Author Topic: what are me and my family gona do  (Read 9382 times)


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2013, 10:48:22 AM »
Sending mojo your way bro.
thanks a ton spinalcountdown we need all the mojo we can get


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2013, 10:57:00 AM »
well guys don't know what me and my family  are  gonna do our landlord is threatening us with an eviction notice if we don't  come up with our full amount of rent for November  with in five days .he said that if the full amount isn't paid he gona be giving us a 14 day eviction notice .the wife cried mostly all day yesterday .we been asking my wifes family for help but so far no luck and my family is broke so so much for that .we went down and applied for rental assistance at a fe churches but most say they are out of funds or they say we don't qulify .I don't understand how they can say we don't qulify we are about to be evicted.the wife lost her job oct. 8th and my hours got reduced down to 20 hours a week at 9.50 an hour that aint shit .so any one have any sugjestions my ears are wide open .we would go and get a loan but I already have one fo  400 dollars and m y wife has one for 800 dollars .I aint trying to get a ton of people to send us money or anything ,but we sure could use some advice on what to do or were to turn next .we have a settlement from my wife getting fired wrongfully from her job that we should be receiving soon .I called and mentioned this to our landlord they said if they had something in writing or if they recieved a phone call that they might be able to work with us or something so I actually called  the guy that is in charge of my wifes case he works for the stat of Wisconsin explained to him our situation  and asked if hed be willing to call our landlord and mention that we are going to be getting that settlement and he agreed said that he would be more than happy to help us out by calling our landlord but that he  couldn't tell them the exact amount but he could tell them it would be enough to pay our rent .we are suppose to be getting 12 hundred dollars from them plus a  leter of recommendation for my wife .wish they gave her job back but even if they did my wife said that she wouldn't feel comfterable working there after all  this crap  happened

I am sorry to hear of this, I don't think 1200 dollars is a very good settlement either,
you all would be better off if your wife had her job back instead of $1,200. Dept of economic
security can mebbe issue a rent voucher, they do it out my way. You oughta get signed up
for food stamps there anyhow if you haven't already.
department of economical secerity never heard of them gonna google that thanks jones.we did get signed up for food stamps we are getting 70 a month I know its not much but thats 70 less that we have to spend on groceries rite


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2013, 10:58:34 AM »
Hey Toy! damn brother, just getting worse..I had one of my cars reposed while I was in the was after I missed my third payment. After the second I got a warning and then on the third they came for it..

I wish I had any money to send your way brother..i am getting nervous worried about you guys..


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2013, 11:01:02 AM »
brother I am not sure if you have a Wal-Mart close or not, but they are doing awesome amounts of hiring right now..i scored an under the table shelf stocking job last year. Going to try again next week...

They have incredible benefit packages and even have financial aid officers around to help you out....


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2013, 11:08:03 AM »
I didn't pay a car for almost a year when I was a teen. Took them months to come looking for it. Hopefully you have plenty of time to get caught up on the car note.

Some lenders will even give you an extension or a couple months of held payment if you call and speak with them.
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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2013, 11:09:10 AM »
Hey Toy! damn brother, just getting worse..I had one of my cars reposed while I was in the was after I missed my third payment. After the second I got a warning and then on the third they came for it..

I wish I had any money to send your way brother..i am getting nervous worried about you guys..
maybe I should just call and ask them how the repo thing works .I just don't wanna give them to much info and have them  think well shit this guy aint gona pay we might as weel repo that car rite now .we were gona try and pay it off when we got our taxes .my brother is behind on his rent also rite now but hes got an awesome landlord told him and his wife that they can just use there tax money to get cahgt up .wish mine was that nice .was talking to the landlord yesterday about borrowing some money from our daughter .he just put me down for mentioning that said I need to get my shit strate and that I shouldn't have to borrow from my kid .really made me feel like shit  >:( :( >:(


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2013, 11:11:57 AM »
when you have kids Social Services helps a lot. they can also keep you from being evicted. get busy on Monday calling them. Find all the numbers you need to call this weekend so you are ready 8 am Monday to begin calling.
thanks for the info Accid that helps out a lot .some one else mentioned this to me as well .think the wife and I are gona try to conact them Monday hopefully they can help.


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2013, 11:12:37 AM »
I didn't pay a car for almost a year when I was a teen. Took them months to come looking for it. Hopefully you have plenty of time to get caught up on the car note.

Some lenders will even give you an extension or a couple months of held payment if you call and speak with them.
welp gona call them soon then thanks r2d3

the hellion

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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2013, 11:37:26 AM »
Damn dude wish I could help in some way. My thoughts are definitely with you and your family, with my fingers and toes crossed!!
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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2013, 01:28:34 PM »
Damn dude wish I could help in some way. My thoughts are definitely with you and your family, with my fingers and toes crossed!!
thanks hellion . just got back from church I actually had tears in my eyes at church today

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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2013, 01:39:24 PM »
AciD: did you ask the church for help? I'm sure they don't mind your donations each week.

tibeirious: Acid Hit A point there, We had a family in our church get evicted last winter and the congregation voted to give them enough money support and food to make it to summer, now the guy works at walmart and so does his wife and they already paid the church back plus helped out another family that needed food help last month..Just Don't be too proud to ask anyone for help Toy...Don't Let you and your family Fall between the happens wayyy too much in the united states
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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2013, 01:47:55 PM »
If you have any local industry, march your butt down to the local temp agency.  They'll put you to work picking parts or some shit but the pay should be most favorable compared to flippin' burgers.  A lot of those are 'foot in the door' positions that may lead to bigger and better things as well.  No idea what your chosen profession is, but you might want to consider it an option, given the current state of things.

We're all pulling for ya, know this.  :weedpass:


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2013, 02:48:05 PM »
Damn bro, sorry to hear the bad news, me and my fam been shit out of luck also, we probably hit rock bottom already, only way to move is up from here and so far its looking good, I make money from adsense online while at home as long as i have internet access. Im currently staying at my wife's friends apartment but its up in december for lease, we gotta get outta here by then. You can try to apply for food stamps and housing. We are waiting on housing and are currntly 1 on waiting lists for a few apartment complexes around here, Dont got a job but i got a nice amount of income from my methods :D Good luck toy, keep ya head up stay strong for wife and kids, God will bless you soon

There should also be some services that can help u avoid eviction, start with churches as mentioned before and also the welfare office might know of some other resources
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 02:54:52 PM by djpinito »
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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2013, 03:58:34 PM »
Dude you ever try selling your plasma? I got a bud who did for many years. They finally quit letting
 him sell anymore when he tested positive for meth. They pay pretty good & you can go by a couple
 times a month, I think.


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Re: what are me and my family gona do
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2013, 04:41:27 PM »
Damn bro, sorry to hear the bad news, me and my fam been shit out of luck also, we probably hit rock bottom already, only way to move is up from here and so far its looking good, I make money from adsense online while at home as long as i have internet access. Im currently staying at my wife's friends apartment but its up in december for lease, we gotta get outta here by then. You can try to apply for food stamps and housing. We are waiting on housing and are currntly 1 on waiting lists for a few apartment complexes around here, Dont got a job but i got a nice amount of income from my methods :D Good luck toy, keep ya head up stay strong for wife and kids, God will bless you soon

There should also be some services that can help u avoid eviction, start with churches as mentioned before and also the welfare office might know of some other resources
glad you and your family  are doing better djpinito . addsence what is that ? we already singed up for food stamps we are getting 70 a month .a few guys on here are sending some funds so this should really help us out .we prayed our asses of in church today geuse he listened after all .I also wanted to tell every one thanks for all the support and every thing you all have done to help my family and I  outI love each and every one of you  especially Ozzrick ,Jones,pebz ,Simmonsays & avoca you all are literally life savors .wish you all lived closer id have my wife make up a big ass batch of tamollies and invite you all over for some .updated to ad Avoca to the than you list
« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 07:23:35 PM by toy »


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