Author Topic: Rough draft of pot sinus article  (Read 1337 times)


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Rough draft of pot sinus article
« on: June 03, 2014, 09:15:48 PM »
Medical Weed And Sinus Rinsing

This article is only my opinion, and I am not a doctor; and cannot give anyone any medical advice. I am a judgment referral expert that writes often. If you ever need any medical advice or have a medical problem, please contact a doctor.

Like most people, I had no idea how well medical pot could clean out my sinuses (your milage will vary). If you have a sinus problem, you might want to see a weed doctor, and get a variety of medical weed that does not get you high, because for me; using it makes my sinus rinsing at lest twice as effective, and sometimes a puff of medical weed can eliminate the need to rinse my sinuses at all. My theory is the smoke opens up my sinuses. For me, one puff and gargling and rinsing works better than nose rinsing. I remain sober and my need to rinse my nose (more than once a day) is vanishing.

Here is my story: I have a unique medical problem that in theory is because I have been absorbing stress. I get congested sinuses way too often. For years I've gotten almost no current income, lots of bills (both of those problems will disappear soon), a depressed wife that is always sad, and my business is slow because I tell people the truth and do not take judgments from fools. Thanks to redesigning my business to be less stressful, and moderate usage of medical weed which does not get me high at all, I am quickly recovering. Also I am determined to be happy and sober, even if not yet rich.

I have mediated for 10 years, and no longer feel anger, depression or hate,  or am bothered by stupid things - now I focus on my health, how I treat others, my business, and the content I create. However, my mind seems to absorb negativity (there is a lot in this world) and I might have a generalized somatoform disorder which causes my sinuses to make 100 times too much mucus. I almost lost all my teeth, and spent all my time rinsing my nose. I went to doctors and they prescribed me Prozac, see: - I spent almost a month in a hospital and lost 60 pounds.

Then, thank God, I went to a medical pot doctor, brought my medical records and told them I do not need to get high, but I need to clear my sinuses, the doctor recommended White Empress, one of the 50,000 or so varieties of weed that do not get you high or impair you in any way.

I went to a local dispensary. They sold me $10 worth of White Empress. One puff cleaned out my sinuses better than nose rinsing or the useless and/or very dangerous drugs prescribed by my regular doctors. OMG, I now rinse my nose 1-2 times a day and take about 4 puffs of White Empress. I remain sober, the side effects are clean sinuses, no more vomiting, no more pills, and now the only drugs I take are coffee in the AM, a few puffs of MJ a day and a 8 ounces of beer, and half a melatonin tablet at night. (The beer helps me clear my sinuses, I do not get drunk.)

I am no longer vomiting, my teeth are fixed, and I threw all the doctor's RX pills into the trash, and my health is improving and I no longer take sleeping pills, because weed synergies with Melatonin and helps me sleep well. I am curing myself for about $16 a month with medical weed and 1 beer a day - and remain sober and thank God for pot, it is curing me. Most of my current doctors are fools, they tell me weed is very dangerous and I should go back on Prozac. No way, Prozac is is incredibly dangerous.

Medical weed is safe, and keeps me healthy and sober. Medical pot saved my life, and lets me work and the side effects are a clean sinus, slightly sleepy, and in a good mood, and not impaired like the RX drugs did to me. If you are sick and your doctor gives you pills that cause horrible side effects why not try medical pot. There are many varieties that do not get you high and can fix you when nothing else can. What do you have to lose trying medical pot? Due to my dental reconstruction work, I must spend many hours in the bathroom, where medical pot usually means no nose rinse needed and Google Play makes it a party.

One warning: Medical marijuana works so well, and one night I over-did it. I was not high, however had to flush my nose to get rid of the amazingly-loosened sinus junk. So, like any other "drug", take care not to over-do it. I took 10 hits, and it cleared out 95% of my congestion, and it did not get me high, and I am now working on this article. My smile comes from clean sinuses, not the White Empress medical pot. The side effects of taking too much weed (for me) was an overy clean sinus, and being sleepy.
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Re: Rough draft of pot sinus article
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2014, 10:47:40 PM »
I think You should trade that broken old lady in on a newer model, I'm glad to hear you are getting everything else ya need


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Re: Rough draft of pot sinus article
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2014, 02:52:03 PM »
I forgot, the stupid nuerologist said breathing butane is dangerous? I asked her i liquid gas or a match safer? And I reminded her I smoke a bit of medical legal pot a few times a day and heat the pipe, not the butane, she reminded me
how dangerous medical pot is when I told her I take 1-3 puffs a day and will not take Keppra any more as like Prozac it makes me fall down a lot it is hard to read and write. Pot helps me, most RX is poison...
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Re: Rough draft of pot sinus article
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2014, 05:04:04 PM »
Thats great that it cleared you up. For me weed always seemed to clog my nose up, not even with mucus just plain ol stuffed up. Same with blends sometimes. Oh well, that side effect is well worth it lol


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Re: Rough draft of pot sinus article
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2014, 08:59:34 PM »
 :nannah: weed, prozac and xanax keeps me sane.


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Re: Rough draft of pot sinus article
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2014, 09:37:46 PM »
You should have told the nosy old busybody that You use a vaporizer. Anyone who thinks medical (or any other kind of pot) is dangerous
is at best ignorant. The sad fact is people have died from drinking too much water--DIED from that!! How many folks have died from accidentally
over-ingesting weed of Any Kind??
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 09:44:27 PM by jones »


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