What if it really isn’t 20 miles, what if it is 30, 50, 100 miles, or even worst, what if he told us the wrong direction completely.”

Ryden “(I get very serious) Tibs, we can’t think like that. If we think like that we are dead. We have to assume that it is 20 miles or even closer than that. Think positive; keep your mind thinking we will be out of this in no time. I am doing everything to avoid hypothermia and we have to keep moving no matter what. If we stop moving we are dead. I PROMISE, WE WILL GET OUT OF THIS ALIVE!!!”

   For once, I can’t believe the own words coming out of my mouth. Every other time I have I said that, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind it was true. I remember Tibs and I first mission together like it was yesterday.

   We were somewhere in Thailand, In the jungle, dealing with a huge cartel dealing illegal drugs and bringing them into the U.S. Normally the agency doesn’t mess with petty stuff like this, although it is not petty for the united states, anything dealing with drugs is considered petty for the agency, but there was something special about this. I had just met Tibs in the Jungle when we hooked up. I was crawling around in my guile suit and he crawled right up next to me.

Tibs “You must be Ryden Eden, Agent 091.

Ryden “Who are you?”

Tibs “Your lucky I am not a threat to you, otherwise you would have been dead.”

Ryden “Your talking about how you zigged zagged for a  mile in attempt to try to sneak up on me, If I would have thought you were a threat, I would have put a bullet through your head a long time ago.”

Tibs “Touché, my playa, touché. I am Tiberius Agent 090”

Ryden “Yeah your tactics looked to familiar, I know you can’t see my face and our minds only get activated every so often, but we went through training together, Me and you were tied for first place in top of the class.

Tibs “Oh That Ryden, What up brother, do you know why in the hell we are on a drug mission, this is complete nonsense compared to the stuff we should be doing.”

Ryden “I know, there has to be something more to it. It doesn’t make sense for them to send us on a drug bust, regular C.I.A., D.E.A., or some drug trafficking agency should be taking care of this.”

Tibs “At least we are in nice warm weather, instead of the bullshit freezing temperatures they sent me on the last mission, it was below 0 my whole mission. You know in my profile, I specifically stated I was allergic to cold weather, and would gladly do more missions in warm weather environments, to make up for any cold weather missions they diverted me from.”

I can’t help but laugh and say while laughing “Allergic to the cold??!! ( I chuckle) Did you really think they were going to believe that.”

Tibs “Well it was worth a shot. (Chuckles a little) I thought it worked to, until the last mission, the bastards”

  We both crack up and start to crawl to our scouting point. This was the first time in any mission that I was actually able to be relaxed enough to laugh in the middle of almost being killed, but this mission was much more serious, once we got to the scouting point we knew why.

   We took or 50 caliber sniper rifles, with our High resolution scopes and starting scoping the place out, only to have our jaws drop at what we seen.

Tibs “There is no way, It can’t be possible.”

   Now in hindsight, this was not nothing compared to some of the missions we accomplished throughout the years, but at the time we were still rookies and what we seen at the time was the first of its kind, at least in our eyes.

Ryden “They have Missiles for days, everywhere. Tiberius, do you see any nukes.”

Tibs “No But I do see a lot of M.O.W.D.s. By the way, my true friends call me Tibs.”

   To this day I do not know any other person in the world that has called him Tibs but me. I consider it such a tremendous honor to be able to call him that every time I see him, and he has gained more trust in me for that one statement, then he ever could have by doing anything else. He will call me Ry from time to time, but every other person who has tried to do that I have corrected them, but never Tibs.

Ryden “Tibs, we have to figure out a way to know where every missile is, I mean we can destroy the surface, but there could be a lot more in another place, or maybe even in an underground facility.”

Tibs “Ryden, got a question for you?”

Ryden “What’s up?”

Tibs “As anyone ever tried to catch Ryden Ridin dirty?”

Ryden “(I start busting a gut laughing) Well no one has ever caught Ryden Ridin dirty, I will tell you that much.”

We both crack up, and I knew right then and there, that we had a friendship bound to last a lifetime.

Tibs “So any plans how to infiltrate this place, I would say let’s just guile suit around, but it turns to dirt roads, and we would stick out worse than two white boys in the army.”

Ryden “Great idea Tibs lets lure two of these guards over here and take their uniforms. We can put a lot of mud on our face and hands to cover up our ethnicity.”

Tibs “You really got that idea of that statement.”

Ryden “Yeah.”

Tibs “I said it as a joke, and you created a master plan off of one joking statement, well there you go.”

Ryden “There I go what?”

Tibs “Playing genius.”

   My memory of our first mission is paused as I look back to see Tibs who has fell to his knees.

Ryden “Tibs, get up, you have to stay moving.”

Tibs “I can’t go any farther Ryden, I am sorry, just let me go.”

Ryden “Damn it Tibs, If you die, I’ll be damned if you die in the one thing that you hate more than anything in the world, the freezing cold weather. Wait till we have a mission on the beach in Cancun, I will let your ass die there all day, every day,  but not here and not now.”

Tibs “Your right, I rather die in Cancun.” Tibs stands up and takes 2 steps and then collapses in the snow.

Ryden “TIIIIBBBSS!!!!!!!!” I rush over to him, Take of the jacket I have one and put it on him; I pick him up and put him


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« Reply #41 on: December 26, 2013, 10:34:59 PM »

Ryden “TIIIIBBBSS!!!!!!!!” I rush over to him, Take of the jacket I have one and put it on him; I pick him up and put him over my shoulder. “I promise I will get you out of her Tibs, even if it kills me to do it.”

As I am walking with him on shoulder I start to remember another part of the first mission we were on.”

Tibs “If we plant the C4’s here, it should set of a chain reaction, destroying their entire operation. Hopefully every last one of them as well. This is the true center point of all the missiles, and every other place where missiles are, are close enough to set up the chain reaction.”

Ryden “Alright Mr. Pyro, lets plant them and get out of here, this mud on me is starting to bother the hell out of me.”

Tibs “Was it, or was it not your idea to lure the two guys over and steal their uniforms and put a little mud on us to cover our ethnicity.”

Ryden “It was, and a damn good one to, if I don’t say so myself.”

Tibs “Then why you complaining about the mud like a little bitch.”

Ryden “(I laugh) Oh yeah then why did someone put I am allergic to the cold in there profile like a little bitch.”

Tibs “Touché, my friend, touché. There planted, let’s get out of here before we get caught.”

  Just as we are starting to walk out the door bust open with guns a blazing, although not smart, we go behind some of the missiles for cover.
Ryden “How much ammo you got, and weapons?”

Tibs “I got two automatic pistols, two submachine guns, and two regular pistols strapped to my legs. You?”

Ryden “Basically the same thing, with the exception of one special weapon.”

Tibs “And what might that be?”

Ryden “This!” I pull out a 50 caliber Desert Eagle Action Express hand gun and blast 2 rounds which goes through ten peoples skull. “Let’s go.”

Tibs “I have got to get me one of those”

  He quickly follows behind me and we start to move as fast as we can to get out of there, we have 2 stair wells we have to fly threw, it is the only way out, and I know that they will be coming at us quickly, especially with the gunshots that just got done being blasted. We get through the first stairwell as fast as possible, and then start moving through the hallway to the second flight of stairs. As quickly as we are moving, I make a dumb mistake and turn the corner without even thinking about checking to see if anyone is there first. I get hit in four times, once in my leg, once in the side of my rib cage, and twice in my right chest area. Tibs quickly pulls me to back so I have some cover.

Ryden “Take this (I pull out the detonator) Get out of here and detonate this place to smithereens.”

Tibs “I am not leaving you.”

Ryden “I am dead weight, It’s ok, I was stupid, I made the mistake. Please I can’t have your life on your hands for trying to save me.”

Tibs “I can save y….”

Ryden “LEAVE ME BE AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!! Here take my Desert Eagle.”

Tibs “Thank you.”

Ryden “Just go.”

   I hear the gun shots of my Desert Eagle go off. 3 rounds go off, and no more gunshots are heard. I hear Tibs footsteps run off into the distance and start vaguely hear his footsteps disappear as he starts up the stairs. I start to lose concinnous when I hear a huge explosion just above the stairwell. Mr. Pyro must have just destroyed a small fraction with a little explosion that he has worked up. No matter the end is near for me. I start to let myself go off into a sleep when I hear footsteps coming toward me, sprinting toward me hard.

Tibs “I’ll be Damned if you die on my watch.” He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. I then lose concinnous as he is running me up the stairs from the pain of 4 bullet wounds bouncing up down his should on the stairs.

   When my eyes open, I am leaning against a tree, watching a fire that can go on as far as my eyes can see.

Tibs “About time you woke up, none of the bullets it any vital organs, although they did puncture a lung. No worries though, I have re-inflated your lung and have them on their way to pick us up.”

Ryden “Are you smoking a Cigar?”  I say pretty weakly

Tibs “Ry, I come back for you, put you on my shoulder, save you from certain death, and the first words out of your mouth to me is are you smoking a cigar” We both crack up, well I try to laugh but the pain from the gunshot wounds stops me from laughing to hard. “I have another one just for you buddy.”

   Tibs hands me a cigar, pulls out his zippo lighter and lights it. I start puffing way and start to relax. We look at each other so seriously, and then just bust out laughing again for no reason. Again, I not so much since the gunshot wounds hinder my laughing because of the pain.

Ryden “Tibs, you saved my life. I promise one day I will pay you back.”

Tibs “Just a thanks is payback enough. That is what true friends do for each other.”

Ryden “Indeed, my friend, indeed.”

   I have never forgotten that day, and I knew the day would come where I would pay him back. I have been walking for hours now with Tibs on back and even stopped to give him an extra layer of clothing besides my jacket that I had already put on him. I finally see something in the distance, but with nothing but a very light windbreaker on me and now the snow pouring harder than ever, my teeth have been chattering for the last 2 hours.

   With the last bit of strength I have I take two more steps and fall to the ground. I remember Tibs was the last one with the gun, I check him for it and sure enough there it is. I take it out and aim as best I can at the building. I fire once and I think I hit it. I take aim and fire again, hoping I hit something so that someone comes and starts looking to see what it was. I take aim and pull the trigger but the clip is empty.

With the last breathe I have I say “I’m Sorry Tibs, I’m Sorry.” And with that my eyes close for what I believe is the last time.


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« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2013, 12:06:10 PM »
Wow... :horns up :clapping:

that was awesome


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« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2013, 10:39:37 PM »
Its not over tibs still write a ways to go but I'm taking a little more tone to draw the story line together fir an ending that Wii sure to impress. Sorry it us taking a little longer between chapters


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« Reply #44 on: December 29, 2013, 10:16:39 AM »
totally worth the wait.  :horns up


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