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GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
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Topic: GDP Liberty 9 Cart review (Read 1029 times)
TGL Legacy Member
TGL Master
Posts: 808
GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
November 06, 2019, 03:43:17 PM »
Just moved into my new spot and noticed a nice house warming gift in the mail. Opened it yesterday tried it last night but was really drunk so I wasnt really able to review it properly. Tried again today sober and heres my review. First hit smooth definately taste GDP very natural tasting. To be honest I'm not a big fan of vape carts but this wasnt a fruity unnatural taste definately what it said it was. About 3 mins in first hit I felt a warm head buzz very good mellow. Waited about 20 mins and took another pull this time a bigger hit and coughed a little wasnt harsh at all. Most vapes will have you coughing so hard that your lungs hurt this cart is very easy on your lungs. 3rd hit I felt like I over did it and cracked open a beer. It definately is very strong no bullshit so you have to be use to smoking on carts it's not flower. If not use to it your going to have to take 1 or 2 small puffs. This came in handy very much cause me and my girlfriend were having arguments before i smoked this made me not even worry about that once I started smoking. I'm going to base my review off smell taste and highness and these are all perfect scores you wont find anything like this besides what the dispensary sells these are definately dispensary quality oils. I feel really buzzed it tastes good it does smell really nice dont think cause it's a vape cart you wont smell it you definately will
Based off taste 5 out of 5.
Based off smell 5 out of 5
Based off highness 5 out of 5. Its mellow but strong in a sense that I dont get that anxiety I normally get. Also great for pain my knee has been messed up and my back hurts worse because the cold weather is coming around my pain always gets worse when it gets colder out. I dont even feel the knee pain right now. This is a short review but my honest opinion is anyone with pain or anxiety this would be good for. Carts like these are expensive in the dispensary. This cart will last me a long time. It's got me pretty damn high but you can definately function too so it's a win win for me. Thanks TGL!
Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 07:09:32 PM by mattynugs
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TGL XxElitexX
Posts: 2572
Re: GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
Reply #1 on:
November 06, 2019, 08:11:34 PM »
Great Review! Yes I agree the Liberty 9 carts rock for sure! As well as the GDP Vape!
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TGL Elite
TGL XxElitexX
Posts: 1507
Re: GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
Reply #2 on:
November 07, 2019, 03:06:58 AM »
Nice, mine should be here today, iim excited
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TGL Legacy Member
TGL Master
Posts: 861
Re: GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
Reply #3 on:
November 08, 2019, 01:53:11 AM »
[quote You won't find anything like this besides what the dispensary sells these are definitely dispensary quality oils.
Thanks, NugMan
I worked hard to get to this level. That is exactly what this is and it is very consistent.
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GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
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