I don't want to get too political here but I read an article on either Politico or The Hill talking about the majority of Americans being favorable to legalization at the Fed level and how it might be a good reelection strategy to give the people what they want. Seeing something like that on a political forum seems weightier than it would be from, say, People magazine or even a news aggregation site. Just an observation.Things seem to be moving quickly, and it wouldn't be surprising to see federal approval, even if States rights may be used to crush legalization at the state level. But even if that's the case, those states would be starved of the revenue. Sooner or later, it's going to come down to Money Talks. It always does.
On a similar note ---- an aside ----- Very basic attention to wild plants has been shown recently to increase yield thrice! Plum Bayou farm in Arkansas replicating ancient diet, found this out, fascinating... This means only checking on the plant, pulling a weed / giving it space, propping up a piece maybe, shooing away critters, ------ something in this basic human attention is noticed by the plant?/triggers DNA changes in the plants.... Fucking all praise to the beautiful strange universe, inspiring this mysterious connection!