Author Topic: Tips  (Read 7125 times)


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« on: April 25, 2015, 02:56:01 PM »
So I work outside in the woods a lot and I always find shrooms but most are obviously poisonous, I personally find shrooming to be a very spiritual experience but everyone near me talks a big game, but always without fail, doesn't deliver. I just want another great trip lol  :hand-heart: any tips on where and how to find some? I keep trying to google where to look and stuff but most websites are all about the food aspect of mushrooms and identifying poisonous ones. I was told to look under cow pies but still no luck there. My uncle has a farm I can scout some at but I want to know what i'm looking for before I go flipping cow shit
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Re: Tips
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2015, 03:53:27 PM »
In Ohio they sometimes grew around where cow patties were, but I wouldn't eat a cap found UNDER one.


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Re: Tips
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2015, 03:56:11 PM »
There are some boomers that come available from time to time on the planet. They are very nice. Just keep your eyes open for a thread asking if there is any interest.    :tripping:
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Galaxy Admin

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Re: Tips
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2015, 07:26:42 PM »
grow your own. its fairly easy.  :tripping:
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Re: Tips
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2015, 03:52:26 PM »
I think I'd prefer licking a toad to delicious cow patty, nom nom nom


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Re: Tips
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 04:34:40 PM »
grow your own. its fairly easy.  :tripping:

I've ordered spore syringes in the past, and I'm contemplating doing it again.

The sheer volume of evidence that they can help with pain and depression convinced me.


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Re: Tips
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 07:15:18 PM »
I haven't been around here much, but I second Acid...

It's not hard to learn to grow your own. Unless you live in California, Idaho or Georgia you can order spore syringes to grow your own online without any legal worries. It only becomes illegal once the mushrooms begin to grow as they contain the dangerous evil life-destroying voodoo magic chemicals.

Hell, I did a lot of reading online and watched some tutorial videos for a month or two and was able to grow some just fine on my first try.

The only hard part is keeping things clean enough and that can be managed. You don't even need a pressure cooker you can use a pot with a tight-fitting lid.

Here: Check out this video playlist on Youtube:

If that doesn't work go to: and watch the free PF tek Flash videos to see what you need to do.

You can be 100% sure you're growing something you can safely trip on this way and even with a small modest grow you will get a decent amount of shrooms for personal use.

I need to start me another grow soon!
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Re: Tips
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2015, 08:33:57 PM »
I used a large plastic underbed storage container that I cleaned with alcohol and a portable steamer.

I do recommend a box of latex gloves on hand.

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Re: Tips
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2015, 03:56:04 AM »
I could really use a pick me up, depression sucks. I thought about growing my own a few years ago.
I don't do anything illegal, anything I say is all made up of fabricated stories. Believe me. =-)


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Re: Tips
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2015, 12:50:19 PM »
I could really use a pick me up, depression sucks. I thought about growing my own a few years ago.

   How about a hooker? I always figured if I got a couple of blowjobs a week my attitude would improve by a huge amount


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Re: Tips
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2015, 04:37:36 PM »
Keep in mind that you don't HAVE to go with 1/2 pint glass mason jars. If they're out of season you can pay a lot for shipping because they're so heavy if you get them online. You can instead opt to use PP5 plastic containers. I've found that the Ziploc Twist 'n Loc 1 pint sized containers work great. They'll stand up to heat in a pressure cooker or pot. Just be sure the containers aren't touching the bottom or sides of the PC/pot! You can also use spare drinking glasses from home with aluminum foil on top.

I like the 1 pint PP5 containers because they're disposable and so cheap, so if you get contams you can just chuck 'em. The store brand Ziploc knock offs work just as well. Just make sure that it says, usually on the bottom of the containers, PP5 or "5" inside of a recycling symbol triangle.

You'll definitely want 70% isopropryl alcohol (I use both the wipes and paper towels with a bottle of the stuff), latex gloves, a few of those surgical masks that filter out pollen and bacteria and stuff. I mainly use masking tape, but any surgical tape will do if you can't find the "micropore" stuff in my experience. Even black electrical tape can work.

Most of what you'll need can be found at local stores.

For brown rice flour I use a coffee grinder and just get whole grain organic brown rice and make my own flour on a coarse grind.

You'll also want spring water but that's cheap as hell.

You can buy the spore syringes online. Shroomery has a sponsors/vendors list and most of those are going to be good to buy from. Lots of them also have promotional coupon codes so you'll get a free random cubensis syringe with your order so you'll at least get 2 when paying for just 1.

You don't need any complex setup at all. You don't even need a certain spectrum/wavelength of light --- I give my jars filtered indirect sunlight on a shelf from a window and/or shine a bright white LED lamp on them at night. I've found you don't even need a 12 on/12 off light cycle.

Basically these things are easy to grow and considering you can reuse most of what you buy initially it isn't that expensive.
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Re: Tips
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2015, 07:05:54 AM »
I have never grown myself but i have looked into it and I also advocate this option. Just be very careful and keep it on the low. :)

You can buy the spore syringes online. Shroomery has a sponsors/vendors list and most of those are going to be good to buy from. Lots of them also have promotional coupon codes so you'll get a free random cubensis syringe with your order so you'll at least get 2 when paying for just 1.

Are spore syringes not monitored here in the USA? You'd think anything listed on shroomery is monitored. I wouldn't know, even if it is monitored obviously it gets through (the spore syringes themselves are not illegal, correct?) but would you not be put on some sort of "watch list" if you don't use some sort of drop? Or would this be considered too paranoid? All these questions are out of sheer curiosity though, I'm definitely not willing to risk this where I live.
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Re: Tips
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2015, 09:16:20 AM »
spores are not illegal to posses or sell. they are illegal when you grow them.
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Re: Tips
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2015, 10:39:45 AM »

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Re: Tips
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2015, 06:52:10 PM »
It's not what you have, it's what you do with it that makes it illegal.
Everything should be illegal, because people will do it anyways.
I don't do anything illegal, anything I say is all made up of fabricated stories. Believe me. =-)


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