Author Topic: CODE MEDUSA....A Book  (Read 4611 times)


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« on: November 05, 2013, 08:21:22 AM »
Hey Im writing a book very intresting, would you guys like me to post, I am on chapter 5 right now. :broccoli :weinerwiggle: :bakedmonkey:


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« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 11:33:55 AM »
well yeah..i love reading..


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« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 05:00:47 PM »
Do it, man - DO IT!  8)


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« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 06:55:34 AM »
well i will just copy and paste unless someone knows how to use post a word document on here

Chapter 1
The Misson
  I open my eyes, restrained and still pitch black, don’t know how big the room is, I struggle to get my hands free, but the rope just slips a bit and stays strong. I keep trying to think of where I am but my mind is blank. I have no memory of my past and no memory of how I arrived here. I am stuck in a room that I don’t know the dimensions of.
  About 10 minutes go by and I start to here steps, at least two people walking, the steps are getting louder and louder.  A door opens, still pitch black with no light what so ever, they walk in and shut the door. There Is silence, the walking has stopped, I’m assuming there standing right in front of me. Whatever is about to happen, I am completely out of the loop.

WE WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING” a strong low voice says on my left side
Everything about what?” I say very softly but confident showing no fear in my voice
EVERYTHING” he screams “You know what is going on and we need answers”
“Where am I?”  I say softly and confident
“The place where you will stay until we have all the information we need from you” this voice is a little more friendly and coming from my right side, but now something is starting to happen to me, my brain is moving a million miles a minute, and all of a sudden……………
  I’m sitting at a Starbucks on my laptop, I close it and walk out having no clue where I am or where I am going but my instincts seems to be moving me where I need to go fine. My body has taken control of itself with the mind not telling it what to do. Wherever I’m heading, I need to figure it out. I continue on 3 blocks straight then turn left as If I have done it every day for years like clockwork.
  I walk 4 blocks then make a right as I make the right and start to walk, a man in a black suit black undershirt and a black tie passes me, I open my hand instinctively but unnoticeable and he slaps a low 5 on me hands me a pill.  I then put the pill in my mouth and swallow.

 I keep walking another 5 blocks then turn into abandon building, with broken windows and glass, go into a room and sit down on the one chair in the middle of the room. Whatever the pill I took was, it has had no effects on me, at least not so far. I really am content with sitting here like something is about to happen to me but I have no clue what it is.

  I sit there for about 5 minutes and all of a sudden my head has a loud ring that seems to be just getting louder and louder, I put my hands around my ears but it doesn’t help, it is getting unbearable, the pressure is about to explode in my head and then……….Complete silence.

 The phone rings inside my pocket it, I reach in grab it and answer
“Agent 91 Ryden Eden”

The guy on the other side speaks “You have 48 hours to complete this mission, after which whether the mission is completed or not your skills and memory will be lost If you believe extra time will be needed to complete the mission please reach out at least 5 hours before memory is lost..” The phone hangs up

  I walk outside of the building and a Make a phone call it rings a few times and then someone answers

“What do you need” he says
“some wheels and some wings”

I wait for a second and then sure enough A black 2014 saab 9-3 approaches, the driver gets out throws me the keys and walks away.
I get in the car, put my keys in the ignition, turn it on, and drive off. I’m headed to the airport, I make another phone call while I’m driving there

The person picks up “where are we heading”

“Siberia” the phone hangs up.

I’m half way to the airport when my back window gets blown out by gun shots.

“SHHIIT!!” I put in low gear, and take a sharp turn, barely making the exit skimming the yellow trash cans filled with sand. Luckily it went over the off ramp, which caused the vehicle behind me to swerve, giving me and extra second to get away

At the off ramp light I turn right at 60 mph drifting my back tires way past the turn before letting go of my e-brake and have my back tires catch. I start accelerating with a purpose, I go two lights then cut a hard left, drifting my back tires I minorly hit a parallel parked car which leaves a big dent in the rear driver’s side door, but It doesn’t slow me down for a second. I keep the pedal to floor; I have to get to the airport.

 I’m making my way to the airport through the back roads, I believe I have lost them; I’m driving at normal speed now, trying to blend in with the traffic. I’m going down a 4 lane road when car is coming at me at on the other side with a ramp that hits the street and goes up to the hood.
Right before he passes me he cuts over to my lane, I try to avoid it, but my driver side wheels catch it and send me flying, I perform multiple barrel roles, landing on the passenger side and starts rolling, it rolls multiple times before stopping, lucky me its on its wheels, the door wont open. I’m struggling to get free before they come back for me.

  I see a man with a gun walking towards my car.

“Fuck This”  I scream and put my foot through the driver window, grab the bookbag in the backseat of the car, climb out and run into a huge crowd.

 Now I am calm, I take off my blazer while walking, and tear off my pants, in which jeans are under, take the dark red hoody out of my backpack and put it on.
The guy with the gun rushes by me, shoving me aside as he rushes to try to find me, what an idiot.

I stop at a bus stop and wait for the bus to come; I hop on it and continue my way to the airport.

  I take my way to the back of the bus put my hood up and sit in the corner, from here I can observe everybody on the bus, and look for anything suspicious that might be happening.

 I’m about 5 minutes away from the airport, but on a bus it is more like 20, But at least I’m blended in and I’m pretty sure they don’t know where I am, but I have my guard up, I  ALWAYS have my guard up. The bus trip, surprisingly, made it to the airport without incident. I get off the bus and walk into the main airport, I turn left and I walk all the way down to the end, and then I walk back out, where there is a black Lincoln town car waiting, I open the back driver side door and get in and shut the door. He backs out and starts down the small road to the executive airport.
 We’re approaching the executive airport as the small road is leading to a dead end at where the airport is. As we pull up to the airport it opens up and rides right on the tar mat. Straight ahead there is the executive airport, pretty big for an executive one, but still super small compared the main airport. There is total of about 5 jet ways, with other planes parked on the Tar mat with the doors that open into a full staircase, open and on ground waiting to be boarded.
 We pull up right to the plane, I get out, close the door, I start to walk up the steps of the plane when I fly 100 feet backwards, rolling to a stop, My ears are ringing, I have blood dripping from me. I slowly start to check my body for any fatal injuries, doesn’t seem to be any, so unless I’m bleeding internally I should be fine.

  As I turn my head slowly, I now see why I flew so far, the plane had exploded, and there was a huge fire from where the plane was, the explosion did not reach the airport. Where the plane was, there is now a fire, it just burning the leftover fuel, and should burn out by itself.
 I stand up and look around, the limo exploded as well, If I would have been in there………
There are quite a few planes still available and all though not mine, I walk up to one, start it up. I go through the pre check routine and then I Start making my way to the runway. I put the engines to 80 percent and start heading down the runway, as I gain speed I slowly pull back on the yoke and it slowly starts to rise.
“This is going to be a fun one” I think to myself and fly off into the ocean on my way to Siberia.


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« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 06:56:40 AM »
Chapter 2
The Flight

  After hours of autopilot, I’m finally starting to see Land, which is good because now I am starting to run low on fuel, I get on the transponder and attempt to locate an air traffic control tower anywhere in the fecenity, No response. Well I’ve made it somewhere in Russia at least, and I’m not super low on fuel so I have about an hour or so before I start getting desperate.

    Every 5 minutes I get on the transponder and attempt to contact an Air traffic Controller, so I may land and refuel. I don’t get a response for over an hour. I’m starting to get a little anxious as fuel is starting to become very low.
“FUEL LOW FUEL LOW” the announcement from the planes automated system starts calling out. I try one more time to get an Air Traffic Controller.

I get a response, “airport 32 degrees longitude by 28 degrees latitude clear for landing no planes in the air. I bank right and get myself line up for the landing, I start lowering my altitude when I see the Airport, my left engine goes out, one minute later the right engine goes out. I still have a ways to go, but I’m pretty high up, I put myself in a nose dive to gain speed. Going faster and faster the g forces start to make me pass out, I start to pull up to level off the plane, but I’m blacking out, slowly my black out is fading,  it is starting to slow down but the airport is a lot closer now.

   My plane is lowering its altitude slowly to prevent from stalling. I’m not going to make the runway. I’m going to be about 100 yards short, the good news is there is no fence blocking the runway and it is just hard grass if I can land the back wheels and just roll onto the runway I can get it refueled and be on my way. I raise the nose of the plane and the plane starts to stall a few feet from the ground.

   The back wheels hit, making it super bumpy, but I need to keep the nose up as long as possible to prevent the front wheel from breaking.
The nose is dropping it is about the hit the ground, I hear the sweet sound of wheel catching the runway, I made it without incident, I coast as far as I can to get the airport, But I’m still pretty far away, I call the air traffic controller.

I get on the transponder “I’m out of gas”

“I will send a super tug”

So I wait patiently, I go to the passenger part where there is a mini fridge, I open it and grab a bottle water. I sit down in a nice plush huge leather seat, go to take another drink when something bumps the plane causing me to spill my water on my shirt a little.
 I make my way to the cockpit to see the super tug attaching itself. We then start to move and we make are way to where the fuel is located.
I start to fuel the plane and start some casual small talk with the super tug driver.
“How long have you been here” I asked
“18 years, so where you headed”
“I’m just cruising through Russia, I got money to blow and I want to see the world, Figure I’d fly over Russia spend a few a days in  tourist locations then make my way to Italy, from there hit up England, Ireland, and Scotland.
“Sounds fun.”
At this point I’ve fueled the plane and gave the guy my credit card to run, he runs it gives it back.
“You should be able to take off in the next 20 minutes”

“Thanks you got some food in there?”
“OF COURSE come on in, we got PLENTY 5 dollars a plate”
“MONEY, will you take me back to my plane or should I taxi it.”
“Leave it here; it will be fine hop on in the super tug.”
I hop in the super tug and he takes me back to an office, we walk in and sure enough, they must have just started eating dinner or something cause the food was freshly cooked, I give the guy 10 dollars for two plates and chow down. The food is great, that may because I’ve gone 24 hours without eating though, either way at least I put some fuel in my body.

I must have been in there for around 45 minutes, the guy and I walk out, only to see a heavy snowstorm coming in.

“It is not safe to take off my friend”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Stay here for the night, have fun let’s play some drinking games”
“Do you have a place for me to stay?”
“Of course, I don’t have an extra bed but we have a nice couch though HAHAHA”
I chuckle a little “that will do.”
We walk back in the office and just hang out while the storm comes in, I check out the window and can’t see 3 feet in front me, it is real bad.
“Is this considered a blizzard?”
“What, No HAHAHA if it was a blizzard you would not be able to see out that window at all, just a heavy snow storm, looking at the radar it looks like it will easily be gone by morning, maybe sooner.” The guy who drives the super tug was saying.
Well conversation and some fun goes on, I take a few shots but make sure I am very coherent and I do not drink too much.
  The night is getting old and they head off to their rooms to sleep while I take the couch and lay down. I really can’t sleep but I know I dozed off for a couple of hours.
  I get up off the couch and walk to the window and look outside, the snow storm looks like it has passed, I’m ready to go and Time is always a factor. I have 37 hours left to complete the mission. I have never requested for extra time and never needed to and that is why I’m the best. I put on my hoody and walk outside, its cold but at least it is visible, the runway is covered in snow, but only seems to be a couple inches deep, I start walking over to my plane, it really isn’t a long walk it is just a 1 minute ride and a 10 minute walk.
  I get about a third of the way to my plane when I hear someone yell “HEY YOU LEAVING”
I turn around and put my thumb in the air and yell back “thanks for everything”
He walks back in the office and I continue my walk. I get to the plane and open the door and walk up the stairs that are built into the door and then close it up. I turn the plane on and initiate the system tests. Everything passes I get on the transponder “Zulu Alpha Bravo 1 5 niner ready to take off”
“There is snow on the runway advised not to take off until it is cleared”
“It isn’t that deep is it clear to take off” I say
“Yes but once again it is my recommendation not to take off till the snow clears”
“Roger that” I start the engines and go the runway and stomp on the brakes, I feel like a static take off, they are pretty fun.

  So I put my engines at 100 percent and let them rev up and the release the brake, it shoots down the runway and I take flight, onto Siberia. There is a hidden airport in the middle of nowhere which will be my checkpoint. The hard part will be finding it. But I have a couple of hours to go before that even becomes an issue.

  I get to a cruising altitude and put into autopilot. I leave the cockpit door open since I’m the only one there; I get up and go to walk out of the cockpit. I go to the mini fridge and open it.

BANG!!!!, something just hit me hard in the back of the head. I quickly turn around to see another attack coming, I put up my hands and block it with my fore arm, he cocks back to swing again I Open my hand and the space between the thumb and the index finger and throw it in a jabbing motion right at his throat.

 He grabs his throat as I stand up fully and start punching him in his face. On my weak hand punch He grabs my arm and flips me to the ground, he gets in a full mount position and starts swinging, I cover up the best I can but I am getting my face pounded. I thrust my waist up in the air to get a little space then quickly slide under him, I turn around to see him turning around as well to swing,  I duck the punch take both my hands on his back and force him to my knee as hard as I can. He starts to bend over in pain and I elbow him in the back of his head and he falls to the ground. He immediately tries to get up but when he does I go to kick him in the stomach, He  grabs my leg and I fall on my back with him coming on top of me again, This time, However, I’m in a full guard position.

   He starts swinging wildly again, this time I have him, I let him throw a good 20 at me before I make my move, he Swings I slide my head to the left and grab his arm with both my hands, I then take my left leg and kick him in his face, while making him lay on his back. I have him in an arm bar and I snap it at the joint.
“HOW DID YOU FIND ME???!!!!!” I stomp on elbow of the arm I just broke.
“AHHHHHHH” “You really think we don’t have eyes on you”
“WHO HAS EYES ON ME???!!!” I stomp on his elbow again and once again he screams.
“Your mission will never be completed and Siberia will launch all there nuclear devices slowly destroying the entire earth with radiation.”
“So they are just going to kill everyone that’s it including them”
He chuckles and agonizes in pain at the same time “You really think they would kill themselves, they have a way to protect everybody from radiation, and they know how to make all the radiation leave the atmosphere, We are going to hold the world hostage” He chuckles again and agonizes in pain at the same time.
“Fine” I snap his neck and jump back into the cockpit, I have about another hour of flight before I need to start looking for the hidden airport.


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« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2013, 06:57:29 AM »

  I lower my altitude so I can see the ground pretty clearly. I’m coming very close to the airport, I can’t use the transponder to contact though, nothing can give away my location, besides the plane in the air, but I am in the middle of nowhere with nothing around for miles, except for this hidden airport. It is full of snow on the ground. This place is going to be hard to spot. I turn off my transponder to prevent any radio transmissions from coming through.

   I just start flying in a huge circle where the airport should be around, and every time I finish a rotation I make my circle a little smaller in an attempt to locate the airport. I start out with a 100 mile diameter and with every rotation cut 10 miles off.

 At this point I’m on my 6th time around which is now a 40 mile diameter. I’m staring really hard at the ground trying to find any sign of an airport. Finally on my 7th time around I see a building. It is covered in snow and very hard to spot, that is my place. There is no place to land, and I won’t need the plane anymore.
  I make a quick circle and put the plane in autopilot open the other side of the door that does not have stairs. I grab the emergency parachute and jump out. I pull the shoot and fall safely to the ground landing within 100 feet of the building.  I detach my parachute and make my way to the building and walk in.
   This place has censored light and the lights light up as I walk in the building, It is a nice open area, with a desk towards the back, right next to a wall that is behind it but no one is sitting there. There are a couple of nice chairs scattered around to create a nice lobby environment.

“Walk to the back” a voice from an intercom says

  I naturally walk to the back and start to go through the hallway when there are doors, I try to open it, but its locked. Then a quick beep hits and the door becomes unlocked and I walk inside that leads to another hallway. I walk straight back till it ends in a little opening with a few different rooms, probably for strategic strategies and conferences in general.

  I see a room that is populated with about 4 people and I go in there. I recognize one of the agents A longtime friend, we went into the agency at the same time and did all our training together, He has been a true friend to me and it is always nice to see him when my memory is activated.

“EDEN, what the hell has been going on?”

“I have no clue but I am being attacked all the dam time and it is starting to piss me off, what is the whole point of this classified agency if they know where I am. I mean my memory should be permanent if that is the case.”

My boy Tiberius speaks up “That has happened to all of us”

“Why is more than 1 person activated for this mission” I say because this is really odd
“We are dealing with a possible nuclear attack” Tibs goes on “They need the elite of the elite on this, which is of course, ME (chuckles), and you and these two”
Now I have never seen the other 2 before, but it doesn’t surprise me, every time I’ve been on a mission there has been someone new I never knew work brief me, but this very odd to have 4 agents activated on the same mission, my guard is definitely up.
  Briefers are people who give you extra information about the mission that wasn’t available during the time the pill was created. These guys have been taught No special skills. There expendable informants is all.

   These other 2 our agents though, which is making me very skeptical,
“Any Briefers?”
One of the guys I haven’t seen before speaks up “No Briefers, No New Info”

“Besides the fact they always seem to know where we are and be one step ahead of a secret agency that the agents don’t even know who they are and can get just shot in the head while there memory is wiped and have no clue why”
Tibs “Well since you put it that way……….yeah”

So now I’m going to have to depend on other people to complete this mission, My boy tibs, I am not worried about, however these other 2 agents I have never seen before.

“So who are we working with tibs”

“I am agent 67 Ken Speed”

“I am agent 27 Chris Flash”

“Do we have any idea where this facility is that is holding all these nuclear weapons?”

Ryden “NO Shit”

Chris “This isn’t the time for sarcasm”

Ryden and Tibs at the same time “Got to have some fun” they laugh at the fact they said that simultaneously

“Does anybody have a radiation meter?”

“Why” Ken asked

Tibs answers for me “Because it is obviously underground somewhere but there still should be some radiations showings on the ground, if we can narrow where this place might be at, let’s just say within a diameter of 100 miles we can use the radiation meter to catch radiation, once radiation shows on the meter, the facility has to be nearby.”

Ryden “What he said.”

Ken “I don’t have one”

Tibs “wish I would have thought of that before I came here”

Ryden “Me to, I was too busy getting trying not get killed to prep for anything” I think for a second “What about you Chris?”

“Nope” He replies.

“Alright so what is Plan B on finding this location, How much time does everybody have by the way?”

Tibs “I got around 30 hours left”

Chris “I rather not give that out”

Ryden “WHY? It is important info”

Chris “then you know how long my memory is good for as well as everyone else.”

Ryden “AND”

Chris “I rather not”

Ryden “So you don’t trust the people you are working with?!!”

Chris “Can never be too cautious”

Ryden “Ken what about you?”

Ken “I have something like 20 hours”

Ryden “Cool, well we are in Siberia we should be able to handle this in 20 Hours.” I continue “Tibs, Let’s see if we can’t find a radiation meter in here somewhere, Ken and Chris we will be back”

Ryden and Tibs walk out of the conference room, and goes to the other 3 to check any drawers and cabinets for a radiation meter, Of course nothing. They then continue down the hallway and proceed to the main lobby to check the main desk that’s in here.

Ryden “There has to be a radiation meter around her somewhere, With nuclear weapons around I know for a fact they had to check this place for radiation before the built it, and even then One should always be kept in here to check periodically for radiation”

TIBS “We have a bigger Problem I think we have a code Medusa”

Ryden “I’m already there, someone in the agency is working as a double agent” I pause “But who, It would have to be somebody that has information readily available, someone who’s memory isn’t wiped and has no training for skills or languages. The only people it could be is one of the guys that has information about all the agents, it would have to be someone who creates the pill for us to activate our memory.”

TIBS “I don’t know, but we need to find a way to keep our memory if that is the case”

Ryden “I know.” I continue to search the drawers of the main lobby desk “Finally found one” there was radiation meter. Tibs and Ryden walk back through the hallway gets beeped in by the other two agents and enter the conference room where they still are.

Ryden “Ok we have a radiation meter, do we have any idea where this place might be”

Tibs “From the research I’ve been doing It would have to be somewhere within this 200 mile diameter.”

Ryden “200 mile diameter that is a BIG circle, we have to narrow it down by at least a 100 miles.

Ken “there is no way we can cover all that in 20 hours and destroy plant unless we get lucky and find it within the first couple hours of looking.”

Ryden “It’s not even that Ken, If we could narrow the sides down we can drive in a straight line for 500 miles and it would only take 6 hours.” I think for a second “Someone please tell me there are wheels somewhere around this building.”

Tibs “There are, no worries about that.”

Chris “Tiberius is there anyways you narrow it down at all?”

Tibs “I mean I can but it is all going to be educated guessing at this point, The place definitely has to be within that diameter of 200 miles but narrowing down any more than that will be an educated guess. A really good one, but an educated guess none the less.”

Ken “should we ask for more time”

Ryden “No, not yet. Tibs give me your best educated guess I need that cut in half I need a diameter of a 100 miles, we only have one radiation meter so we can’t all go searching. Tibs work on that for me and let me know what you come up with.”

Tiberius goes into a conference room all by himself and starts to analyze

Ken “What do we do?”

Ryden “Wait. Let Tibs do his thing and when he is ready he will tell us”

Chris “So we have to wait on a limited time frame…..Great…”

Ryden “First off I rather wait an hour and have it narrowed down then go look rather then look and never find it, 2nd  Tibs is the best at what he does so let him work.”

  Every now and then I look over at the conference room where Tibs is, and I see him with two fingers on his temple massaging it in a circular motion, I can tell he is stressing and trying to figure out a way to narrow the area down. About thirty minutes go by when I look up to see what he is doing, the massaging stops he bolts up, then immediately comes out of the conference room.

Tibs “I have narrowed it down to a 100 mile diameter If we drive in a straight line we should be able to pick up a small trace of radiation then follow it to the source.”

Ryden “Lets Ride out Tibs”

Tibs and Ryden go to walk out,

Ken “what about us?”

Ryden “We will be back.”

 With that Ryden and Tibs walk out the back exit which leads to another building that is partially underground, there are a couple of vehicles there, all snow white and all F-150 4x4. We hop in the vehicle and start on our way.


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« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 06:58:12 AM »
The Search

Ryden “How far are we from the area”

Tibs “about 70 miles then we can start searching”

Ryden “Alright well let’s get to it.”

  With that Tibs starts down the way to the search area. They travel for about 35 minutes before they arrive at the location to start the search.

Tibs “Ry, turn on the radiation meter, where at the search area.”

Ryden “Got you Tibs” I take the radiation meter out of my pocket and turn it on. “Stop”

Tibs slows down to a complete stop “what’s wrong?”

Ryden “Let’s get out of the car and walk for a second”
Tibs “How about NO, it’s freezing dude”

Ryden “Let’s get out and walk for a second”

With that Tibs gets the hint and we get out of the truck, and walk about 30 feet from the truck and then just stand there to talk.

Ryden “Listen I don’t know if the truck is bugged or not, So I do not want to talk about this in there, How do you feel about these 2 guys”

Tibs “unless someone is lying, There is no way they could be a medusa. They would have to have records of all the agents, and there is no way they could have that, I mean we are like the number 1 and 2 agents, If any agent would have that information it would be us.”

Ryden “Yeah I know, this whole mission is odd.” I pause for a brief moment and think, “Let’s get back in the truck and find this facility.”

Tibs “Let’s.”

We walk back to the truck and get in and start to search for the facility.
We drive in a straight-line from the area which has been narrowed 100 miles. No signs of radiation.

Ryden “Dam we have been out here just under 2 hours and just made the 100 mile mark with not even a trace of radiation.”

Tibs stops the car “well, we still have the other part of the area to check”

Ryden “let’s go back 50 miles and make a 90 degree turn and start searching the other half”

Tibs “Already turning around”

 We turn around and start to head back to the middle of the area so we can check the other side. For once in this mission, things are going smooth, although we cannot find the facility yet, there have been no surprises. Everything about this mission has gone wrong and to have something go at least somewhat right is a relief.

Ryden “What if it is not a Medusa”

Tibs “What else could it be?”

Ryden “Someone could have infiltrated the agency”

Tibs “isn’t there only like 2 people that even know where the headquarters are that has the central data base of all the agents”

Ryden “2?!!! I thought it was 1”

Tibs “Yeah I remember that way back in orientation, But last time I was activated I heard he was grooming the next guy to take over.”

Ryden “Really? It makes sense, I mean we have been in the agency, what, 5 years now, and the agency has been around long before that,”

Tibs “Yeah We entered at 22 together, But the agency just started the whole Pill thing when we started. That is why they went on a hiring frenzy because a lot of people quit the agency once the pill protocol was put into practice.”

Ryden “yeah and we were the guinea pigs.”

Tibs “Yep” Tibs reaches the center of the search area “Right or left first”

Ryden “Surprise me”

Tibs makes a left and starts down the second to last quadrant of the search area.

 We continue down there, but with no luck, Tibs turns around and continues to proceed to the last quadrant, during the last little bit of driving something finally hits.

 â€œIt’s got something” I say to Tibs

“What?” Tibs Replies

“The radiation meter is reading something, it is super weak, but none the less it has something.” With that a little smirk comes to my face

“Let’s get back to the building and get Ken and Chris” Tibs says and immediately starts to turn around to get them

“Tibs lets continue a little further, let’s make sure it is what we are looking for.” I say that because we all know how something can seem great but then actually not be anything”

“What else could give out a radiation reading in the middle of Bum Fuk Egypt?”

“Exactly my point, let’s find out what else could give out a radiation signal in the middle of Bum Fuk Egypt.”

 We continue down the final quadrant with radiation signal slowly but surely getting stronger. We are now past the search area, but radiation was found within the search area, so Tibs did his job, and did it perfect like always.

“How far do you want us to go out before we head back?” Tibs asks

“Until we know exactly what we are dealing with.” I say

Tibs “The facility could still be an hour or so away from the moment radiation is able to be read.”

Ryden “I know that, but we have to do proper surveillance to figure out exactly what we are dealing with, how big the facility is, and possible entry and exit points.”

Tibs “I know that but shouldn’t we go get the other two guys so that way it should be easier, 4 heads are better than 2.”

Ryden “Listen, the less people we have to get involved to complete this mission the better, I cannot trust anyone at this point in time. HELL, I barely trust you at this point.”  We both smirk and let out a small chuckle, and though I was kidding, both Tibs and I know the severity of what has happened and that no one, not even your best friend can be fully trusted right now.

Tibs “I know exactly what you mean. Let’s just hope our ass will cash this check that we are about to write ourselves”

Ryden “If we can’t do it, the earth will be held hostage.”

For the next hour and a half we play with the radiation reading while driving around If it starts to get weaker, we turn around and as the readings get stronger we put the pedal to the medal. After driving around in the middle of nowhere the radiation is at its strongest point. The meter is off the charts, it has to be here.

Tibs stops the vehicle “Well we are here, but there is absolutely nothing here”

Ryden “There is eyes on us, I guarantee it. Write down the coordinates”

Tibs “already did”

Ryden “Let’s get out and walk around”

Tibs “Really?”

Ryden “Really!”

Tibs does his normal complaining when getting out of the call “It’s freezing outside and nice and warm in here, but let’s go freeze ourselves to death”

Ryden “You know for a secret agent, you sure Bitch a lot.” And I start to laugh

Tibs “Whatever man, I don’t bitch about shit unless it is cold weather, the know better to send me on a mission in the cold ass frozen tundra”

Ryden “Walk Tibs we have to find an entrance to this place”

  Tibs and I walk around the vast area about 20 feet from the truck and stop. I bend over and push the snow over, it is nothing but grass

Ryden “Let’s keep walking” I continue to walk in a pretty big circle, and about every 20 feet move the snow around so I can see the ground.

Tibs “There is no way you’re going to find anything, I think they we would smart enough to put some Grass down over any metal doors to avoid being caught like this”

Ryden “You would think wouldn’t you?” I pause “But If there was NO knowledge of this ever being existed and it is in the middle of nowhere in the frozen tundra, then why would the spend extra money to protect something that does not need protection”

Tibs “Why not, just to be extra precautious.”

Ryden “See Tibs the difference between the bad guys and good guys is one thing”

Tibs “and what is that?”

Ryden “you see” as I continue to walk “if good guys planned and evil deed, the wouldn’t cut corners or costs to assure a clean get away” I then bend down “However a bad guy will cut every corner he  can because he feels he is to smart and can get away with anything” I start to brush the snow off “A bad guy will also cut every corner possible to save a penny” As the snow brushes off the floor I knock and the sound of steel is sweet ringing to my ears “Bad guys are greedy which is why they will never get away with anything.”


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« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2013, 08:25:20 AM »
FUKING EPIC!! I love the main characters...

Seriously awesome writing. Has a cool Jason Bourne, Mission impossible feel to it..

AHHHHHHHH I need more. Don't leave us standing out in the cold. You know how much I hate the

I would buy this book.. :horns up


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« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 01:10:53 PM »


 Tibs “what is this, a fucking movie, I’m just going to say the catch line just as I find what I’m looking for.”

I bust out laughing “You have your talents, I got mine.”

Tibs “So now what do we do?”

Ryden “Outreach” I get my phone out of my pocket and dial a number

Someone answers “What do you need”

Ryden “A satellite overview of my present position, one with a Diameter of 10 miles, one with 25 miles, one with 50 miles, and one with a 100 miles.”
Phone Guy “It will be completed and sent” the phone hangs up

Ryden “How long will take back to get to base?”

Tibs “Well considering we don’t have to go back and forth chasing a radiation signal around, an hour and a half maybe just an hour if I push it at 150.”

Ryden “Well push it, Ken has like 15 hours left, by the time we get back it will be 14, we need to get back to this place with at least 10 hours left for him.”

Tibs “Agreed” with that we walk back to the truck and swiftly start our way back to our base

Ryden “Man, I really hope there were no eyes on us.”

Tibs “I doubt it. Snipers would have shot at us by now, we would have seen traces of a vehicle if they were anywhere near us, unless they were doing some surveillance on us, but even then we….

I finish his statement “would have noticed something. I know. I just can’t believe they know where we are at all times and all of sudden nothing, no problems, not a dam thing. It is like they just dropped right off the map.

Tibs “Everything is super shady”

Ryden “How far are we from the base”

Tibs “Not far at all, probably about another 15 minutes”

Ryden “Really we have only been driving like 20 minutes”

Tibs “well I’m pushing close to 200 miles per hour”

Ryden “an F-150 can go that fast”

Tibs “well apparently this supped up version can, this is a raptor.”

Ryden “well lets RAPTOR our asses back to base”

Tibs chuckles and we continue to our base, once we reach the coordinates we park the truck in front of the building, get out and walk into the complex.
Ryden “Now the satellite images should be here.” I walk past the lobby into the hallway open the door “Ken and Chris did you all get the satellite images?” I continue walking to the back of the building to the set of conference rooms. As the opening approaches, I notice one major thing; the other 2 agents are gone, although my satellite images are in the conference room they were in when we left.

Tibs “Are you serious? Did they just go play hero?”

Ryden “That is what we did”

Tibs yells out “Yeah, but we are the A-team!!!!!” and starts to laugh and I crack up as well

Ryden “Let’s go in the room and see what we can find.”

  Tibs and I walk into the conference room where all the satellite images are, they are all thermal images which helps out a lot. 

Ryden “Here is the 10 mile diameter, and there are the 25, 50, and 100 diameters over there” I look hard at the 10 mile image “I mean there is a lot going on under there, you see the hot spots?”

Tibs who seems to be bothered by something says “You might want to come look at this one”

I walk over to the other side of the room and my jaw drops I look at the 25 mile diameter, which seems normal, then the 50, again looks fine, but when I look at the 100 mile diameter I see what he sees. The thermal images we received all looked normal until you see the 100 mile diameter image, which shows this facility is about 90 miles alone in diameter with thermal imaging dropping out at about 90 miles.

Ryden “so this facility is 90 miles in diameter, they have enough nuclear weaponry stored to destroy this entire solar system.”

Tibs doesn’t speak, just stares aimlessly at the 100 mile Diameter image, He is in shock, as am I. How in the hell are we going to stop this.

I finally speak up “Ok look, so they have a crap load of nuclear weapons, Big deal. I guarantee we don’t have to go around shutting them all off, there has to be a master panel, or master computer that controls the launch and diffusion of these nuclear weapons.”

Tibs “But it can be anywhere within that 90 mile diameter, that is 282 mile circumference, where it could be anywhere.”

Ryden “Now it can’t be anywhere, Lets narrow it down”

Tibs “How, we have no blue prints or anything, we have like 13 hours left before Ken is wiped, and who knows where he and Chris are by the way.”

Ryden “I know, let’s get the coordinates of the edges, there has to be an entrance somewhere around there.”

Tibs “I’ll write them down, every 5 miles I will write down the coordinates”

Ryden “Do that I’m going to make a call.”

Tibs “what are you going to ask for?”

Ryden “A favor, this guy owes me one from way back in the day, I’m going to see if he knows anything about this.”

Tibs “You know you’re not allowed to talk about the mission with anyone that is not involved”

Ryden “Like I said back at the nuclear site, it’s time to outreach”

Tibs “Protocol states in order to outreach, it must be approved.”

Ryden “Well, we are dealing with a possible medusa, two agents that we have no clue where they are, and also a possible infiltration of the agency, I think you can understand when I say this…………FUCK PROTOCOL!!!!

 With that I walk out of the conference room and pull the phone out of my pocket, and dig through my contact list.  There he is, I think in mind and I hit dial. It rings and rings and rings with no pick up. After about 20 rings it goes to a voicemail. I leave a message

 â€œThis is Mr. Eden, Its time for the return” and I hang up the phone. I’ll have to wait to see if he calls back.  I walk back into the conference room and put the phone on the table in the conference room.

Tibs “Well that was quick.”

Ryden “Because there was no answer.”

Tibs “So now what?”

Ryden “Wait till he calls back, until then let’s see if we can find any information on entry and exit points, find all construction companies in the area, check back to see if any of them has an outrageous contract with anyone.”

Tibs “I’m already working on it.”

  Tibs starts researching every construction company in Siberia in that area. I really hope my contact calls back, researching the way Tiberius is could take days, even a couple of weeks.

Ryden “How many are in the area Tibs?”

Tibs “Actually quite a lot for Siberia, looking at close to a couple hundred.”

Ryden “Man, we need him to call back.”
Tibs “Don’t worry Ry, your still thinking about Ken’s time frame, we have an extra 8-10 hours, we are chilling with 12 for him but remember we got like 22 for me and like 26 for you.”

Ryden “I understand that, but everyone is assigned for a reason, now there reason may have been completed already, since they have less time than us, but there was a reason none the less.”

Tibs continues to look for odd looking contracts with the construction companies while I stand over the 100 mile diameter image and just stare at it and think. There is no way he has 282 miles worth of nuclear weapons, I mean, that wouldn’t only take the world hostage, it would bring everything on this planet to total extinction, or at least some crazy ass mutation.

 It has been a couple of hours with no phone call and Tibs just plugging away at the construction companies. I speak up “Tibs, I know you’re working hard but if you can find the construction company they are bound to have blueprints of the facility.

Tibs “Exactly and it will be so dam easy to infiltrate that place, it won’t even be funny. The problem is finding the construction company that did this, and even if I did find the correct construction company, I would then have to hope that they didn’t hide the expenses all over the place because that will be another fiasco, putting them where they need to be.

Ryden “I really hope my contact calls back soon, cause with ever second we get a little closer to failure.”

About another 30 minutes goes by when my phone rings, I take it out of my pocket and look at the call, and it’s him

I answer “Time for you to return the favor I gave you all tho


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« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 01:15:25 PM »

Ryden “I really hope my contact calls back soon, cause with ever second we get a little closer to failure.”

About another 30 minutes goes by when my phone rings, I take it out of my pocket and look at the call, and it’s him

I answer “Time for you to return the favor I gave you all those years ago.”

He responds “Listen you only get one, and I will go all out for you for 1 favor, after that you need to lose my number”

“I know, I’ve been waiting for the perfect time for this favor and now it is.”

“What do you need?”

 â€œSiberia, there is a nuclear plant about 90 miles in diameter, I need blueprints to the facility, entry and exit points, and staff count. It is underground, been on top of it and cannot find any entry or exit points.”

“This is your favor, you are very lucky my friend. I have some connections attached to this. Let me see what I can provide for you and I will get back to you within the hour.”

Tibs “Good news?”

Ryden “Yeah…..well hopefully we will see within the hour.”

  Tibs continues to work the construction companies why we wait on a callback. Although I know my contact is good for it if he can come up with it, I just hope he can come up with the data I need.

  Sure enough right about an hour goes by when my phone rings. I pick it up and answer “What do you have for me?”

“You’re in luck, I have blueprints to the site, average staff on duty and entry and exit points, how can I send them your way.” He says

“Can you do email?” I say
“No I can’t have it linked to me, what about a fax?”

“It really isn’t that safe, you could trace my location with a fax.” I say because I have used this method before to figure out where my mission was.

“Well that is basically my only option besides handing them to you in person.” He says

I sit and I think, whatever, if he traces me that is fine, I need to stop the world from being held hostage, or even  worse, destroyed. “800-559-9191”

“Got it, all your info will be there momentarily, once it arrives, you know what do with my number” hey says

“I know” I hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket.”


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« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 02:57:40 PM »
 :bowdown  :horns up

loving It


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« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2013, 08:53:32 PM »
How do you like the fight scense and stuff tibs, like im writing chapter 6 now so it might be a few days for that gets up, but im hoping to have the book completly done by the end of the year and then on to publishers to try to get it published., but am i putting enough detail in my fight scenes, do you the book is progression nicely, or moving fast or slow,like i said this is the first book i have writtin and am trying my damndest to keep it entertaining keep a steady flow and everything.


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« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2013, 10:43:35 AM »

Chapter 6
Strategic Planning

About 15 minutes go by and sure enough I hear something start to come in on the fax.

“Hey Tibs, Stop working on the construction companies, I believe we are about to have what we need.” I say

Tibs “Great, cause I have no clue how much longer this was going to take, I have been threw 50 construction companies already with nothing out of the ordinary.” The Fax continues to come through with multiple pages.

Ryden “I’m Going to go see what is on the fax, I will be right back.”

I go to the fax machine and pick up the papers, everything is there. I have average staff count, blue prints of the entire facility, and even entry and exit points. I walk back to the conference room where Tiberius is and set down the papers and start to look at everything and start piecing it together.

Tibs “Let’s take a look at the blueprints first”

 Tibs grabs the blueprint papers and spreads them out on the conference table and when we decipher what we see, we are stunned.

Ryden “There is no way this can be right.”

Tibs “It’s there in black and white.”

Ryden “I know, but if this is correct, there is only about a total of 30 miles that employees work with and the other 252 miles is all storing nuclear weapons.”

Tibs says in a soft shocked voice, “We have got to find a way to shut this place down for good”

Ryden “Well, on a good note, with their only being 30 miles of actual employee work space, we won’t have to search forever hopefully for the dam central control system, in Fact, the blue prints shows that the central control system is right near one of the 5 entry points in the facility.”

Tibs “What is really odd about these blue prints, is it shows 5 entry points and then 5 separate exit points, almost as if you can only enter  one way and only exit one way.”

Ryden “Now, It says there is between 20-30 people in the central control center at any given time, that is going to be tough, I just don’t want to go in there guns a blazing and set off a reaction that will destroy all of humanity.”

Tibs “Right, but with all of these, I guarantee there is some type of self-destruct protocol in place, or a permanent inactive protocol that would inactivate all nuclear devices in case of a takeover.”

Ryden “So I have about 22 hours left, we are about an hour away from the facility. The entry point that is close to the central control center is roughly 100 miles farther then our last point where we were at.”

Tibs “So we are looking at another 30 minutes making the drive about an hour.”

Ryden “So how do we find it, Just go to the coordinates and hope for the best.”

Tibs “Well lets come up with all the internal planning first and we will worry about how to get in when we leave here. We can always do some recon there before we make our move.”

Ryden “Good point, WHERE THE FUCK ARE KEN AND CHRIS???!!!! You know what, Fuck em!! I have a better Idea, Now the central control center is closest to the second entry point so I bet that will be the most guarded, however, if we entered entry point number 1, It is only 1 mile from the central control system. It looks like that is the grunt entry point as well, looking at these blue prints these is probably all the mechanics and stuff, people who don’t know shit what is going on. This will be the easiest entry point to get into to.”

Tibs “Well how do expect to get in without being noticed?”

Ryden “Your idea, Recon. After we got the inside plan completely figured out I say we go out a ways and abandon the truck, lay in the snow and wait for a shift change. The least one of us have is about 18 hours, shifts at most our 10 hours long. We should be finished and there in the next 3 to 4 hours. Once we see the people enter, we execute them, and then take their uniforms and badges. I have a Pic of me and can modify the badge; do you carry a picture around of you?

Tibs “Yeah, just in case of an event like this, I always have self-portrait 2 by 3 of me.”

Ryden “Good.”

Tibs “Now once we enter, we will still have a mile to travel, to get the facility, now I’m pretty sure the grunts can be walking a mile along to the control center without being stopped and asked why.”

Ryden “Maybe, but maybe not, Lets prepare for the maybe.”

Tibs “I say once we are in, there are bound to be some type of janitor services, and they can walk anywhere I bet. Once we get in, we start our walk looking for janitors, find them, knock them out, change to their uniforms and are on our way.”

Ryden “Great idea Tibs.”

Tibs “I figure we have at least a half a mile in the grunt uniform before anyone comes even close to suspicious, plus there is  a check point we have to go through ¾ of a mile into it.”

Ryden “Let’s see who has clearance through that checkpoint”

   I go and look at the other papers that came in on the fax, In the blue prints, it says that it is check point 2-75. I look through the papers in hopes to find, and there it is, A page with all the checkpoints and people who have clearance at every check point.

Ryden “It looks like Janitors, anyone working in the central control system, and all superiors have access to this one.”

Tibs “All superiors that is great. That means we won’t need the janitor uniforms, when we go in, let’s scout for the supervisor uniforms for the grunts, they will more than likely enter at checkpoint 1 as well and will also be able to have access to where we need to go.”

Ryden “You are a genius Tibs, but you know I would have thought of it”
Tibs “But I thought of it first, So TIBS has DIBS on THESE IDEAS”

Ryden “OH so on top of ALLL YOUR TALENTS,……… you’re a fucking poet to.”

Tibs and I enjoy a laugh, but it is short lived. We have a good Idea on how to enter the facility, now we just have to figure out how to enter the facility literally. “Well let’s start preparing to hit the road for good.” I say

Tibs “Gotcha”

  Ken and Chris are still on mind, but, unfortunately, I have no time to try and play babysitter, I start grabbing gear for the cold, and also grab a snow guile suit.  I look around and see Tibs grabbing the same type of supplies I am, but I notice he grabbing extra clothing to stay warm as he mumbles to himself about being in the dam cold. I can’t help but chuckle as I continue packing my things.

  I have a book bag that is filled with a hand gun, silencer, clips, a USB port with hacking software installed into it, A small automatic handgun just in case things get dicey, and clips for that gun as well. I put on my book bag and put the snow guile suit over it, I look over to see Tibs all guiled out as well, but I notice he has two ski masks on, a thin and a thicker one, Plus goggles.

Ryden “Tibs, you ready to rock.”

Tibs “Yes Sirrrr.”


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« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2013, 02:37:08 PM »
How do you like the fight scense and stuff tibs, like im writing chapter 6 now so it might be a few days for that gets up, but im hoping to have the book completly done by the end of the year and then on to publishers to try to get it published., but am i putting enough detail in my fight scenes, do you the book is progression nicely, or moving fast or slow,like i said this is the first book i have writtin and am trying my damndest to keep it entertaining keep a steady flow and everything.
loving it all


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« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2013, 05:16:43 AM »
dude you got some good talent haven't read all of it yet but think im gona Ive just started getting back into reading a lot my self rite now im reading the book the titanic pretty decent book to . so how ya been doing by the way harvy aint talked to ya in a wile


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