Author Topic: Philadelphia: Mayor To Sign Marijuana Depenalization Measure - See more at: http  (Read 1305 times)


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City mayor Michael Nutter announced today that he will sign municipal legislation into law decriminalizing marijuana possession penalties.

Under the measure, penalties pertaining to the possession of up to one ounce of cannabis would be reduced from a criminal misdemeanor to a non-summary civil offense, punishable by a $25 fine – no arrest and no criminal record.

Members of the City Council in June voted 13 to 3 to reduce municipal marijuana penalties. A slightly amended version of this proposal is anticipated to be before the mayor by the end of this month. The revised language is expected to take effect on October 20.

Anyone cited under the pending ordinance would be required to make an appearance before a Municipal Court judge, but would not face criminal charges or a criminal record. Those caught smoking marijuana in public would face a $100 fine, which could be waived if the defendant agreed to perform several hours of public service.

Philadelphia NORML had long lobbied in support of a change in the city’s criminal classification of marijuana possession offenses. A 2013 review of marijuana arrest data by the organization reported that African Americans are arrested in Philadelphia for minor marijuana violations at five times the rate of whites despite both races consuming the substance at nearly equal rates.

“This will go a long way toward a much more saner and a much better policy for people in Philadelphia,” said Chris Goldstein, PhillyNORML co-chair. “This is something that should have happened earlier in the summer. It would have alleviated almost 1,000 people getting arrested.”

It remains to be seen to what extent local police will enforce the new ordinance, once enacted. In past statements, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey had publicly pledged to ignore the ordinance, stating, “State law trumps city ordinances.”

- See more at:

Galaxy Admin

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watch the busts go way down now cause there aint no money in it anymore.
It feels good to be running from the devil
Another breath and I'm up another level
It feels good to be up above the clouds
It feels good for the first time in a long time now


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Thanks for keeping us Informed Matty!  :goodpost :goodpost :goodpost

No money in it your right Acid, Why would they waste their time now!


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Just when you thought those cheesesteaks from Pat's and Geno's couldn't get any better!!!
"Although you come with saws and axes, in the end I shall grow over your graves."


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Thanks for the post, Matty. Happy to hear about any place with a sane new policy for MJ.  :weedspin


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About time. Most cops in Philly don't seem to care about people smoking bud anyway. They are busy making sure the drunks don't run into traffic and busting people who have pills. I have honestly never had problems with cops in that city. Most seem really nice and just trying to keep the peace. Baltimore however is a whole different story.


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