Swisha! Good to see a friendly face good sir! And yes, I will be continuing my reviewing here and actually me and another partner are going to be actually getting into the vendor business, so keep a sharp lookout on those review threads, they will have samples of our new products hidden for requests, so persevere on reading!
Our prices will personally be unbeatable because I will be personally doing the blending, as I don't look to make money, I like to burn all ya'll down, no BS blend and no stemmy BS either. I might post a teaser pic of our blends here in the very near future, but need to order RC;s this week

So any help on that would be nice as I only have one source! Just shoot a PM!
Blends will be primarily containing spearmint, marshmellow leaf, peppermint, mugwort, and some of my personal "sativah" blend, so it is a joy to smoke, so definitely keep an eye out for us. More info coming soon.