Author Topic: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML  (Read 6073 times)


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2013, 03:24:36 AM »
I feel yuor pain man im getting laid off at the begining  of june my self . Im a school bus driver soon as school lets out no job for me either   :(  Ive been trying to get into Jhon deer thruogh a temp service before this happens but aint had no luck  .went in did the interveiw passed the drug test even had to play hookie 1 day from my bus driving job so I could go thruogh orientation out at Jhon Deer .the temp service knows that im getting laid off  and that I dont plan on returning becouse its only a part time job and  I only get to wok 4 hours a day 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon .I bring in about 400.00 a week so I think its time to move on .the lady at the temp service that gave me my interview said that they were gonna put my name into a pool so basicly if some one got fired or laid off they would take peoples names out of the pool and hire them thruogh the temp service .well she said that she aint never seen nobodys name sit in the pool for no more than 2 weeks .made me really happy when she told me that .I went out and buoght me some  steel toe work boots and a decent pair of saftey glasses .Just my fucking luck its been about 2 months now and i aint heard nothing  from the temp service at all .ive been calling them every monday asking them  what is up with the job and when i woild be getting that phone call .the good news is that my name is next on the list to be hired.  i applied for second shift so me and the wife wouldnt have to hire day care we cant afford that fucking shit anyway . i get to bring my son on my morning and after noon bus  ruot with me so that does save us a lot of money   . come to find out thuogh the laddy at the temp service  just said the hireing rate is  way higher on 1st shift then on 2nd shift dont know why that would be just my luck .So ive been kinda bummed out about them not calling me in 2 freaken months .ive even been applying at other driveing jobs, carwashes , resterants yuo name it just aint had no luck. the jobs are really (SCARCE) around here  rite now and it doesnt help that i live in a little bitty city of a population of 36,966 wich aint  really  shit .my wife is worried that if I dont find a job soon that when i get laid off we aint gonna be able to aford our car payment and our car will get repowed just got it financed  in febuwary so shes freaken over her and so am I .ive even been going up to roofers roofing houses asking if they are doing any hireing and im scared of hiths  so ya im pretty desperet for a job as well Mist .I hope yuo find something soon man that ramen noodle diet aint no joke been there done that . yuo should hit up a few food pantrys and apply for food stamps that shit really helps ! I know some people refuse to get help from the government but hey yuo gota do what yuo gota do  to support yuo and yuor familly especially those little ones .well good luck on the job hunt Mist  and the best of luck  to the rest of yuo guys that are struggling to support yuor familys and finding a job caus i really feel for all of yuo .


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2013, 04:07:37 AM »
Have you ever though about using cannabis to provide for yourself?

I have been to school, got a degree, had many phat jobs, some over 5 years one over 12. Own office, salary. Nothing ever has real "job security" no matter what they tell you.

Companies downsize, go out of business, or in the last case my boss died and his son didn't care about the advertising business and sold the whole thing.

Luckily I found my niche years before and didn't really need that job to pay the bills. Been doing the green thing even since. Started my own business years later separate of the other thing.

Now I do both but the green is smaller.
"Your as mighty as the flower that grows the stones away"


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2013, 06:54:32 PM »
I got self-employed lotsa years ago, some days I make nothing but that equalls out with the days I make $$$, either way I'm not working to make someone else rich
The senate wants to let in another 30-60 Million illegal aliens Good Luck finding a job after that :no-smoking:


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2013, 09:51:45 PM »
Sorry to read about your misfortune. What part of the country do you live? Do you have a profession or sale-able skill set? Wish I could help ya. :weed-sign:


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2013, 11:37:11 PM »
That seriously sucks and I'm sorry. Hopefully you'll collect Unemployment. I was let go this January, right after returning back from Christmas and 10 days before my annual raise hit. However I didn't get to collect UE because my shit ass company modified its policies and fired half of the infractors to skirt unemployment.

Little did they know that I loved my co-workers and fixed their programming errors all day long without reporting them. As I mentioned, I got canned in January. After I got fired they lost the 3 biggest accounts that the company had because I programmed them so complex as job security(guess that didn't work)and no one else could handle them. 5 months later, bitches are out of business and deserve every fucking thing that came to them.

Getting fired was the best thing to happen to me. It gave me time to focus heavily on my own business which I found out grosses far more than that shitty job when I'm actually devoting all my time to it. So it may seem like shit now, but keep your head up. Things happen for a reason, who knows this could lead to your dream job.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 11:57:43 PM by ExileInOblivion »


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2013, 11:47:20 PM »

what job fits you? see here:

The best online job searching tool that I have found is called JOBLINK    Each state would be set up different but this is the one in alabama

All the others now are having scams on their getting your resume info and selling your information to 3rd party companies who will blow your shit up lol   

Not sure if you guys have thought or done this but believe it or not, I've landed some jobs just by flipping thru the phone book & after a few calls, one was hiring and got the job easy. May be worth a shot and would save on gas for sure...Find the ones hiring and head there to fill out app same day!  Worked for me few times!


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2013, 12:07:00 AM »
That seriously sucks and I'm sorry. Hopefully you'll collect Unemployment. I was let go this January, right after returning back from Christmas and 10 days before my annual raise hit. However I didn't get to collect UE because my shit ass company modified its policies and fired half of the infractors to skirt unemployment.

Little did they know that I loved my co-workers and fixed their programming errors all day long without reporting them. As I mentioned, I got canned in January. After I got fired they lost the 3 biggest accounts that the company had because I programmed them so complex as job security(guess that didn't work)and no one else could handle them. 5 months later, bitches are out of business and deserve every fucking thing that came to them.

I just love hearing this!


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2013, 10:35:28 PM »

Thanks for support everyone.  A lot of good info and ideas you guys have thrown my way, I really appreciate all that, really do. 

I have contacted unemployment offices recently and filled out a lot of paperwork and am patiently awaiting some kind of check.  I have no funds right now, so anything they send my way will be awesome, I have about 13 bucks to my name  and a credit card right now that I believe is still working.  Had to borrow a few hundred from a buddy to help pay for rent a few days ago, really sucks borrowing money from friends but I intend on paying that back with interest.

I'm working hard on finding a job but it's very rough out there where I am.  I've applied to over 100 places probably the last 7 days and only heard back from 2 or 3, and they weren't the ones I wanted to hear from, but I was happy to see any voice mail or email message concerning employment.  I had an interview at Wegmans recently, went great thought I was in like flynn then I get an email saying we decided to go in another direction and that I was overqualified for the position.  Overqualified?  Come on. 

Had another interview this week, but it ended up being another dud.  Typical interview, blah blah well call you soon then nothing happened. Actually ran out of gas on my way home about two miles from my place, had to walk the rest of the way - fun walking in your best clothes in 90 degree heat 2 miles.  Really felt like dirt after that.  Depressing as hell.

I've filled out so many apps online, which are very time consuming and pounded the pavement around here with little to no luck.  I've even tried to get my wife to go back to work, but she flipped out at that suggestion.  Just glad someone helped me pay my rent this month, would be hurting big time without that. 

Bologna never tasted so good? Fuck I may have to go get some liquor guys.

- M


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2013, 12:46:06 AM »
That fucking sucks...You know where to find me bro...

Hit me up


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2013, 02:55:09 PM »
Sorry to hear about your troubles, mist, It's tough finding work right now.  I know the application interview process can be a pain in the ass, they all look so promising and it's depressing when you don't hear back.  I feel you and JB.

I know the job search thing sucks, I've been out of work a minute as well, luckily I had some savings saved up and live in a cheap ass area so I can squeak on by for a little.


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2013, 03:51:55 PM »
I hope you get the Wegmans job, they are a really good organization to work for, especially if you stick it out for a while.  I know someone who started with them retrieving shopping carts, after a couple years they actually put him through college and now he is in management making a very good living, and he loves it.
Keep at it, try to keep your determination up, definitely dont turn to alcohol!


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2013, 04:12:37 PM »
I hope you get the Wegmans job, they are a really good organization to work for, especially if you stick it out for a while.  I know someone who started with them retrieving shopping carts, after a couple years they actually put him through college and now he is in management making a very good living, and he loves it.
Keep at it, try to keep your determination up, definitely dont turn to alcohol!

I wanted that one.  It was a customer service job at the customer service desk up front, but it fell through, I thought I had it locked up then I got shut down.  It really was a bummer.  They are listed as one of the best companies to work for in Forbes 100 I believe.  It's a great supermarket anyway, so working there would be no problem for me, wish I got that shit.

Ya I know alcohol is no good but I may have to get something in me later, it calms me down quite a bit....


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2013, 04:22:27 PM »
I think you should go back to Weg.  They post jobs all the time.


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2013, 05:16:32 PM »
I'll keep bugging them but the jobs go fast here, a lot of competition for every job around here.

Even small retail store jobs are getting flooded with resumes from people with bachelor degrees.  Times are tough.


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Re: You're Fired - Lost My Job - FML
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2013, 06:43:50 PM »
Dealing bud is the only way I could see that being a solution, JB.  To start doing that though you need a good amount of dough to get started, unless its being fronted.  Not really looking to do that though, hard to find weed where I am, especially very large amounts for good prices.


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