This is gonna sound cruel,'s about damn time.

That poor man had been suffering for years.

I remember the last time they put him on was just kinda sad that they even put him on TV at that point.

He had the mind of a potted plant then, no telling what physical/mental shape he was in after all the years of family abuse at the end.
I mean, to be ravaged by age and disease, AND have your family members randomly deciding whether to feed and water you? WTF?!
It's so sad that the ones we trust to take care of us when we're weak are so often the very first to take advantage when we are.

Now the crones and the kids and the corporations get down to the serious and long-delayed matter of divying his financial carcass.

Transformer fans will remember him as Cliffjumper, Blue Streak, and Teletraan I from the 80's animation.
RIP Casey.

Edit: For accuracy's sake, I had mistaken Casey Kasem with Dick Clark on the NYE comment. He died in 2012 under remarkably similar circumstances overall, hence my confusion. Same remarks would apply in either event, minus any individual-specific or personal detail.