Traditionally the mother's health is the thing to guard as when she survives she then is able to bring forth more children. Sorry to hear, toughest of choices. Tumors though, doctors only know how to poison a tumor. Maybe you're hope is there. Black seed (if no contraindications, if ok for preggers, Google), black seeds ground up and the oil too, half tbsp of each day and night. ....You 2 may be able to stifle that tumor!Bless yuns
Oh no! Black seed will seek to protect mother against her fetus, im reading, like jungle women have used cats claw to force an abortion. Ultimately and terribly finally, all immuno therapies apparently will ultimately sacrifice a fetus to save host mother.Funny how herbs can show us the LAWS OF NATURE --- as precious and crucial as babies are, they are also a danger to their mothers. ...Interesting about the honey, sounds like father zago. He's healed cancers in south america with a honey protocol. I think I believe it --- cancer smells the honey, smells yummy and they gorge --- but it's not sugar so cancer can't really use it! ! Which then weakens cancer cells giving the black seed a back door entry to straight FUCK CANCER UP! Something like that.I'm hoping then that the timing will be the answer, might can monitor the changes and accept a certain amount of growth while baby develops, if immuno herbs are too dangerous for baby.