Author Topic: Hemp flower lungs  (Read 2101 times)


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Hemp flower lungs
« on: June 15, 2019, 04:36:31 PM »
Hemp flower can be extremely harsh on my lungs. When there is phlegm to cough up.  When lungs are clear hemp flower presents more like clean air to my ventricles.

WTF?  Could it be true?  I'm not sure that thc flower does the same for me... 

So not sure what else may have changed since. But over time hemp has gotten less harsh initially.  I think she is teaching me better how to maintain my lungs/ breathe.

Or maybe any change is actually negative unbeknownst, too much CBD can hamper immune response etc.

Whichever, ALL PRAISE TO DOLTARD TRUMP for releasing this very potent tool to the public.

Please experiment alongside your usual. You know at very least hemp is sacred, and we're getting closer to mj that will work towards healing ever more mercilessly, undeniably, naturally , holistically.  WhoopWhoop!!!!
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2019, 08:23:53 PM »
I don't want to get too political here but I read an article on either Politico or The Hill talking about the majority of Americans being favorable to legalization at the Fed level and how it might be a good reelection strategy to give the people what they want. Seeing something like that on a political forum seems weightier than it would be from, say, People magazine or even a news aggregation site. Just an observation.

Things seem to be moving quickly, and it wouldn't be surprising to see federal approval, even if States rights may be used to crush legalization at the state level. But even if that's the case, those states would be starved of the revenue. Sooner or later, it's going to come down to Money Talks. It always does.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2019, 08:32:36 PM by orthene »
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2019, 12:11:00 AM »
I don't want to get too political here but I read an article on either Politico or The Hill talking about the majority of Americans being favorable to legalization at the Fed level and how it might be a good reelection strategy to give the people what they want. Seeing something like that on a political forum seems weightier than it would be from, say, People magazine or even a news aggregation site. Just an observation.

Things seem to be moving quickly, and it wouldn't be surprising to see federal approval, even if States rights may be used to crush legalization at the state level. But even if that's the case, those states would be starved of the revenue. Sooner or later, it's going to come down to Money Talks. It always does.

So it's actually gonna happen this time--won't be like all the other times when this was going to happen, right...

Honestly I'm mostly convinced if it does happen it will only drive the price up or somehow ruin the whole thing for me
maybe I'm just getting a bad attitude about this Oh & that whole Revolution thing--When is that gonna happen?                                     :jay:   :kevsmith:

Thing I do when my lungs have had enough is switch to edibles, it's amazing how just a day or two off burning weed makes the lungs feel better   :weedspin


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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2019, 10:42:53 AM »
Government involvement always drives prices up; once again it's follow the money. Probably why there are still moonshiners is why we'll always have a black market. Bet we'll have a situation 100 percent opposite to today: dry counties/states. I could be totally mistaken though, as I'm no expert lol.

I'm sure many would buy smoke from a state liquor store equivalent just to feel righteous about being legal. Or maybe to get something with a regulated THC content, free of pesticide residues, etc. Not everyone is that pious though, or able to pay those prices.

Who knows, if federally legalized, would we be closer to insurance covering medical MJ? Is this a valid question; I'm asking because I don't know. What are your thoughts?
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2019, 11:41:35 AM »
Unfortunately the whole attitude I get is that marijuana isn't actual medicine--when it is looked at as real medicine,
perhaps then the insurance company will begin paying


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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2019, 10:42:20 AM »

Well I like CBD Hemp Flower too but it is harsh. As soon as I move over to the RV park around the 1st. I am going to order a Dry Herb Vape for Hemp FLower. I was wondering does anyone here know which Dry Herb Vape is high quality and reasonable in price?

I find toking regular weed is way less harsh than hemp for sure!

 :weedspin :weedspin :weedspin


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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2019, 01:16:32 AM »
KT this is cray cray , I think it means something.... And it has definitely gotten less harsh for myself over time.  But that may be from learning subconsciously how to use it better.

Either this is pretty extreme medicine or it is harmful!  Doesn't seem like a middle of the fence type botanical...

Israel has explained enough about how our endocannabinoid system works for them to be able to say it's crucial for life.  Then we have America where doctors know zero. Going to the doctor in America is starting out with a half-knowledge of homeostasis at best.

Edit ---- in fact there have been deaths at clinical trials where they're trying to block "the munchies" for weight loss Rx. For example. DEAD
« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 01:19:53 AM by avoca »
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2019, 02:26:01 AM »
I don't see the documentation or pesticide regulations applying to all these new online hemp bud sellers. I'm pretty sure the farm bill meant for people to make industrial hemp and that's why  its not regulated as tightly as recreational or medicinal cannabis.

In fact some could have some pesticides that are completed unregulated because it doesn't have to be safe for human consumption.

If someone knows any better please teach me.  :jay:


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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2019, 09:25:05 PM »
Truth. Take for example, Dursban (chlorpyrifos), a pesticide which we used in residential applications. It is an organophosphate pesticide that was originally developed as nerve gas in World War II. In 2008 it was banned from residential use, but it is still available for agricultural applications. It is used on, among other things, cotton, corn, almonds, and fruit trees, including oranges, bananas, and apples. On August 9, 2018 the U.S. 9th Circuit court of Appeals ruled that the EPA must ban chlorpyrifos within 60 days from that date. That ruling was almost immediately appealed.  Who, other than the grower him/herself, knows what's been sprayed on industrial hemp?
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2019, 03:20:49 AM »
Edit **** I wanted to add, my main thought was, yuns concern is echoed across every product you buy from a corporation.  Your concern is a basic condition of big business age / predatory capitalism, or really any human interaction is suspect blah blah yadda

You know, anything  manufactured /processed , anything we buy? has some chemical cost , often popular media or science has not revealed it yet. We've got a lot to learn I mean.  We're all in a similar jam to the workers smearing glow-in-the-dark uranium on their lips before we knew better

Ok, thoughts on hemp pesticide :

Trusting these growers'  self interest in not poisoning their customers. They of course tout their organicness and send lab results yadda.  They could still be poisoning the fuck out of us, yes,

And the competition, no one would have to go with any suspect hemp cuz its everywhere.  It could all be suspect true, but there is a lot of competition.

One strain for me so far is overly harsh, but the rest do seem similar across farms and types etc.  So from one farm, and farm to farm, the strains  present a bit different yet all basically the same... Not sure if that is a hill o beans but the experience is reassuring.

Also, if hemp was meant for the industrialists, then families selling organic medicine is some certain rebellion, middle finger to what's wrong in this world etc etc

Also they say, on average, it's grown outdoors with no watering system even. Much less pesticide.   On a similar note ---- an aside ----- Very basic attention to wild plants has been shown recently to increase yield thrice!  Plum Bayou farm in Arkansas replicating ancient diet, found this out, fascinating...  This means only checking on the plant, pulling a weed / giving it space, propping up a piece maybe, shooing away critters, ------ something in this basic human attention is noticed by the plant?/triggers DNA changes in the plants....   Fucking all praise to the beautiful strange universe, inspiring this mysterious connection!
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 03:45:11 AM by avoca »
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2019, 03:01:42 PM »
On a similar note ---- an aside ----- Very basic attention to wild plants has been shown recently to increase yield thrice!  Plum Bayou farm in Arkansas replicating ancient diet, found this out, fascinating...  This means only checking on the plant, pulling a weed / giving it space, propping up a piece maybe, shooing away critters, ------ something in this basic human attention is noticed by the plant?/triggers DNA changes in the plants....   Fucking all praise to the beautiful strange universe, inspiring this mysterious connection!
As for giving attention to a plant: Awhile back, and I don't know how accurate or scientific this is, I read about a comparison experiment of two plants of the same genus and species. Both were given the same lighting, plant food, water, and air circulation in different rooms. One plant was talked to daily in pleasant tones, while the other was subject to derisive talk, swearing, and angry tones. Guess which plant thrived while the other wilted? Not saying plants have feelings, or even that if the experiment was duplicated several times the result would be the same.....but it would seem that plants somehow respond to their environs similar to humans/animals.
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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2019, 06:15:30 AM »
Everything's connected, the ultimate cliche at the end of all existential questions.  ?  Without thinking that through... I'll chew on that one later ha

Anatta, how we may not be separate souls but more like antenna hooked up to LOVE meaning "consciousness" or that foundational energy behind the manifest universe. This relates to the above....

Gravity may be related.  If we could understand Gaia she may appreciate similar seemingly disparate attractions/connections. Like we have millions of "bugs" inside us, eating breathing cumming dying....

All one, most likely that ultimate truth. "One Love"?, I bet that's what Marley was tasting!

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Re: Hemp flower lungs
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2019, 10:08:03 AM »
New technique for me --- y'all may do this already.  To get that best hit:

I pull like a straw, holding hit in mouth. Then inhale with nose, taking it all the way in. Holding for just a beat or 2.  The hit is more effective for me too, maybe just more oxygen.

So if hemp fixes your neck tension and helps you stay away from the aspirin etc...  But it's so damn harsh!   Try this technique. Make sure to wait a bit too, if you get too much, wait say 30 seconds and relight that fucker.
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