I don't hate them, but lost interest after the first 2 albums. Seems like each subsequent album had one song worthy of listening to. Guess I was thankfull (at one point) that Mr. Vedder and crew were standing up to Ticketmaster and their system of overpricing via "convenience fees" and other add-ons. But apparently, the almighty dollar is still king, and enjoyers of music are still the mark.

"Pearl Jam, which famously accused Ticketmaster of driving up fees by creating a monopoly when it gobbled up competitors in the 1990s, has come full circle. After lobbying on Ticketmaster’s behalf against the BOSS Act, the band is once again using Ticketmaster mobile-only ticketing systems to strip their fans of ticket transfer or resale rights for their upcoming tour dates, save in New York and Colorado – states which require consumer choice in ticket format by law. With the transfer and resale restrictions in place, there should be no “scalping” but that’s where Ticketmaster “platinum” tickets come in."
https://www.ticketnews.com/2022/03/pearl-jam-fans-furious-over-band-charging-scalper-ticket-prices/I'd rather drive to the venue in advance and buy tickets at face value, and if enroute Pearl Jam comes on the radio, I turn it tf off. But that's just me.