Author Topic: Politics - WTF  (Read 2873 times)


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2016, 01:45:08 PM »
They are all....

Great video. Chilling are the implications. These nasty political adds, Trump is genius to replay it, awesome! Too bad this is the malignant angle of his genius. ...

I heard a commentator say Trump is hopefully a sheep in wolf's clothing. And that Hilary is a wolf in wolf's clothing... hope they're right cuz I do think Donald will win.

I've always been solidly with Jesus on this one though ------ "business men and liars will not see my father's kingdom", not that all business is bad quote unquote but who knows really in the end....EDIT --- but of course he says nearly the same about fags I guess, good grief!  I should know better than to look for positives in that religion.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:27:33 PM by avoca »
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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2016, 01:56:14 PM »
They are all....

Great video. Chilling are the implications. These nasty political adds, Trump is genius to replay it, awesome! Too bad this is the malignant angle of his genius. ...

I heard a commentator say Trump is hopefully a sheep in wolf's clothing. And that Hilary is a wolf in wolf's clothing... hope they're right cuz I do think Donald will win.

I sure as hell hope Trump wins. At least he's never been a politician before, and he's not responsible for any of the crap going on in our country today. If he wins, we have a serious chance to battle the rampant corruption in DC on both sides of the fence. I like to think that he's serious about putting America first, too. If Crooked Hillary wins, she's going to take that corruption to levels that we've never seen before, and she'll likely destroy everything good about America in 4-8 years. She'll sell us out to globalists as fast as they can wire money to her 'charitable foundation'... :flamer:


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2016, 03:23:19 PM »
NAFTA was a huge pile of bullshit, yep, I do believe hil monster will continue leaching us dry.

But as far as globalists go, Trump ummmm is a big huge globalist me thinks! I didn't quite get that tweet --- "put America 1st", shouldn't that go without saying?

But when we consider Trumps global reach it suddenly becomes clearly very clearly a terrible reveal of his globalist mindset.

That should just fucking be understood, that someone running for Pres would put USA 1st?  WOW  I guess most people took that asa slam on Hillary maybe?, --- but I feel it's his self imposed mantra to keep himself on track in publics eye.

Any way it's sliced, it was a message to his base which disqualifies me from quite getting it....
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:29:35 PM by avoca »
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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2016, 04:48:24 PM »
If clinton wins we're fucked. If trump wins we're fucked. Looks like we're fucked.


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2016, 08:54:52 PM »
NAFTA was a huge pile of bullshit, yep, I do believe hil monster will continue leaching us dry.

But as far as globalists go, Trump ummmm is a big huge globalist me thinks! I didn't quite get that tweet --- "put America 1st", shouldn't that go without saying?

But when we consider Trumps global reach it suddenly becomes clearly very clearly a terrible reveal of his globalist mindset.

That should just fucking be understood, that someone running for Pres would put USA 1st?  WOW  I guess most people took that asa slam on Hillary maybe?, --- but I feel it's his self imposed mantra to keep himself on track in publics eye.

Any way it's sliced, it was a message to his base which disqualifies me from quite getting it....

I don't think doing business globally is quite the same as being a person with a globalist mindset. Globalists tend to think that America is just another country in the global community versus being something unique and special, and they tend to think that international ideas and law should take precedence over our own Constitution. That sure doesn't sound like anything Trump is saying to me. Yes, we are part of this world and have to participate, but America truly is something unique and special. If you haven't noticed yet, the world outside of America is a pretty fucking scary place these days. Gotta love having a terrorist group with their own damn state, and the dumbass Europeans are letting them walk right on in after fighting them off for 1400 years - madness! We better put someone in the chair that's going to have the balls to do what need be done, and that certainly ain't the Hildabeast. The stuff that's happening now festered on her and Ojackass' watch. No thanks to more of that.

And yes, 'America First!' should go without saying, with 'should' being the key word. Do you honestly feel that our past several presidents having been governing with an America first mindset? NAFTA, TPP, etc. Both sides of the fence have been ramming that sort of crap down our throats for years. I could give a crap what they say. America first is something you do, and they ain't doing it. There's a chance for change with Trump. Not a shot in hell for change with Crooked Hillary. Have you seen the list of countries she took money from while she was SoS? Sure, nothing to see there....


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2016, 08:56:51 PM »
If clinton wins we're fucked. If trump wins we're fucked. Looks like we're fucked.

If Crooked Hillary wins, we're definitely fucked. If Trump wins, we're possibly fucked. Better odds with Trump for sure!


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2016, 01:13:16 AM »
Today’s report that Donald Trump has chosen Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate is bad news for those of us hoping for cannabis policy reform during the next presidency.

First of all, Pence hails from Indiana, where draconian drug laws still reign supreme. Possession of any amount of cannabis in the state still punishable by a $1,000 fine and 180 days in jail.

In 2013, House Bill 1006 was introduced to overhaul Indiana’s criminal code. The bill originally included a clause to lower marijuana possession charges. Pence, however, refused to accept the lowered penalties, and demanded that legislators bump cannabis possession back up to a Class B misdemeanor before signing the measure into law. Pence said at a press conference, “I think we need to focus on reducing crime, not reducing penalties.”

Various attempts to bring Indiana’s drug laws into the 21st century have repeatedly failed, due at least in part to Pence’s widely held belief that cannabis is a gateway drug.


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2016, 09:36:35 AM »
Today’s report that Donald Trump has chosen Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate is bad news for those of us hoping for cannabis policy reform during the next presidency.

First of all, Pence hails from Indiana, where draconian drug laws still reign supreme. Possession of any amount of cannabis in the state still punishable by a $1,000 fine and 180 days in jail.

In 2013, House Bill 1006 was introduced to overhaul Indiana’s criminal code. The bill originally included a clause to lower marijuana possession charges. Pence, however, refused to accept the lowered penalties, and demanded that legislators bump cannabis possession back up to a Class B misdemeanor before signing the measure into law. Pence said at a press conference, “I think we need to focus on reducing crime, not reducing penalties.”

Various attempts to bring Indiana’s drug laws into the 21st century have repeatedly failed, due at least in part to Pence’s widely held belief that cannabis is a gateway drug.

Yeah, Indiana seems screwed up in that area to me. Kratom is illegal there, too. Pence was definitely Trump's appeal to unite the GOP going into the general. Seems to be working to a large degree, but I definitely don't like his stance on my favorite plants. I did like the other things that he had to say in his speech last night though. On the flip side, Trump seems to be OK with MJ to a decent degree. He's definitely pro medical MJ, and is on the record saying such. On the other side of the fence, Crooked Hillary was on the record as being against it before she made a political decision that she was now for it. Shocker, I know! Of course, the only guys that were really pro MJ, Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders, are now gone from the race. Guess I'll have to decide this one on other factors - again! :(

I wish Trump would have picked Newt for VP instead of Pence. Love him or hate him, he's a pretty damn sharp guy, and I believe he would work with both sides of the fence when given a chance. He made a damn good speech last night IMHO. For those of you that have some doubt or are still undecided, I would give this video a look -

He summed things up pretty damn well in my book. This stuff either matters to you or it doesn't, simple as that.

Free da weed!

 :weedspin :weedspin :weedspin


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2016, 11:14:20 AM »
I'm wondering how many business decisions by Trump equates him to being globalist. If you take jobs from USA then globalist sticks. Maybe Trump has never?  I just don't see how any multibillionaire is anything other than purely all about his $$$

I'd feel more comfortable with trump if he wasn't a (ruthless?) business-monger.

Here's hoping he truly has love for His family. I believe so strongly in love/compassion that if Trump truly loves his kids I think we're safe....I think if one holds true love in their heart that they can only then side with goodness

Crossing my fingers that he's as awesome a family guy as he seems.

EDIT --- LOL my phone capitalized "His" above as though I feel Trumps biblical lol maybe my phone's trying to tell me something hahaha
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 11:18:42 AM by avoca »
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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2016, 12:20:54 PM »
I'm wondering how many business decisions by Trump equates him to being globalist. If you take jobs from USA then globalist sticks. Maybe Trump has never?  I just don't see how any multibillionaire is anything other than purely all about his $$$

I'd feel more comfortable with trump if he wasn't a (ruthless?) business-monger.

Here's hoping he truly has love for His family. I believe so strongly in love/compassion that if Trump truly loves his kids I think we're safe....I think if one holds true love in their heart that they can only then side with goodness

Crossing my fingers that he's as awesome a family guy as he seems.

EDIT --- LOL my phone capitalized "His" above as though I feel Trumps biblical lol maybe my phone's trying to tell me something hahaha

The basic appeal of Trump is that he is a guy that knows intimately how that gov screws us over directly because of his business dealings. He's basically a traitor in their eyes because he has surely benefited greatly from playing their games, and now he is willing to expose exactly how they're doing it. Just look at how both the GOP and the Dem establishments fought to deny him the nomination. Hell, there are still GOP establishment types that are still fighting his nomination. That's pretty much unprecedented as far as I can recall in my lifetime. In short, there's only one outsider in the race, and his name is Trump. Hillary is the very pinnacle of a corrupted establishment type. Too bad Bernie didn't have the balls to really fight Crooked Hillary for the Dem nomination, but we're going to have to play the cards that we've been dealt. The choices are really very simple now. Trump = a chance at shaking things up and getting back to the basics of what made America the beacon of freedom in the world. Crooked Hillary = more of the same crap that we have been dealing with for the last 30 years (likely on steroids!) Now Trump could turn around on us and not do what he's saying he will, but I don't think anyone has any delusions about what they're going to get with CH. That, to me, means we have a chance with Trump, but there's absolutely no chance for change from the status quo with CH. Choose wisely.

And I agree with you that Trump does seem to be a helluva family man. His kids are nothing short of impressive in my book, and he's willing to turn a multi-billion dollar industry over to their care if he wins. His kids seem to have been very well prepared to succeed in life, and they are definitely an asset to him in this election which is not always the case - good on him! Not sure if you got a chance to see it, but his son delivered a pretty damn good endorsement of his father last night -

If his kids are a true measure of this man's intentions to our country, then we may just be alright after all, IMHO.


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2016, 01:39:28 PM »
Some wishful thinking here --- ---

Money whores have fucked up all our lives. Each one of us. I just wish the choices contained one person who has just fucking for sure never sold anyone out --- --- Trump may look the better of the 2 but we're really talking about the lesser of the evils...

How do the poor chumps feel now, any that Trump decimated?  Any that wasted their life savings on his bullshit education companies for example. I don't know, Trump just seems like your average money whore wanting respect.

I also think Hillary is suffering from rampant sexism. We're all extremely hateful of straight up bitches eh? Well I tHink Hillary is suffering from sexist woman haters mainly. Bengazi yeah but  what about IRAQ??  Hillary s blunders surely can't trump that march to war...

I mean hey, there have been times I could honestly say I wish I'd never have ti work with another fucking bitch!, I mean woman, I've been so tired of the bitches at my work that I've gone prejudice before... I think this is what we're seeing mainly with the fear of Hillary
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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2016, 03:00:37 PM »
Some wishful thinking here --- ---

Money whores have fucked up all our lives. Each one of us. I just wish the choices contained one person who has just fucking for sure never sold anyone out --- --- Trump may look the better of the 2 but we're really talking about the lesser of the evils...

How do the poor chumps feel now, any that Trump decimated?  Any that wasted their life savings on his bullshit education companies for example. I don't know, Trump just seems like your average money whore wanting respect.

I also think Hillary is suffering from rampant sexism. We're all extremely hateful of straight up bitches eh? Well I tHink Hillary is suffering from sexist woman haters mainly. Bengazi yeah but  what about IRAQ??  Hillary s blunders surely can't trump that march to war...

I mean hey, there have been times I could honestly say I wish I'd never have ti work with another fucking bitch!, I mean woman, I've been so tired of the bitches at my work that I've gone prejudice before... I think this is what we're seeing mainly with the fear of Hillary

Sure the voters who dislike hillary don't base that dislike on the 50 dead people she has in her closet,
 or the fact that her foundation is carefully placed in Canada in order to carefully cleanse all the money
in there, or the sad fact that many of the 'donations' to hillary's foundation are from china & russia--
No, folks just dislike her cause she is and has a cunt, Righto!!


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2016, 03:19:43 PM »


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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2016, 03:26:27 PM »
Well yeah Jones , 50 dead, jeez

I bet that # is actually higher --- they're all death dealers in Washington.  I heard Roosevelt's reasoning for the Spanish American war was a false flag operation, sinking of a ship off Cuba's coast... been going on for what 2 centuries now?

And LOL we all act enraged afresh With each new shitsack haha we r fucked
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Re: Politics - WTF
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2016, 03:53:54 PM »
Well yeah Jones , 50 dead, jeez

I bet that # is actually higher --- they're all death dealers in Washington.  I heard Roosevelt's reasoning for the Spanish American war was a false flag operation, sinking of a ship off Cuba's coast... been going on for what 2 centuries now?

And LOL we all act enraged afresh With each new shitsack haha we r fucked

Tell you the truth, the fix is actually very simple. Every cop and politician takes an Oath of Office, which basically causes
them to affirm that they will always support the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This country has always been better off by
following the Constitution strictly and so all we need to do is hang whoever breaks their Oath of Office--That will fix everything
and keep future liars, I mean politicians from screwing us taxpayers Again


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