Author Topic: CODE MEDUSA....A Book  (Read 4610 times)


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« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2013, 09:37:51 PM »
I really wanted the reader to know the special relationship these two had abs felt this was a perfect chapter to do it in. I  mean 10 pages of just walling in the snow would have been pretty hard to fill all that show there was nothing like a flash back memory for the reader to understand why these two are unique, yes they where also in the same training class that the reader learned in the beginning but this really shows the connection these two have. With every book you typically have a boring chapter or two just to progress the story line but I figured there was a way to progress the story line tell the back story and keep it exciting


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« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2014, 08:09:28 PM »

   I open my eyes and look around. I’m in a bed covered in many blankets near a fire place. I look to the right and notice Tibs sleeping on the chair next to me. I try to sit up, but someone comes in and stops me.

“Relax; you’re in a safe place, warm yourself. You know you almost died twice, once because of the frozen tundra you were walking through, and once because you shot the glass out our window and we were about to kill you. Once we realized both of you were practically dead, we decided to check your bodies before we put a bullet through your head and noticed you were one of us, so we started nursing you back to health.” He said

Ryden “How is he doing?”

“Tiberius?” He continues “He was in better shape than you, (chuckles) you saved his life, without your layers of clothing, he would have died out there. You know he has not left your side since he awoke. I tried to feed him, give him water and he would not take it until you woke up. You guys must have some kind of bond that is very hard to find these days.”

Ryden “He’s my lover.”

Tibs opens his eyes starting to wake up and says “The fuck I am.”

We all three enjoy a good laugh

Ryden “Nah, but let’s just say we have been through hell and back and the only way we could have survived is by relying on each other. What is your name?”

He says “Well my name is Arthur, but everyone calls me Artorius which is the medieval version of Arthur.”

Tibs “Well Artorius, Let’s eat because I am starving and I’m sure my “Lover Boy” here would like some food as well.”

Artorius “Not a problem, the food is already ready I will bring it to the both of you.”

Ryden “You are not our butler, we will get up and get it ourselves.”

Artorius “No, it is fine, I insist. You guys need your rest to recover.”

 So Artorius goes and comes back with 2 plates covered with food, Each has a 20 ounce steak, Full loaded bake potato, Fresh Green Broccoli, and also has a bowl with salad and brings us a few dressings to choose from. We start to eat and there was something kind of itching at my brain that I had to ask Artorius.

Ryden “Artorius, this food is so amazing, cooked to perfection, I have a quick question for you though.”

Artorius “Go Right ahead.”

Ryden “You said earlier that WE started nursing you back to health. I see no one here but me, you, and Tibs, who else is here with us?”

Artorius “Well at the time, we had someone else here, Blade, but he went home already and won’t be back for 2 weeks, we have a 4 weeks shift change here, so It is I, Blade, and another guy, Flame, That runs this post.”

Ryden “You guys love your nicknames don’t you; I’m assuming that isn’t there biological names.”

Artorius “That is right, we all have been going by Nicknames since we got here, I believe I am the only person who introduced myself with my biological name, Arthur, Everyone else has been so secretive, but that is why they call me Artorius.”

Ryden “Well doesn’t hurt to be too safe.”

  Tibs and I enjoy the feast that was cooked for us, I personally always have my guard a little up, we continue to have a conversation enjoying jokes and laughter, but we all know that is soon about to end, and sure enough a little while after we have eaten, my phone rings.

Ryden “Agent 091 Ryden Eden”

“Transportation will be on its way to get you to your final destination within 30 minutes” The voice on the other side of the phone says and then hangs up.

  I take my phone and put it back in my pocket, get all the blankets off of me and stand. I look over to Tibs and say “Get ready, we are about to roll out.”

Tibs “Oh Yeeeeaaaa, Another form of transportation to get shot down and destroyed”

Ryden “I think we will be ok Tibs, I think they would have found us by now if they were on our trail.”

Artorius “You are perfectly safe. Do you guys need anything before you guys head out.”

Tibs “Yes, layers and LAYERS and layers of clothes please.”

Artorius “I will get them for you.”

   With that Artorius goes into another room and when comes back he has multiple layers of warm clothing for both of us. Tibs and I put them on and then put these monstrous snow jackets and snow pants on to help keep us warm.

   Sure enough about 30 minutes go by and we hear the sounds of a helicopter coming in to get us.

Artorius “Well it was nice to meet you guys, Good luck on your journey, hopefully the last of issues have passed.”

Tibs and I look at each other and then look at Artorius and together say “Naaahh” and all 3 of us enjoy a good laugh.

   The helicopter lands and we hop on give a quick wave to Artorius and head start rise up and fly away.

I look at the pilots and say “We still headed to Greenland first?”

Captain “No, we believe that position has been compromised we are headed somewhere else.”

Tibs “Where to?”

Captain “Can’t Say.”

Tibs and Ryden together “Figures.”

   Tibs and I for some odd reason start making the craziest faces at each other to lighten the mood. We were both trying not to laugh as the first one who laughed lost. I reversed my eyelids and stuck my tongue on my nose. He then proceeds to pull his lips out as far as he can stick his tongue and due this weird thing with his eyes where they bulge out. I quickly counter with putting my shoe in my mouth (yeah I’m flexible like that).

   Without skipping a beat Tibs says “I can do that to!!” and he goes to put his foot in his mouth but he just can’t quite do it. He is starting to get pissed at the fact he can’t do it and I burst out into laughter at which point he proclaims “YOU LOSE YOU LOSE!!!” and he starts laughing as well.

   We decide just to chill out and I take my phone out and start playing music from it. I did manage to cop a pair of headphones before we left.

   When I listen to music I literally zone out. I lose track of time, distance I have gone, minutes are hours once I put on these headphones. Sure enough no sooner than I have seemed to put them on, is when we start to land. I’m pretty sure hours have gone by but It definitely doesn’t seem like it to me.
   The helicopter lands, it seems a little warmer then where we left at, but still pretty cold none the less. I noticed we are at a small isolated airport, and it is very peculiar Jet that seems a little big for the airport.  I look to the captain and ask “Where are we?”

Captain “Somewhere in Canada.” He continues “Go ahead and go get on that jet, it will take to where you need to go.”

   With that Tibs and I get of the helicopter and walk over to the jet. Once we get to the jet the pilots open the door and say “Go wheel that boarding ladder over here and get on.” We go get the boarding ladder and roll it up to the door and get on the plane. Once we get on the plane the Captain pushes the ladder out a little show he can shut the door. He starts the engine and starts to head to the runway. The cockpit door is still open so I get out of my seat and proceed to the cockpit to ask the captain a question.

Ryden “This runway is a little short for this big of an aircraft, you sure you’re going to be able to take off, how did you even land this plane here.”

Captain “Well you know how on the Navy ships they have them cables to stop the plain from going off because there runway is obviously too short to come to a short stop” I nod my head “Well we have a similar hook up here and this runway does have them cables for us to catch and slow us down so that way we were able to land safe and sound.

Ryden “What about the takeoff?”

Captain “This plane does not have anything on it besides us, it is super light. We will do a static take off and be up in the air with some runway to spare.”

   With my questions answered I go and sit back next to Tibs. Knowing that they would not tell us where we were headed, I didn’t even ask. I sit back in the nice plush seat push the button for the seat to recline and start to hear the engines go to full power with the brakes still on. Once the engine have reach full powe


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« Reply #47 on: January 10, 2014, 08:12:38 PM »

   With my questions answered I go and sit back next to Tibs. Knowing that they would not tell us where we were headed, I didn’t even ask. I sit back in the nice plush seat push the button for the seat to recline and start to hear the engines go to full power with the brakes still on. Once the engine have reach full power he releases the brakes abruptly have the plane accelerate at a powerful level, sure enough we takeoff just fine and start to rise to cruising altitude.

   Tibs looks over to me and as serious as he can be, which I know he is serious as he can be, asks “Do you think we going to a colder place then we were at? If we are this is bullshit, I specifically put on my profile I am allergic to cold weather.”

I laugh and then say “Put on your headphones and relax man, we will find out soon enough.”


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« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2014, 10:50:05 AM »
I really wanted the reader to know the special relationship these two had abs felt this was a perfect chapter to do it in. I  mean 10 pages of just walling in the snow would have been pretty hard to fill all that show there was nothing like a flash back memory for the reader to understand why these two are unique, yes they where also in the same training class that the reader learned in the beginning but this really shows the connection these two have. With every book you typically have a boring chapter or two just to progress the story line but I figured there was a way to progress the story line tell the back story and keep it exciting

Good way to handle it. One other way is to let is all build up, which is also what you are doing. But I'm thinking like the first two seasons of Fringe if you've seen it. Not that a TV show compares to a book but that show was masterful in building up to something bigger all while people could enjoy each episode.
Life is The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed


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« Reply #49 on: January 30, 2014, 11:21:06 PM »

    I open my eyes only to hear that we are landing, I look over at Tibs and he looks like he is just waking up as well. I take my headset off and ask “How long have I been out?”

Tibs “Well we have been in the air for about 10 and half hours, and we are finally touching down.”

Ryden “We are we anyways?”

Tibs looks out the window and his eyes light up with joy “So----

I cut him off “Some place warm.”

Tibs “Yes. YES! YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I can see beaches and everything.

Ryden “Okay, just remember we are here for work buddy.”
Tibs “I know, isn’t great, we finally get to work in a nice warm environment.”

   I can’t help but chuckle how Tibs can feel like he is in heaven just because he is in a warm environment. Nevertheless I am Happy myself as that frozen tundra was starting to get to me. We feel a bump and we know that the plane has touched down and we feel the power of the engines using there revers thrusters to slow us down. We taxi to the loading area and there is someone wheeling the boarding ladder over to our plane. The First Officer opens up the door and proceeds to say “Welcome to Morocco.”
   We give each other a very odd look and then both say to the captain at the same time “Morocco, Africa.” The first officer nods and we walk onto the boarding ladder and off the plane. We notice a man on a motorcycle with two more next to him with no one on it. Now these are not your American motorcycles, they look more like dirt bikes with street tires on them, and they seem to be two stroke as well. This is the way most people do get around in Africa though. We walk up to the guy.

He Says “Agent 90, 91 lets ride.”

   At this point I couldn’t resist and I look over at Tibs and say “I have the need….”

   We both say “THE NEED FOR SPEEED!!!!” Then we sing “HIIIGGHHH WAY TO THE DANGER ZONE   DADADADAAAAA!!!!! We laugh put on our helmets, start our bikes and let this guy lead the way.

  This guy drives fast because he knows the terrain and the dirt roads well, Tibs and I however manage to keep up. He leads us into the forest, but there are still dirt roads that go through it. We keep up with him the best we can, this guy slows down to turns left at a 90 degree angle and hits the throttle, Tibs and I stay right behind him. We have to be at a cruising speed of around 70 MPH on this small dirt road, it is crazy. Most of the turns are not that sharp and we can keep most of the speed.
   Turning left and right constantly at more around 45 degree angles now, but once again he slows down to make a 90 degree right hand turn and punches it, this time as Tibs and I make the turn we do not see him, but notice an incline and figured he is already up the hill. Tibs and I do not hesitate and we turn the throttle all the way back, once we get to the top of the hill, we see why we cannot see him anymore.

   We fly through the air and there is a major descent to the other part of the dirt road. The road sinks at least 50 feet below from where the incline had started. We land on a decline and notice it flattens out and leads to another incline. Tibs and I love this rollercoaster road and punch it and we fly back up in the air at least 50 feet, this time however we land on the flat dirt road and see our guy a little bit further ahead of us then we expected.
   We twist our throttles and start to catch up to an appropriate tailing distance. We continue in the middle of the forest, more like a jungle at this point, with trees and plants right next to the dirt road. The turns are creating us to really lean into them as they around 60 degree turns now. We reach a little bit of a straight and the guy slows down in the middle of the dirt road and stops right in the middle of the jungle.

Our engines are still on so I yell at him “WHY ARE WE STOPPING!!”

He yells back “FOLLOW ME!!”

   At this point he turns off the road and continues to weave in and out of the trees and plants, Tibs and I have to follow single file but we do everything we can to try to keep up. We travel for another 30 minutes weaving in and out of this jungle, and with no road to keep the terrain at least a little bit smooth, we are constantly going up and down getting air here and there.

   Finally I see what we are going to; I see a small little hut in the middle of the jungle that we ride up to and I hear him cut off his engine. Tibs and I pull up right next to him, cut off our engines, take off our helmets, put down our kick stands and get off the bikes.

He says “I really thought I was going to have to go slow for you two.”
Tibs “Well you don’t know Ry and I, We love to Fly.”

He says “I am Apio and please come this we way.”

   We follow him into the hut, it is only one room, there is a hammock in it along with a table and with 6 chairs around, beyond that, and there is much room for anything else. We see a man, quite a bit older than us but by no mean’s old, probably in his mid-40s. He looks at us and is kind of in shock. He just stares at us for a minute, and then he finally speaks.

“So these are the two Agents that can do anything, any mission, no matter how difficult the circumstance, even when we send them on basically a suicide mission they not only manage to come out alive and well, but also complete every little objective on the mission.”

Ryden “We take pride in what we do, we have pushed our minds and our bodies way the past normal extremities, there is a reason we graduated first in our class.”

“Indeed you have, well you guys have checked out, are you ready to meet him?”

Tibs “Indeed we are, his he here?”

“Heavens no, I couldn’t risk you two being followed, from here we go about 4 miles into the jungle and get on the helicopter.”

   We see Apio fall to the ground and blood starts to puddle up where his head is.

Ryden “GET DOOWWNN!!!!”

  We hear automatic weapons going off all over the place, bullet go through the hut like it is a napkin, the only thing even giving us decent cover is the table, which is surprisingly made of really thick wood and then covered on top with a 3 inch marble slab. We put it on its side and hope the bullets are coming from that side.

Tibs “I hear at least 10, could be closer to 15 weapons.”

Ryden “You have any grenades in this place?”

“No.” he says “I do have a couple of automatic rifles over in that corner though.”

   I look around, trying to find a way out, the bullets are still flying at us at a constant pace. I run over to the guns and notice four automatic rifles, AK-47’s with about 7 clips extra for each gun. I throw one to Tibs and one to the Prodigy, put all the clips in the bag and run back to the marble slab table with my gun.

Ryden “We all have about 9 clips, so we need to use them wisely. Do not shoot until you see them.”

Prodigy “There is a way out, shoot at the floor over there trust me.”

   He points towards the left rear corner of the hut; we all unload half a clip at the area.

Prodigy “Jump through the floor it will get us out of here.”

   All of us proceed to the area we shot up, jump up and slam our feet down on the ground and break through the floor. We fall about 10 feet and land on dirt, we fall into what seems like a carved out  escape route in the dirt.

“Did you dig this up as an escape route?’ I ask

Prodigy “Why in the world would I think I would need an escape route in the middle of nowhere off the already majorly beaten path. It being dug for a well, but no spring was found, and the tunnel leading us out was originally intended to be a diamond mine, of course it was left unfinished.”

Tibs “Blood diamonds, quite popular in Africa.”

Ryden “yes, That is what they are known for. Prodigy, Do you think we can make it to the helicopter or do we need to figure out a plan B.

Prodigy “We should be fine, This tunnel will take us about a quarter of a mile underground, But at the same time I say we should sprint this first part until we get out of the tunnel at least. Put some ground between us and them.”

Tibs “Agreed, I’ll Race ya Ry.”

Ryden “Ready, Set…”

Tibs “Go”

   With that we all sprint through the tunnel at full speed, Tibs decide to say go and get an early jump, the bastard. He gets to about 5 feet in front of me when I start to slowly catch him. We start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and He and I are neck and neck. The Prodigy, we will just say is a few steps behind. Tibs I can tell is starting to get winded so I put in one last thrust and start to take the lead, but Tibs turns on his last burst of speed as well. We finished almost neck and neck but I bend my head over and get him by a torso.

   We start to slow down and the Prodigy, who was about 10 feet behind catches up. We do not slow down to a walk, but remain at a nice light jog and keep moving toward the helicopter, I of course start talking shit.

Ryden “Tibs, what happened, thought you could cheat and win?’

Tibs “You got lucky as hell, and you didn’t even beat me our legs where parallel to each other.”

Ryden “Did my torso get out of the mine before yours did.” I pause and he looks at me pissed off “alright then, shut the fuck up. AND YOU CHEATED SAYING GO AND TAKING OFF, YOU CAN”T BEAT ME BOOOYYYYY, I GOOOO HAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!”

Tibs “Am I really not going to hear the end of this, I had a gun on back?”

Ryden “and I didn’t?”

Prodigy “Are you guys always like this?”

Ryden “Only when he makes excuses and cannot admit when I am superior to him at activities, just like on the basketball court.”

Tibs “I beat your ass all the time on the court.”

Ryden “How many seven game series have you won?”

Tibs “Like two.”

Ryden “exactly, Like two. I have won at least 8.”

Tibs “Bullshit, you have won like 5, if that.”

Ryden “BULLLLSHIIIT!!!!!! You know we have played a lot more than that.”

The Prodigy start to take the lead and says “Follow me guys we are almost there. I swear your guys worst then teenagers.”

   We follow the Prodigy and go back underground, this time however you can tell our agency built it. It seems like a tree, but he hits like 3 things on it and a door opens up.  The tree then closes behind us as soon as we get in. We follow the Prodigy down some metal stairs, into a hallway in which we have to walk single file in. We walk about a 100 feet and there is a huge opening and there are two helicopters underground.

Prodigy “Can anyone of you fly a helicopter by yourself?”

Tibs and I at the same time “I can.”

Ryden “Bro I am way better than you at flying a helicopter, let’s keep it real.”


Ryden “Bitch I will school you right now.”

Prodigy “We do not have time for this, here is a coin, Head Ryden flies solo, tails Tibs flies solo.

   He flips the coin and it lands, Tibs and I looks at it.

Tibs “What the Fuck, Is that heads or tails.”

Prodigy “How in the hell am I supposed to know, it is an African coin.”

Tibs and I just throw are palm right in our forehead.

I pick up the coin “Look this side we will call heads the side with the elephants head on it. The side with spear on it we will call tails. Heads I fly solo, tails you don’t fly solo.”  I say

Tibs “Fuck that!”

Ryden “Just seeing if you were paying attention, tails you fly solo” I flip the coin and it lands on the elephant head.
Tibs “Best 2 out of 3.”

Prodigy “Let’s go, Ryden take the helicopter, Tibs fly with me.”

   I get into the farther helicopter, and starts to start it up. Tibs gets in the other one and starts to start that one up as well. The Prodigy Presses a butt that start to have the ceiling of the place open up, with half of the ceiling sliding one way, and the other half the other way. He then proceeds to get in the helicopter with Tibs and are propellers are spinning at practically full speed at this point.

All of us put on our headsets and the Prodigy says “Next top, The man in charge.”


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« Reply #50 on: February 12, 2014, 07:12:28 PM »

  With the ceilings fully opened, we now start to bring the helicopters off the ground.  I get on the radio and say “I love these assault helicopters; they can do barrel rolls, loop to loops and everything.”

Prodigy “Do you ever take anything seriously?”

Ryden “I would lose my edge if I did.”

   By this point we have made it over the jungle and are now rising in the air, when my radar starts going off like crazy, I look down and scream in the radio “RPG!!! RPG!!! RPG!!”  I noticed an RPG coming right for me, I wait one extra second and then do a levitating barrel roll, I go sideways from the ground while raising the helicopter about 20 feet then get to a full upside down position as the RPG flies by me, at this point I have raised my helicopter about another 10 feet. And then I complete the circle. “Are you guys Okay??!!”

Tibs “Where hit MAYDEE MAYDEE!!!!”

   I look over to see what has happened, they were not hit hard, but they won’t be able to keep the Helicopter stable much longer, “Put into to auto pilot and Jump to mine.”

   The Prodigy Is the first to come, I am as close as the propellers will allow, I position myself a little lower and angle it up just a little so they can jump in. The Prodigy jumps fine no problems. Tibs puts the Helicopter in auto pilot mode to try to keep it stabilized. The rotor propeller goes out and I have to back away as the helicopter starts to spin.

   Tibs still has his headset on, we are about 1000 feet of the ground but he is dropping and dropping fast. I say “TIBS, JUMP I WILL CATCH YOU!!!”

   Tibs takes his headset off, and the Prodigy is strapped in to my helicopter, Another RPG flies by, missing both helicopters. Tibs jumps from about 800 feet from the ground as I start to position myself below the helicopter still up right. I do the opposite of my first barrel roll lowering myself right about 50 feet putting myself on the side, and the I start to go upside down as Tibs is falling into the helicopter catching him on the roof. I Go about an extra 20 feet upside down sideways to attempt to avoid the helicopter that is falling down and spinning of control.
   I start to put my helicopter on its other side while raising, Tibs is holding on to the handle bar, I feel the Helicopter Blades just Scrape the bottom of my helicopter as I continue the barrel just in the nick of time so it doesn’t take of the landing gear. Just as I finish A huge explosion pushes us to the side, I quickly rotate my Helicopter to face the way we are pushing and put and start high tailing it out of the jungle. Another RPG had been shot at us, but luckily it hit the already failing helicopter that basically shielded us from sure death.

   I start laugh as we have made it out and The Prodigy looks bewildered and asks “Why are you, How could you be laughing at a time like this?”

Ryden “It is just funny.”

   Tibs is getting pissed because he knows why I am laughing but The Prodigy continues to inquire and asks “What is funny?”

Ryden “The fact that I avoided the RPG and saved you two, all while flying solo, and the helicopter with two helicopters couldn’t even avoid an RPG that wasn’t even meant for them.” I start to laugh louder, at this point my amusement is over, I am just laughing louder to rub in Tibs face and then I say “I guess that means I am a better helicopter pilot then both of you COMBINED!!” At this point I laugh even louder.

Tibs is so pissed off that he Yells at me “The only reason we even got hit by that RPG is because of the way you avoided it, when you did the barrel roll, the heat seeking part of the missile made it rise right to us as it was still somewhat latched onto you, If we wouldn’t have been 100 feet above you in the first place it never would have hit us. It would have been a direct hit if it wasn’t for me spinning out of the way!!!”

Ryden “Did you avoid the whole missile, because I remember the RPG being latched on to me and I even screaming in the radio RPG!!! RPG!! RPG!!! To give you a heads up, which I had none by the way. The RPG caught me completely by surprise; at least you had a second to prepare.

Prodigy “How did you guys ever complete missions together?”

Tibs “Are you serious, we love each other, the second you mind focuses on purely the bullets flying by your ahead or RPG’s coming right at your aircraft, you’re done. You go into panic mode and lose your calm cool swagger, you’re no longer smooth. The reason we are so good is because we get the mission done and make a game out of it.”

Ryden “True, true.”

Prodigy “You make a game out of it?”

Ryden “Of course. If they say complete this mission in 72 hours, we try to do it in 48, both of us typically have time to spare and chill, before our minds go back to regular, have no clue who we really are mode. We take every mission seriously, without taking it seriously, which gives us our edge.

Tibs “I have never had someone put that so intuitively before, take missions seriously without taking it seriously. You, sir, should be a Professor.” This was in a very sarcastic tone

Ryden “Shut up Tibs. I should, however, run a clinic on how to fly helicopter apparently. Prodigy, gives me the coordinates we are far enough away from them they will have no clue where we are going to.

Prodigy “Just head toward Lebanon, we will meet him somewhere there, he hasn’t gave me the exact coordinates yes.”

Ryden “Lebanon it is.” With that I start heading east toward Lebanon.

Tibs “Lebanon, why Lebanon?”

Prodigy “Well has high profile of a place that it is, with all the wealthy people there, it is actually very low profile for people like us, it is one of the least expecting countries, and the General of this whole operation, out of the all the places he has been in and run into issues, has had no problems in Lebanon.”

Ryden “It makes sense. I am glad it is not that far from here either. Tibs why in the world are you complaining, it is nice and warm in Lebanon as well.”

Tibs “I am definitely not complaining whatsoever, I have never been to Lebanon, or anywhere close to that in any mission in my entire career here.”

Prodigy “There is a really good reason for that, we always make sure missions are never done anywhere near what we call true safe points. There is only a few areas that are that safe, so we think it is best to never take any missions near them areas.”

Ryden “Yeah I definitely understand that philosophy.  It is kind of like don’t stick your pen in company ink.”

Prodigy “What does that mean/”

Tibs “Don’t date women you work with. If it goes bad it can cause a lot of drama…..and If your just doing a onetime thing with them, OOOOooooooo Buddy, that can go real bad real quick.

Ryden “Tibs, does someone know from experience?”

Tibs “Someone does know from experience, but she was hotter than burning flames of hell, so it was worth it.” All of us can’t help but chuckle on that one. I hook up my headset to my music and notice Tibs put his ear buds on and The Prodigy looks like he is going to be taking a nap. I zone out on the music and continue to fly.

   The entire ride takes roughly 5 hours in the helicopter, be we do manage to get there. I detach my music from my headset and look over at Tibs, and he comes and sits in the co-pilot seat.

Ryden “That is exactly where you should be…..The CO-PILOT SEAT.”

Tibs “Are we really going to start right now?”

I laugh and say “Nah man I’m just messing with ya, we are on the border of Lebanon, do you want to wake up sleeping beauty.

Tibs “We should, but what is his real name?”

Ryden “I am just as clueless as you bro, we haven’t really had time for proper introductions if you know what I mean.”

Tibs “True, I will go wake him up.” With that Tibs and nudges The Prodigy until he is awoken. Once he is up Tibs says “We are in Lebanon.”

Prodigy “Really, I must have been out for a while. I will call him now.” The Prodigy pulls out his Phone and calls him; all we hear is the Prodigy’s side


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« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2014, 07:19:27 PM »

Prodigy “Really, I must have been out for a while. I will call him now.” The Prodigy pulls out his Phone and calls him; all we hear is the Prodigy’s side of the conversation. “Were here………..The helicopter………..Will do.”  Then he hangs up an tells me “We need to go to 33.5333° N, 35.5833° E.

Ryden “Yes sir.” I put in the coordinates and we are about 20 minutes from that location according to the satellite GPS on the helicopter. “We should be there in about 20 minutes” I say to Tibs and The Prodigy.

Tibs “How long have you been being mentored to take over now?”

Prodigy “About two years, I will fully be prepared to take over by the end of the third year he tells me.

Ryden “So you have been by his side for two years learning?”

Prodigy “Not at all, the first year I never even knew his location, he just trained me the video conferencing and what not. At the end of the first year is when I finally met him and this whole year has been hands on. I have sent out a couple of mission with even his oversight, and at the end of the mission being completed he showed his gratification as if I was progressing nicely.”

Tibs “So you trained for a whole year, without ever knowing his whereabouts.”

Prodigy “Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but he told me it is like a probationary phase to see if he is really going to train you or not, cause he has tried this twice before, and didn’t the like the individuals he was mentoring so he decided not to let them take over. Apparently I passed the test.”

Ryden “Where at the coordinates, there is a place over there to touch it down.

   With that I touch the helicopter down and shut down the power. We get out of the helicopter and look around, we see nothing.

Ryden “What are supposed to do now Prodigy?”

Prodigy “Wait, he will be here soon, I am sure he seen us coming and will be here shortly.”

  We all wait, for hours and hours, with small talk here and there, but for the most part we wait in silence, keeping our eyes peeled for anything suspicious. The sun sets and the moon has risen, and still some hours go by until it seems it is at the darkest point of the Lebanon night.

   All of a sudden we hear something from a distance, and it seems to be coming up upon us pretty fast. It sounds like multiple horses coming at us in a full blown gallop. The three of us prepare for what is ever about to happen getting behind the helicopter and grabbing the weapons that where stocked in the helicopter. I still had my Ak-47 with and 6 full clips, they lost theirs in the shot down helicopter. There are however, 4 M-4 Carbines with substantial number of clips that where stocked in the helicopter. I grab the M-4 because I like it better, and Tibs does as well, but the Prodigy grabs the AK-47, I assume that is his weapon of choice out of the two.

    The gallop slows to a trot and then to a walk as they reach the helicopter. When we peek out to see what we are dealing with, we notice one man, fully covered in an all-black tunic with a hood as well as a mouth cover so you may only see his eyes. The other 3 horses he had with him where midnight black as well, but no riders.

The Prodigy looks at us and says “That’s him.


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« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2014, 07:33:08 PM »

   The Prodigy is the first to come out of the protection of the helicopter and we follow swiftly behind. The Person on the horse does not speak but rather directs us to the horses in which we promptly get on. The Prodigy proceeds to get on the horse directly behind the man that led the stallions here. I get on the horse behind the Prodigy and Tibs gets on the one behind me.

   The man quickly goes into a full gallop and we follow him and eventually all of us get to the side of him where the horses head is equivalent the back of the Man in all black horse’s hind legs. We ride fast and what seems to be in a straight line for what seems to be most of the rest of the night. At one point I look at Tibs, who was already looking at me, and his eyes where saying the same thing mine where, I really hope we are not being led into an ambush. Nevertheless we kept going tried and true, following this leader of ours, who we have yet to actually see.

   We get to a point where there is a huge desert hill in which our horses seem to take an hour to climb. It was steep and probably was a good 5000 feet in elevation from bottom to top. Once we got to the top, we paused and looked down. The decline was even more father down then the incline was up, and led to a huge ditch of sand in which there was about 30 feet of flatness before another small incline of, what I would say, is around 600 feet.

   The horses start going down, taking their time, but moving a lot faster than a walk. This seems to take even longer then the incline but we finally manage to get to the bottom and we start trotting down the flat service. Out of nowhere it is like something comes out of the sand and it is a passage that we ride through and then it swiftly closes behind us. It is a narrow passage for about 100 feet, in which the hall way declines a little, we ride single file, but then it opens up to almost a barn type setting.  This setting is probably 75 by 75, a pretty large room.

   There is hay on the wall on the right and the left as well as poles to tile up the horses. Next to the hay on each side is a pretty large container of water for the horses to drink out of. We get off our horses but don’t really tie them up and start walking into another hallway. This hallway is about 50 feet in length, and opens up to another pretty nice size room about 50 feet by 50 feet.

   From there we got another room that is on the left. This is a smaller room, about 25 by 25 feet. There is a big round table in the middle of the room with what looks to be 10 chairs. The man in all black goes in the corner to the far right where he takes off is head covering and hangs it up, and then takes the hoody attached to his tunic off his head. He turns back around and stares at all of us.

“I am Byram, Tiberius and Ryden, Agent 090 and 091. You are my two best agents, I have always expected nothing less but perfection from you both, and each time you seem to even exceed that expectation. The prodigy’s name is Ulric.  He was told not to tell you his name and a only information needed as necessity until we met. We are in a world of hurt now and you’re my top 2 agents, the only agents I can truly count on to complete any task and the mission in Siberia was proof.”

Ryden “The real thing I want to know, is why the memory wipe, while the pills for activation of only certain skills?”

Byram “We have been researching this for 50 plus years. Too many times has the entire agency been jeopardize because someone could not take the torture. Trust me; I am not saying I would be able to take some of the things that have had to deal with either, but at the same time that was they were getting paid to do. We started developing this in the 60’s with the CIA, but around 75 they decided to part ways with it. I kept funding it on my own accord until about 85 when the company that ultimately perfected the design of the pill started to develop it. The other company that was working on it was a government agency, and the stayed on for the 10 years while I kept funding, but in 85 this other company offered to assist, and I was tired of being linked to the government. Although we were considered an Independent agency, we still ties with the government, once I parted ways that company and took on development with the one that ultimately perfected the pill in 85, the agency truly became an independent agency with no ties to any government what so ever, allowing me complete freedom on what mission to and not to take.

Tibs “Did you ever take missions that were against the U.S.?”

Byram “No, of course not, but it allowed to make missions from other countries that needed help with other countries. I could take a mission from Afghanistan to assassinate someone from Iran or take on a mission from Kenya to stop drug smuggling in Somalia.”

Ryden “So by completely detaching yourself from the U.S. government you really about to expand the agency way more then you ever could doubling or even quadrupling you’re normal income.”

Byram “Precisely. Follow me.” He goes back out to the main room and make a left to a room that is directly opposite of the hallway we entered from. We all enter the room behind Byram, and noticed a lot of monitors, but they were all hooked up to a laptop and then he explains. “Everything you could possibly need to know about this agency is on this laptop. Contacts to order pills, to Addresses of all the agents and the approximate current locations, although it can be hard because they do like to go on vacation a lot; to missions that have been completed, accepted, denied, and pending missions that have yet to be accepted or denied. It is a custom made Alien ware laptop before dell bought them out and made them horrible. It has a 20 gigabyte hard drive and 5 terabytes of memory.”

Tiberius “So what is all this equipment for?”

Byram “Just extra monitors so I don’t have to do everything on that small little laptop screen, and speakers so I can listen to music or watch movies, I stay here for months at a time. When I leave I to a different location I just take the laptop with me. There is nothing on anything that stays here; everything is on the mobile laptop.”

Tiberius “What if you get caught? What if the Laptop gets destroyed?”

Byram “I have a backup laptop in a very specified location, that is the only thing not on this laptop, but it is in my mind, am not even certain of where it is located.”

Ryden “Isn’t that unsafe?”

Byram “Not at all, I know where the first clue is to where its whereabouts is. I honestly do not remember how many clues I made myself to find it if something ever happened to this one, but I’m pretty sure there is at least 10-25 clues spread around the entire world before I would find it.”

Tiberius laughs “so you’re going Da Vinci code on us.”

Byram “More like Angels and Demons, but yeah.”

Ryden “Back to the history of the Agency.”

Byram “Oh yes, so the completely independent company took over in 85 and by 95 we started testing it. We would train people on a language and then attempt to wipe there memory of it completely and only that. By 97 we had perfected the memory wipe of only certain components and by 2000 the pill was developed to bring back all the training that we wiped. It was not till 2002 when we perfect the time of which it was last and able to manipulate how long you would remember your training with pill. Once we got that perfected, It was only months before we were able to only bring back certain skills and kept others, in what we call remission.”

Ryden “Why did everyone all of a sudden quit?”

Byram “They were going to lose their entire training and only have it activated when we wanted it to be. I would have quit to, I allowed them the option of leaving with all their skills intact. I have kept an eye on all of them to make sure they do not do anything stupid, but at the same time I do not really check up on them, just make sure that


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« Reply #53 on: February 12, 2014, 07:43:57 PM »
Ryden “Why did everyone all of a sudden quit?”

Byram “They were going to lose their entire training and only have it activated when we wanted it to be. I would have quit to, I allowed them the option of leaving with all their skills intact. I have kept an eye on all of them to make sure they do not do anything stupid, but at the same time I do not really check up on them, just make sure that there pattern is basically the same. Of course they have vacations from time to time which are always out of their normal routine but I do not sweat it. I just want to make sure they don’t go to another agency and start working for them.”

Ryden “In came Tibs and I for the first set of grueling training.”

Byram “Yes, your class was my first class, and I only needed on more class after that. That class was my babies, but I was so hard on you guys, made your learn numerous languages, some you have still never used, every weapon that is on this earth, and how to be a marksman on it, every little thing I could think of I made you train on it. The other class I just trained them on a specific skill set, a group became snipers and recons, another group became capturers and interrogators, so there it wouldn’t take me as long to train. I have to send two of them on mission almost all the time to do what one man can do for your entire class.”

Ulric “Byram, I believe it’s time to get down to business, how is it someone always knows there location how is it they knew our secret location in Morocco, we have to figure out the root of the problem so we can stop this.”

Byram “Indeed we do my friend, come lets go back to the strategizing room.”

   Tibs and I go out first; Ulric follows behind, then Byram.  We hear a very muffled sound and turn around, Ulric has fell to his knees with blood flowing from his skull, he falls face first to the ground with a puddle of his own blood starting to surround him.


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« Reply #54 on: February 12, 2014, 07:46:03 PM »

   We look to see Byram holding the gun pointed right where the head of Ulric head would have been.

Byram “You guys just have to be perfect at everything you do. I send you on suicidal missions, and somehow you come out alive with the mission completed. I send you on a mission that there is no way for you two to come out alive and low and behold, you come out alive and well with the MISSION COMPLETED!!!!!”

Ryden “It was you.”

Byram “How else do you think they would know where you are at all times? OF COURSE IT WAS ME!!!”


Byram chuckles “I was trying to kill you through suicidal missions, but you were doing the world well, somehow the both of you have always managed to complete impossible missions. However, this time, you fucked with my plans, I sent you to Siberia to die. There is no way you could have finished that mission alive, none what so ever. The security in that place, where it is located, the way you have to get in and out. I was going to hold the whole world hostage, but you completely destroyed my plans.”

Ryden “Why? You have all the money you could ask for?”

Byram laughs “Money, you think this is about money? THIS IS ABOUT POWER!! I would be able to control every person in the world; they would bow to me and adhere to every command. Luckily I have another plant in development as we speak, and I will not give you gentlemen the opportunity of fucking up my plans again.”


Byram “There like Ulric in front of you, only difference is I didn’t kill them. When I sent them on suicidal missions they died.”

Ryden “We are the last ones.”


Byram “I sent you on missions that I though you did not have the capacity to do, but apparently I was wrong.”

   I look at Tibs and he glances at me, I gave him a look and a hand gesture as if to say, calm down, we have to stay calm and figure this out. See while Tibs is blasting away at Byram like a tyrant, I am just trying to prolong the conversation to find a way to get out of here alive and kill Byram. I am just trying to prolong the conversation and by time, and if Tibs strikes a wrong nerve we are both dead. He has the gun pointed at us and we are too far away from him to bum rush him and grab the gun. There has to be a way out of this.

Byram “There is no point in calming him down Ryden, let him get it all out before he dies.”

Ryden “So you can’t kill us with impossible missions so you going to have our blood directly on your hands.”

Byram “It seems to be the only that to make sure that the job will get done.”
   Tibs is actually calm now and starts laughing, laughing crazily out of his mind actually.

Byram “I guess I would go crazy to if I knew I was going to die.”

Tibs “The fact that you think you can kill us. Do you really think you have us in a position we cannot get out of. Hate to tell you this, but have put us in a lot worse situations that we have come out unscathed from and this will be no different.”

   Byram laughs but I notice Tibs has moved away from me quite a bit, when Tibs laughed, he stomped his feet and slid over a little and every time he yelled he stomped his feet and slid over little over as well, making him have to turn his head if he wants to look at us directly to speak with us.

Byram “This is a situation that even you two Houdini’s can’t get out of, that I am assured of.”

   I know Tibs already has something up his sleeve; I just start talking to Byram to get his attention directly pointed at me.

Ryden “Well you have put us in a lot worse situations, remember the first mission you sent us out in that jungle, we managed to come out of that one.”

Byram “I honestly was not trying to kill you then. That needed to be done, those where horrible people.”

Ryden “And you’re not a horrible person, you want to rule the entire world.”

Byram “I don’t want to kill women and children just for fun, they did. If you have one ruler over the entire world, there will be peace, no more wars, everybody under one flag, on covenant, one set of laws.”

Ryden “You can’t just force them to do it, it will never work out that way, all the nations have to agree together.”

Byram “I totally agree, but I would not be the one in power that way.  I will be able to tell entire nations what to do and how to do it. I will hold the entire world hostage with my atomic missiles. They will do whatever I say or their entire nation will die.”

Ryden “Your just power hungry little prick.”
Byram “Well this power hungry little prick will still be alive in 10 minutes and you won’t.”

Ryden “We will see about that.”

Byram “You think you have plan in your mind that will get you out of here, I promise you don’t.  I have been plotting this ever since Siberia.”

Ryden “So Ken and Chris where on your payroll?”

Byram “No, not at all. They were however part of my overall plan. See I have been secretly working with someone this whole time and they have no clue who I really am. I planned on killing him right before we held the world hostage and taking over his entire operation, but obviously them plans have been postponed.”

Ryden “Every time I think you have fully explained yourself, you just raise the ceiling. You’re like the Michael Jordan of being a power hungry back stabbing piece of shit.”

Byram “Well, I am really getting tired of all the insults, I believe it is time for you to die.”

   Byram points the gun and at my skull when a shoe flies at him and knocks it out of his hand. He hurries to bend down and pick it back up, but I rush to him and tackle him as he grabs the gun in his hands, sending it out of both of our reach. I have him on his side and I am on top in a full mount position. I go to punch him but as I cock back he throws an elbow that hits my left eye and knocks me off of him.

   Byram gets on his feet and jumps for the gun sliding to it and grabbing and start to point it back at me, but Tibs was running towards him and kicks the gun out of his hand. Tibs goes to kick him again but Byram grabs his leg and flips his leg on Tibs shoulders so that he is upside down. He flips Tibs over so that Byram’s back is on the floor, and Tibs is on him stomach on stomach. He yanks at his right leg which he originally used to attempt to kick Byram and separates it from his knee cap.


  I start to get up still a little dazed from the elbow to the temple. I see Byram throwing Tibs off of him and going back for the gun. I start to run toward him but all of a sudden I stop. I start to fall to my knees, I put my hands on my chest then hold them out and look down, and I have blood all over my hands. I am losing energy, but I am not blacking out yet. He points his gun at Tibs and I am looking directly at his side with his attention fully at him.
    I get up off my knees and run towards him as he fires a shot he gets tackled to the ground.  I am on top of him while his on his side. This time he tries pistol whip my skull, but I dodge it cock back and punch in his face. He swings the pistol at me again I go to dodge it but it grazes my nose, breaking it. I cock back and get a clean shot to the face again. He swings his pistol again at me, this time it hits my face and I fall off of him.

   He turns on his stomach to get up, and as he stands up, the hand with the gun in it is on the side that I fell off of him. I rush up with the last bit of energy as he gets on his feet and starts to point his gun at me, I am close enough to grab it with my outside hand, and I twist the barrel to his inside. A shot goes off but I continue to twist it to


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« Reply #55 on: February 13, 2014, 04:05:37 AM »

   He turns on his stomach to get up, and as he stands up, the hand with the gun in it is on the side that I fell off of him. I rush up with the last bit of energy as he gets on his feet and starts to point his gun at me, I am close enough to grab it with my outside hand, and I twist the barrel to his inside. A shot goes off but I continue to twist it to his chest and unload the rest of the clip in him. He falls down, his back hitting the floor and blood starting to pour from his body.

   I run over to Tibs “Tibs, are you ok?”

Tibs “yeah, the bullet just grazed my shoulder.”

Ryden “This is going to hurt, but at least you will be able to walk.”

   I take his leg which had been dislocated and pop it back into place. Tibs screams In agony and pain.

Ryden “Try to move it.”

   Tibs goes to move his leg and it is bending, it is going to swell up like crazy, but hopefully none of the ligaments wore tore and where just strained. If they all tore it will pop right back out of place, if they are just strained then he will be able to walk.

   I look at his shoulder, and there is a bullet hole through it, it is a lot more than a graze, but it is above the heart, so he should be fine. My adrenaline is starting to come down and I start to feel the pain in my chest is starting to rush onto me, and I start bend over in pain. Tibs sits up and starts looking at me, he lays me down on my back and rips my shirt open.

Tibs “There is 2 bullets that went through your chest; we have to get you to a hospital.”

Ryden “Get on the laptop and find a way to call a helicopter in here.”

   The laptop is on and Tibs does runs limping and gets on it, He looks through all the monitors and finds the contact list for vehicles. He makes the call for the helicopters.

Tibs “I need the Helicopter at the Lebanon base NOW!!”

   I can’t hear what the other person said, but I see Tibs hang up the phone and start running back to me. The way he his running, it is almost like a super skip, he does a huge hop on his good leg, lands on his good leg, then barely puts any weight on his bad leg for a split second, and then it is right back to his good leg.

Tibs “We have a helicopter on the way, it will be her in 10 minutes.”

Ryden “Tibs, I’m Fading man. The only thing keeping me going was adrenaline which there is absolutely none left in the tank. I don’t think I’m going to make it this time.”
   I see tears in Tibs eyes, for once he doesn’t think I can make it either. Nevertheless he picks me up and throws me on his good shoulder and starts to drag his bad leg carrying me through the hallway on basically one leg. We get to the opening and he puts me on a horse and then climbs up right behind me to keep me secure. He immediately put the horse in a sprint. We make it out of the hallway and back into the desert.

   I hear the sounds of the helicopter getting closer by the second, but by now I am completely numb, which is not a good sign. I feel no pain and my I can barely hold my eyes open. The helicopter land and Tibs gets on the helicopter with me on his shoulder as quickly as he possibly can.

Tibs “Get us to the closest emergency hospital!!”

Helicopter Pilot “Roger.”


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« Reply #56 on: February 13, 2014, 10:59:27 AM »
 :popcorn:  :bowdown

 :horns up


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« Reply #57 on: February 13, 2014, 02:13:21 PM »
 Tibs I take it that you like it then the twist and everything?? Where almost done it is down to the home stretch


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« Reply #58 on: February 13, 2014, 02:42:40 PM »
I am loving it Brother..every word. so awesome!

when it is done I can't wait to read it over again, so damn epic..

 :horns up

you are really talented, super easy to get drawn into your writing, only a very few have been able to that for me..


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« Reply #59 on: November 03, 2015, 10:39:20 PM »

I open my eyes, my vison is blurry at first, but then slowly but surely comes into focus. I see a man in a suit sitting down next to the bed I am laying in. I look to the other side and notice I am hooked up to a machine watching my vitals as well as an I.V.


Ryden “Who are you?? Why am I in a hospital? How long have I been out for?”

Tibs “Here Ry, Take this pill and I will explain what happened in a minute.”

Ryden “What is this pill going to do?”

Tibs “Just help you recover, you have been in a coma for 3 months.”

  I nod my head and take the pill, The man in the suit sits down and just waits patiently as if that pill that I took is about to do something pretty significant to me pretty soon.

Ryden “Sir, what are you waiting for?”

Tibs “Give it 5 minutes and you will know.” He smirks as he finishes his statement
 I wait, but it appears as if nothing is happening to me all of a sudden my head has a loud ring that seems to be just getting louder and louder, I put my hands around my ears but it doesn’t help, it is getting unbearable, the pressure is about to explode in my head and then……….Complete silence.

Ryden “The Laptop.”

Tibs “Really, That is the first thing you say when you get your memory back??!! Not thank you for saving me or……”

I interrupt him “You sound like such a bitch right now, just thought I would let you know.”

We both chuckle and then Tibs says “I have it, no worries. Lets get you outta of here.”

Ryden “How bad was my wounds?”

Tibs “Well…..One of the bullets grazed your heart, luckily it was so minor that they were able to patch you up, but you went into a coma and they thought you would never come out, you’re probably going to be a little weak since you haven’t used your muscles in 3 months.”

Ryden “Well I got lucky. Tibs, Thanks for saving my ass by the way.”

Tibs “Thanks for saving mine in Alaska, I mean that is what secret agent friends do, save each other lives when they can.”
   We both smile and I start disconnecting everything and sit up. Tibs goes to where he was seating grabs a laptop case, puts the strap over his shoulder and helps me to my feet.  I try to walk, but I can’t walk on my own.

Tibs “Really, You take a 3 month nap, I figured you would be able to walk being fully refreshed, and not need a wheel chair like a little bitch.”

Ryden “Really, I survived a bullet to a heart, but I’m a little bitch??!!! I’m like 2 pac, I keep coming back.”

Tibs at this point had the wheel chair and helped me in it and says “Let’s get you someplace safe.”

He wheels me out of the hospital and into the parking lot, helps me into his car, leaves the wheel chair next to his car and gets in the car in the drivers side. He puts the laptop case in the backseat, starts to call and we drive off.

Ryden “How long is this pill good for, and what did it activate?”

Tibs “Forever and everything.”

Ryden “ How did you manage that?”

Tibs “Well while you where taking your little catnap, I was working there buddy.  I found out who made the pills and connected with him, had the pills made for us, and started working on a recruiting program to start another class of the secret agents.”
Ryden “Everyone is dead, who is going to be the instructors?”

Tibs “Well there are these 2 guys I know that somehow as made it through every suicidal mission they have ever been on.” He and I both smile “Sounds Like a plan to you buddy” Tibs says.

Ryden “Absolutely.”

Tibs “We have to start rehabbing you tomorrow, the first class will be in 6 months, and you are going to be a horrible instructor if you’re going to be in grandpa mode with a wheelchair.”

Ryden “Well I noticed you limping a little bit there buddy, how is your leg doing?”

Tibs “Well my mimosaceous was all tore up and they had to do surgery, strained ACL and MCL as well. But I should be fully good to go in about 6 months.”

 We pull into this driveway of this huge house, it is more like a mansion than a house.  I say “Are we still in Lebanon?”

Tibs “Yeah, I mean they live like God’s here, so we might as well to, I mean the bank account attached to this laptop was ridiculous, Billions of dollars are in it.”

 Tibs gets out of the car comes to the passenger’s side opens the door and helps me out and takes me inside, and proceeds to take me to a bedroom that is on the first floor pretty close to the front door. He puts me in the bed and says “Rehab starts tomorrow, the good thing about being in a coma that long is that all your wounds from the bullets and the surgery have healed, so now it is just a matter of getting your strength back. There is a mini fridge on the other side of your bed, here is the remote to the T.V. If you need anything, here is a button that will send a buzz through this whole house and will be right there buddy.”

Ryden “Hey Tibs……..Thank you, you saved my life, I really mean it.”

Tibs “Well your welcome buddy, but you are going to hate my ass tomorrow, I promise.”

    We both share a chuckle, and he leaves the room and goes somewhere else in this humongous house. About 30 minutes later I press the button and here the buzz go throughout the whole house. Sure enough within a minute he is there and ask “What is it buddy?”

Ryden “Just seeing if it worked.” I smirk

Tibs “Look, Don’t be a dick just because you have a buzzer, I am not your butler.”

    He said it with such a straight and serious face, and we went into a stare down for what had to be a minute, but then we but start to crack up and laugh.

Ryden “Seriously, could you get me some food and something to drink?”

Tibs “sure thing.” He goes to the minifridge next to my bed and pulls out a pepsi can, pops it open and puts a straw in it and hands it to me.

  I can actually lift the can up and down, but it is somewhat challenging, not that it seems super heavy, but I guess my mind has to work on telling my body what to do again.

   While I am thinking on why it is so hard to lift a dam pepsi can, Tibs had already left the room, within 10 minutes he comes back in with a Steak, all cut up into tiny pieces, and mashed potatoes covered in cheese on a plate.

Tibs “Now don’t think im going to be cutting your food like you’re a 2 year old this whole time, this shit is gonna stop real soon.”

I laugh and say “You’re going to try  rehab me faster than a normal person would take to rehab me aren’t you?”

Tibs “I am not going to try my friend, I am going to rehab you faster than it would take a normal person.”

Ryden “AWESOME.” I say in a super sarcastic tone, I know at least the first two out of these 6 months are going to be absolute hell.”

Tibs “Listen, I don’t need no shit, We have 6 months before our first class, I need you at 100 percent. Eat up.

 We talk about petty stuff while I eat, I think he stayed just to make sure I wouldn’t choke on anything while I was eating.  When I was done eating he took my plate and left the room, and I went to sleep.

                                              6 MONTHS LATER
   We land on the ground in a helicopter, I remember this place like it was yesterday, this is the training facility in which I had trained at and it is all still intact to my amazement. Tibs and I walk inside of the entrance which start out as semi-long hallway. There are different plaques of different agents, all of who graduated at the top of there class, We get to a T in the hallway where there is this Case, and in it is a two plaques and pictures of Tibs and I.

    There is also a Plaque in between our two plaques that read.

    These two agents 090 and 091 where the first two agents to tie at the top of their class, they are the only two to finish with perfect scores through out every test, quiz, obstacle course, and every simulation we put them through. Throughout the years, they have been through countless missions and have never even been close to failing. These are the two best agents I have ever trained, and the only two people I would ever trust to run this agency if something where to happen to me. They are the only 2 agents that would ever have a chance to stop me if we were ever pitted against each other, Thank God we never will be.


Ryden “Did this power hungry prick really do this at some point.”

Tibs “I didn’t do it, he must not have always been that way, I don’t remember it being him that trained us though.”

Ryden “Yeah neither do I, No one knew who the leader of this agency was, what was our instructors name again?”

Tibs “It was the weirdest name in the world, It is on the tip of tongue, give me a second.”

   We think for about a minute and then Tibs Remembers. “It was Maryb.”

Ryden “Maryb.” I think for a second “Tibs that is Byram spelled backwards.”

Tibs “It sure the hell is isn’t it, so he Trained us, Well I’ll Be damned.”

Ryden “It makes since, we were only like the third class, I remember now, he said there was something special about me, He was only supposed to allow 30 people in his class, but I was number 31. That is why I am agent 091, and you where the last person to supposed to be in the class, agent 090.”

Tibs “Well he was right, we were the only people who had a chance to take his ass out, and we did.”

Ryden “let’s go to the orientation and fill people in I bet they are waiting and they have no clue how long and rigorous this training will be.

   We make a left at the T in the all way, and to the right, there is a door that is locked, there is a place to put a card for access and Tibs pulls a card out of his pocket and flashes it next to the card reader, the red light turns green and we walk in he takes another card out of his pocket and says, “here is yours, you have access to every room, every place here.”

Ryden “Cool”

  We walk for about 30 feet through a 20 foot wide hallway, and then it opens up to a pretty big room, We are on a stage about 6 feet higher than the floor where the chairs are where there are 6 rows of 5. Every seat is filled and the chairs are pointed are way and everyone is looking at us in silence.

   I look at all their faces, they have no clue what they are in for, the next 2 years of their life will be hell, but it will all be worth it, they have the skills and the talent to take on an entire army by themselves. Tibs and I will spend the next two years training them.  I start to remember when I was sitting there in the 6th row with 1 chair, I was the only person in that row, the person who was not supposed to be there. I wasn’t scared, I was antsy as hell though and ready to get going. I had no clue what I was going to be training for, I just knew I was going to the best at it and do whatever it takes to be the best.

   Before we give our Orientation speech, I look over at Tibs and whisper in his ear “Tibs, this feels like homecoming man.”

Tibs “It sure does my friend, Homecoming Indeed.”


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