Author Topic: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-  (Read 4335 times)


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BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« on: January 21, 2021, 12:14:27 AM »
Hullo and WELLLLLCome one and all, to the latest and greatest GC & BBK Vapestuff and more MEGA review EXTRAVAGANZA! Step right up, HUR-RY, HUR-RY, HUR-RY! 

Tried to post this past weekend, but my carefully laid review plans were thwarted by my own absent-minded (not to mention overly active) left clickery that inadvertently wiped the MK I review just as it was perfected.  Curses! 

Damn shame, as it would have undoubtedly been the most singularly awesome review in the history of written language, possibly even surpassing Thar's grilled mammoth haunch and wild herb stew review first scrawled on the cave wall way back on this very day in 14,382 B.C. 

Just to add injury to insult, I awoke the next morning in screaming pain...spent the day in the ER learning that I was gifted with not ONE but TWO kidney stones that had simultaneously decided they'd BOTH drop from their safe space in the 'ol right side bean and go for a little old fashioned Aussie-style Walkabout down my jolly urethra. 

Let me tell you folks...and I am being deadly serious here...if you ever get a chance to have a few of these jewels loosed upon your innards...just pour on a few gallons of gasoline and set y'ass on fire, instead.  It'll both hurt less, and be over sooner

...but I digress.  I'm not just here to dispense funny GIFs, Ministry videos, and dubious health care advice, no no!  "EG" you say, "What about those sweet sweet PRC vapestuffs?" 

Fear not, my fam!  First up is a crowd favorite that really needs no introduction, GREEN CRACK.  This strain is widely known for its propensity to have one find themselves in the laundry room at 3AM with the dryer in a million pieces all over the floor for no apparent reason.  Looking for a good day strain?  Looking for a strain that will help you GET SHIT DONE?  GC has got you!  A mere few puffs, and you'll be finding new and creative ways to do shit you had no idea even needed done.

Latest order was a nice light brown, and SUPA THICC! 

Hubba, hubba, without a rubba!  No kiddin, I'm talkin' just a few peanut chunks shy of jar of JIF, here.  After mixing in a modicum of a nice blueberry 50/50 lovingly mixed by my local vape shop, it made a wonderfully thick, viscous vape juice that works great with my Boulder Rock pods...just heavy enough to help prevent unwanted outflow - it's perfect!

Next up was the Black Berry Kush, also known more colloquially as BBK. NOT to be confused with BBC, or so I'm told.  (I will never understand some people's apparent fascination with British news.)

As opposed to the Peter-Pannish GC, the BBK presented with a nice transparent reddish coloration and thinner viscosity.  All joking aside, I looked at this and immediately thought of a nice frosty Killian's!  (Not to be confused with the nasty-ass 'Red Dog' that Miller tried to foist upon unsuspecting American taste buds back in the 90's.)


Flavor is typically 'pottish', rather enjoyable for those predisposed towards such things.  Little did I know that there was something...special about this BBK! 

Was it something in the air?  A unique and meaningful spiritual bond between plant and animal?  Naaah...its just a little D8-THC, which seems to be the latest public sweetheart in the cannabinoid of the month club.  You folks have played this game before..."gee, that looks like our old buddy D9-THC, only with a different little molecular tweak". 

Bioassays proved most interesting.  It's going to do...well, pretty much what one would expect such a close relative to do, I would imagine.  The most standout feature reported by the volunteers here at the PRC Research Lab was BODY LOAD.  'Warm and fuzzy', this was the most pronounced body feel in recent memory.  Quite unique, you really should give this one a test drive if body is your thing.

Great for winding down at the end of the day, in stark contrast to the GC, which has been known to keep one up rather past a reasonable bedtime.

Not much else to be said, folks!  Awesome stuff, made by awesome people.  Grateful thanks to PRC, as always. 

Having written no real end to this review, I'll distract the audience with yet another Hillbilly Moon Explosion video and make my exit whilst everyone gawps in amazement at Emanuela.  :sly:

(Love this band, love this song, and the acoustics of the hallway make this just so damn EXTRA!)


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Re: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2021, 01:09:44 AM »
Great review & this is one more reason why I don't even bother trying...


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Re: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2021, 02:47:11 AM »
That wasn't a review. That was a journey! Thanks for the ride!  :goodpost


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Re: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2021, 10:52:06 AM »
I'm so...........I don't know what to..........I can't even...........that was..

Sail and grow
Deep inside
The brave align
Green we stay

-Boss Keloid Lung Valley


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Re: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2021, 09:30:56 PM »
Awesome review


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Re: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2021, 05:28:39 PM »
Kramer's kidney stone is all I wanna know about kidney stones


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Re: BBK & GC Vapestuff MEGA Review MK II -EG-
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2021, 11:04:35 AM »
 :weedpass:   :goodpost :ineeddrugs

Great Body load. This sounds Fire!


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