Author Topic: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true  (Read 5433 times)


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Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:58:37 AM »
Simply wish that nobody else's wishes will come true - always works!
Don't Date Robots! The world is trained to ignore everything unless it comes from the church, their TV, celebrities, or the media.


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 01:40:36 PM »
 WTF?  Lol, sounds depressing, fill that head up with positive vibes instead my friend :-)

But really you're right in some way at least,  we all need to be freed from our desires.
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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2015, 05:46:26 PM »
WTF?  Lol, sounds depressing, fill that head up with positive vibes instead my friend :-)

But really you're right in some way at least,  we all need to be freed from our desires.

Well being bummed can be really bad, I Mean others may not even know what your feeling or going through! So yeah get high, get laid, enjoy your life, and if the blues come to get ya, just remember you got peeps and friends!


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2015, 06:45:09 AM »
Well being bummed can be really bad, I Mean others may not even know what your feeling or going through! So yeah get high, get laid, enjoy your life, and if the blues come to get ya, just remember you got peeps and friends!

KT are you talking to me?  Thank you, and so true. Whenever I get the blues I savor the fuck out of it.  I love having something real to feel bad about. But as they say, we can be absolutely correct and yet be absolutely alone. ...Yes this person screwed me over, yes this person has abandoned me, I didn't deserve that bullshit at work etc problems ad infinitum. ... then we breathe and let some light in...

The concept of impermanence is a good thing though, being freed fRom desires  Then we don't have as much to miss/ache for. Have to then cling harder to what's really true , those basic truths. Gets us closer to the godhead in our souls and true happiness!
And if you see your mom this weekend, tell her I said
Satan Satan Satan Satan

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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2015, 07:59:49 PM »
When I get the Blues, I fucking crank Tunes up and get Blazed. I will crank up some good old Blues too and then I feel better . One day at a time.  :kevsmith:

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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2015, 08:50:37 PM »
I spell M- A-N  Man
Life is The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2015, 10:57:34 PM »
Personally, I have been having a couple of very annoying months. Thing is it is mostly little things, like when I drop a small part and of course I will never see it again, which is why I stock lots of small parts. I still feel annoyed and I know all I can do is bear with it and try to not let the irritation get away from me. This afternoon I had too much going on and lost a client by saying the wrong thing on the phone. Thing is I am already sposed to know not to answer the phone when I can't keep my temper. Hey it gets hot out there too and it was just too much, so I said the F word and then this lady was like, I don't think we can do business now so I was like, OK, the n Fuck Off. Not my proudest moment I suppose, but something will change and I'll be happier later on. You can't Always be happy


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2015, 12:46:39 PM »
Personally, I have been having a couple of very annoying months. Thing is it is mostly little things, like when I drop a small part and of course I will never see it again, which is why I stock lots of small parts. I still feel annoyed and I know all I can do is bear with it and try to not let the irritation get away from me. This afternoon I had too much going on and lost a client by saying the wrong thing on the phone. Thing is I am already sposed to know not to answer the phone when I can't keep my temper. Hey it gets hot out there too and it was just too much, so I said the F word and then this lady was like, I don't think we can do business now so I was like, OK, the n Fuck Off. Not my proudest moment I suppose, but something will change and I'll be happier later on. You can't Always be happy

Stress can really fuck some shit up. Hope it gets better soon.
"You can't buy happiness... but you can buy weed, which is pretty close."


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2015, 01:37:27 PM »
We can be content/satisfied always though ------ if one doesn't live in contentment I promise you it is possible. I had that down pat until last year, now part of me is scarred by a good friend abandoning me. Once I fully internalize that it wasn't my fault I'll be content with my life again.  Now he on the other hand has to come to terms with abandoning good friends that put him up RENT FREE for one YEAR!  All because he's a pervert, had exposed himself to me several times knowing I think he's fine as fuck while not caring for me at all in that way apparently.  Asshole pervert. So once I found out he didn't give a flip for me sexually it fucked up my head real good. While he was living with us. Crazy. So eventually he got tired of me and abandoned us, angry about my crush.

I may never see him again, it's been months.

Once im able to blame him I'll be ok.

Please people, keep your stuff covered up, exposing oneself can lead to all manner of bullshit.  Especially if to a "friend"

God help us
And if you see your mom this weekend, tell her I said
Satan Satan Satan Satan

Galaxy Admin

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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2015, 09:12:22 PM »
How to Be Happy Anytime written by Leo Babauta.
 My friend Barron recently asked, “If you could be anywhere right now, doing anything you want, where would you be? And what would you be doing?” And my answer was, “I’m always where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing.” I’ve notice that in the past, like many people, I was always wishing I was doing something different, thinking about what I would do in the future, making plans for my life to come, reading (with jealousy) about cool things other people were doing. It’s a fool’s game. Many of us do this, but if you get into the mindset of thinking about what you *could* be doing, you’ll never be happy doing what you actually *are* doing. You’ll compare what you’re doing with what other people (on Facebook and Twitter, perhaps?) are doing. You’ll wish your life were better. You’ll never be satisfied, because there’s *always* something better to do. Instead, I’ve adopted the mindset that whatever I’m doing right now is perfect. If I’m writing a post, that’s amazing. If I’m reading blog posts on the Internet, that’s interesting. If I’m doing nothing but hanging out with my family, that’s incredible. If I’m walking outside, enjoying the fresh air, that’s beautiful. There’s nothing I’m ever doing that isn’t the most incredible thing on Earth. If I’m doing something sucky (I can’t remember doing that recently), maybe that’s an invaluable life lesson. If I’m with someone boring or obnoxious, it’s a lesson in patience, or empathy, or in learning to understand people better. The Now Mindset, In Practice Let’s say you’re washing the dishes. Wouldn’t you rather be having a delicious meal instead, or talking with your best friend? Sure, those things are great, but they’re only better if you believe they’re better, and more importantly, the comparison is totally unnecessary. Why should you compare what you’re doing now (washing dishes) with anything else? Wouldn’t almost anything lose out if you compare it to something you like more? Will you ever be happy with what you’re doing if you always compare it with something you like more? Washing dishes can be as great as anything else, if you decide to see it that way. You’re in solitude, which is a beautiful thing. If you do it mindfully, washing dishes can be pleasant as you feel the suds and water in your hands, pay attention to the dish and its texture, notice your breathing and thoughts. It’s meditation, it’s quiet, it’s lovely. You can say the same of anything. Driving to work? Enjoy the solitude, the chance to be alone with your thoughts, or to listen to music you love, to see the world around you. In a meeting with co-workers? Pay attention to how people talk and interact, learn about the human mind, see yourself in everyone around you, learn to love anyone no matter who they are, practice giving up expectations of who people should be or what this meeting should be like. I’m always happy with what I’m doing, because I don’t compare it to anything else, and instead pay close attention to the activity itself. I’m always happy with whoever I’m with, because I learn to see the perfection in every person. I’m always happy with where I am, because there’s no place on Earth that’s not a miracle. Life will suck if you are always wishing you’re doing something else. Life will rock if you realize you’re already doing the best thing ever.
It feels good to be running from the devil
Another breath and I'm up another level
It feels good to be up above the clouds
It feels good for the first time in a long time now


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2015, 11:40:58 PM »
How to Be Happy Anytime written by Leo Babauta.
 My friend Barron recently asked, “If you could be anywhere right now, doing anything you want, where would you be? And what would you be doing?” And my answer was, “I’m always where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing.” I’ve notice that in the past, like many people, I was always wishing I was doing something different, thinking about what I would do in the future, making plans for my life to come, reading (with jealousy) about cool things other people were doing. It’s a fool’s game. Many of us do this, but if you get into the mindset of thinking about what you *could* be doing, you’ll never be happy doing what you actually *are* doing. You’ll compare what you’re doing with what other people (on Facebook and Twitter, perhaps?) are doing. You’ll wish your life were better. You’ll never be satisfied, because there’s *always* something better to do. Instead, I’ve adopted the mindset that whatever I’m doing right now is perfect. If I’m writing a post, that’s amazing. If I’m reading blog posts on the Internet, that’s interesting. If I’m doing nothing but hanging out with my family, that’s incredible. If I’m walking outside, enjoying the fresh air, that’s beautiful. There’s nothing I’m ever doing that isn’t the most incredible thing on Earth. If I’m doing something sucky (I can’t remember doing that recently), maybe that’s an invaluable life lesson. If I’m with someone boring or obnoxious, it’s a lesson in patience, or empathy, or in learning to understand people better. The Now Mindset, In Practice Let’s say you’re washing the dishes. Wouldn’t you rather be having a delicious meal instead, or talking with your best friend? Sure, those things are great, but they’re only better if you believe they’re better, and more importantly, the comparison is totally unnecessary. Why should you compare what you’re doing now (washing dishes) with anything else? Wouldn’t almost anything lose out if you compare it to something you like more? Will you ever be happy with what you’re doing if you always compare it with something you like more? Washing dishes can be as great as anything else, if you decide to see it that way. You’re in solitude, which is a beautiful thing. If you do it mindfully, washing dishes can be pleasant as you feel the suds and water in your hands, pay attention to the dish and its texture, notice your breathing and thoughts. It’s meditation, it’s quiet, it’s lovely. You can say the same of anything. Driving to work? Enjoy the solitude, the chance to be alone with your thoughts, or to listen to music you love, to see the world around you. In a meeting with co-workers? Pay attention to how people talk and interact, learn about the human mind, see yourself in everyone around you, learn to love anyone no matter who they are, practice giving up expectations of who people should be or what this meeting should be like. I’m always happy with what I’m doing, because I don’t compare it to anything else, and instead pay close attention to the activity itself. I’m always happy with whoever I’m with, because I learn to see the perfection in every person. I’m always happy with where I am, because there’s no place on Earth that’s not a miracle. Life will suck if you are always wishing you’re doing something else. Life will rock if you realize you’re already doing the best thing ever.



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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2015, 11:44:51 PM »
I agree,
   It's all about deluding yourself  :lips: :weed-sign:


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2015, 11:45:55 PM »
When I get blue, sometimes I just need to cry it out.  It might not solve anything, but I usually feel better and it's cathartic. 


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2015, 12:40:37 AM »
When I get blue, sometimes I just need to cry it out.  It might not solve anything, but I usually feel better and it's cathartic. 

I agree, crying lets off some pressure
  Thing is I'm not very good at it and I scare the dog.
I keep trying every once in awhile anyhow


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Re: Wishing Wells, one wish that will come true
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2015, 02:48:51 AM »
Terence mckenna, alan watts, joe rogan, duncan trussell can possibly help one inquire into ones happiness   :jay:
"Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost." - mckenna


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